
Marvel: The God of Mutants

Alex Hall had a second chance, but he never imagined ending up in the world that ended. Disclaimer: I do not own the franchise nor the characters associated with it except for my own original characters. This is all done purely as a hobby and my own form of entertainment. I do not own the cover page, it was an artwork I took from Pinterest. If you are the owner and want me to take it down, contact me.

Neto · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs


Storm finished giving first aid to the passed out man, but she was still very upset, as she just met the person who killed her older sister.

3 years ago, when she discovered that the person who killed her sister was only a small child, that for the first time he experienced his powers, Ororo understood that this child was not to blame, and even that it was very painful to lose his sister. and seeing his nephew grow up without his mother, Ororo was always consoled with the idea that perhaps that child would not be so bad, but that was very different from reality.

 And if it wasn't for Charles's warning, Ororo wasn't sure how to act seeing the boy torture a human.

(Calm down please Storm, although I couldn't look much into Alex's mind, I can assure you that that boy did not feel any kind of pleasure in torturing that man, he only did what he believed was right for his survival)

Charles managed to reassure Ororo a little with those words, but he avoided saying some things.

When Charles stopped Alex's actions, he was right when he said that this boy had no pleasure in his actions, but Charles did not mention that all he felt was complete indifference to his actions.


"I am Professor Charles Xavier, and I am very excited to talk to you, but this is not a place where a child should be, can I take you to your parents? It is already getting dark"

Alex could feel Charles's genuine concern in his words, but there was also caution.

Now it was obvious what would happen, Charles would try to take him to his school, and if Alex thought about it very well it would not be a bad idea for a normal person, it hurts that this is not the case with Alex.

"As long as there are no unexpected intruders, this is a good place to talk, but I was already planning to leave, so if you have a good argument you can start."

Charles wrinkled his face, from his initial interaction with Alex, he tried to learn everything he could from that boy, but to no avail, and it didn't help that Alex managed to avoid any telepathic probing.

But Charles didn't back down, "I run a school for gifted youth, but to be more exact, people like you and me, and maybe it's hard to show right now, but I really want to help you."

Sincerity, a good strategy, Alex thought, too bad Charles was talking to the wrong mutant.

"I suppose you want me as a prisoner in your school to watch over me and straighten my personality, while I hide the world waiting for the day that normal humans accept us, something like that? Or did I summarize it too much?" Alex said with some sarcasm.

The more Charles listened, the more he understood that he was not dealing with any child, so Charles carefully chose his words.

"You are wrong, I created my school so that children like you can feel free while learning to use their gifts with people just like them, and also give them the tools so that they can live normally in society, I know that you have lived in hiding all this time, and I want to give you the opportunity of a normal life, with friends, and a new family "

Alex repeated Charles's words several times in his head, but he didn't have his answers.

"Charles, because you do this, that motivates you to continue, as far as I know, mutants are the scum of society, we are totally repudiated, and you with your age should know that it is not a new concept, you want to lead me to a Little cage to wait for times to change, but nothing will change if nobody does something, numbing the mind of youth with nice words will only bring suffering in the future, but what really bothers me is that you underestimate the mutants so much, I don't say it for me, although I will not deny that I win the lottery with my powers, but even I know that people with power are destined for great things, it does not matter if it is to do good or evil "if Charles were united with Magneto, so they might be fighting to have great control of the world, but Charles only waits while humans get much better at hunting mutants.

Charles was shocked, Alex's words contained much more than intelligence for his age, if not also views of someone who did not match the age of 8.

Professor X was in a great dilemma, but his ideals never wavered.

"I will never deny the abilities of mutants, but everything has its time, humans are afraid of what they do not know, and it is our job to teach them, I know it will be difficult, but the correct path is almost always, and maybe you think that the end justifies the means, but a life without dignity and integrity will corrupt one's great achievements "

Alex had to admit that he was a bit jealous, he would like to talk about something with such passion, but that did not mean Alex could not agree with Charles.

"I'm sorry Charles, but being so idealistic will kill you someday, you have power but you refuse to use it, you can help the mutants but you stand aside hoping for a miracle, if you want a change then become a change, if you want to keep the purity in your students so prepare to carry all their sins, I think going to hell for the good of your students is a cheap price "

Charles did not expect the talk to extend to these points, "I will not deny that I consider my students as my children, and their happiness is my priority, but in the end it does not matter if I manage to do something right or wrong with my actions, late or sooner my children will inherit my legacy, so I have a duty to guide them until the day of my death "

The silver-haired sighed, but if it were so simple to change people's minds, the world would be pretty boring.

"It seems that your students are lucky people"

Charles's face recovered color, but his hopes were futile.

"But you were wrong with me, I will save you the worry, I will not become a maniac or something similar, personally I do not think there is anything I like more than a good snack with a relaxing silence, although curiosity about my powers is something that has been Bother me lately, and figuring out my limits so I can break them is something I wanted to find out. "Alex was honest, there weren't many ways to stop him anyway.

"Now I think the decision to go to my school is the right thing for you, with my help you will be able to keep a low profile while training, and you will no longer have to worry about being caught" Charles felt first hand how powerful Alex's powers were . But Alex has already caught the eye of many dangerous people, so it was time to keep a low profile.

"That's why I say you underestimate mutants, first of all, my powers are destined to produce great destruction, when I said I want to push my powers to the limit, it was beyond what you can imagine, your school would only delay me, we improved under great pressure, or rather we evolved, but I will try to go a more direct path, I really have an interest in pushing this body to the limit, although it is very likely that it will kill me "Alex never thought about hiding completely, since Sooner or later more than one will come to try to kill him, and it will be up to Alex to find out if he has what it takes to pass that test.

Charles could understand Alex's plan, and the only thing he could say, 'suicidal', it was true that mutants made great strides when they were under high degrees of stress, but most failed, and there was no cure for death. But no word came out of Charles's mouth when he tried to get Alex to change his mind, since he had no idea what to say, because Charles knew that Alex really didn't care about his life.

The conversation had stalled, Alex already said what he had to say, so his body rose as he began to look at Charles from the sky.

The silver-haired wanted to leave, America was no longer a good place to live, it was time to get to know more places, "I have to thank you for helping me learn to neutralize the psychic waves, that was something that always bothered me, so let's leave this meeting as something casual "

Alex had no reason to start a fight, unless Charles wants to keep him, the Professor did Alex a favor anyway.

(Professor, we can't let it escape)

Ororo watched from afar as Alex prepared to leave, so she immediately contacted Charles.

With some exchanges, Charles had Alex's personality almost defined, but that really didn't help much.

But Chales still knew that it was better to be on Alex's good side, so he ignored Ororo's words.

"Before you go, take my card, if you ever want to rest, my school welcomes you, even if it's only for a short period of time"

With a wave of a hand, a card appeared in Alex's hand, anyway it was to have more possibilities in the future.

"I suppose I wouldn't mind, but don't you think a little sincerity would convince me to have a very good impression of you?" Alex said with a smile as he pointed at Connor.

Ororo didn't expect Alex to be so cheeky about asking that after all, but she could only shut up her complaints when she heard the Professor in her head.

"He doesn't know anything, it was a secret operation, which I participated in, since several innocents could be affected, but in reality you shouldn't worry too much, they don't know your identity, and I don't plan to report on our meeting either, and just to stay unnoticed if you hid for a while "he said nothing more, of all that was all the information Alex wanted.

Alex thought that telepathic powers were quite convenient, but he kept that thought when he started to fly away.

But Alex stopped for the last time, "120 kilometers to the east, there is a town where a mutant of my age lives, she has quite a complicated power, it would be good if you find her"

With all that said Alex shot up into the sky to disappear from Charles' sight.

antes de nada, lo de Rogue es un plan para el futuro, no pienses demasiado en eso.

Asi que un soborno de piedras de poder podria ayudarme a apurarme.

Tambien comenten si les gusta Natasha, viene una pequeña volumen que podria dar inicio de algo.

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