
Marvel: The Emerald Knights

A young man appears in the Marvel Universe with a noble mission to create the greatest order of knights the multiverse has ever seen.

Von_Bomani · Anime & Comics
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01 - The Homeless

-- Uh?!

Sounds of footsteps and voices are heard.

-- What?

A man's eyes slowly open, his still blurry vision observing well-dressed people walking and others standing at what looks like a bus stop.

-- Of course yes, I already told you that I will send the report by tomorrow, I already have most of the programs ready...

A Caucasian man in a formal suit with a distinct lack of hair walks around in a hurry with a briefcase in hand while talking on the phone.

-- Yes yes I know...

When he passes in front of the awakened man, he moves away with a disgusted grimace and continues walking even faster.

-- Hum?!

The man, now fully awake, seeing the action of the man who fled upon seeing him, finally wonders what the heck is going on there.

-- W-how full is this?

Feeling a persistent stench, the young man began to analyze his situation better, his clothes were dirty, he was on a dirty floor, his skin was dirty and he was the one who smelled.

-- Ugh!! I need a bath urgently!

Soon he turns his eyes to his surroundings, it was in a dirty corner below an overpass, the place was empty with few people crossing it, it was possible to hear the sounds of cars crossing the avenue above.

-- How the hell did I end up here?

The young man questions himself when he begins to stand up and analyze his condition better. His clothes were a dirty white shirt, black sweatpants and a black coat with a hood.

-- I need new clothes too... even though those weren't even the ones I was wearing...

He stands there wondering how this situation happened.

-- I was coming back from work and I ended up sleeping on the bus, when I wake up I'm here, the problem is... where is here?

The young man analyzes his pockets to see if he can find something like his wallet, even though those clothes are not even his.

-- Hmm...João Ferreira Martins dos Santos, born on January 10, 1995...the name remains the same with the addition of Ferreira, the photo is also very close to the one I had before, but why is everything Does it seem so strange? And why am I so calm?

The man's light brown eyes analyze the photo on his identity card, which revealed a young black man with light brown eyes and short hair. He then looks at the ground looking for something and finds a pair of black sandals and puts them on.

-- Standing still won't help anything.

The young man then starts walking, leaving the overpass with his hands in his pants pockets, wondering how he is so calm in the midst of such a strange situation.

-- I miss my wireless headphones...

Walking along the Avenue, the young man observes people walking beneath huge buildings, cars and buses passing along the road, pedestrians waiting for the traffic lights to turn red to cross, upon seeing a very familiar building from afar, he then manages to locate himself.

-- So I'm in the city center of Rio de Janeiro, huh?

The said building was none other than the Petrobrás building, the state company that practically monopolizes the oil and energy sectors in Brazil, its building is iconic for its extravagant shape.

-- From Costa Internacional? This is different...and really...big...really big.

A skyscraper was in front of the Petrobrás building, the building was so big and imposing that it was simply impossible to ignore it, the young man feels that even though it is strange, he feels that the name is not strange to him.

Walking further, the young man begins to wonder what to do, he is in a strange situation, far from his hometown, with only the clothes on his back, stinking, no money and only carrying identification.

-- Please say this is just a random nightmare and that I'll wake up soon...

Walking for about 10 minutes, when in the distance he sees a newsstand, he soon approaches to satisfy his curiosity, arriving there he finds a Caucasian gentleman with a long mustache and dark glasses, tidying up his small store, outside many newspapers and magazines were displayed as samples.

-- Hmm?? What's this?

The young man reads the reports a little scared.

" Heroes free the United States of America from a great calamity. "

"Are aliens really real?"

"Is this the return of the Age of Heroes?"

" Da Costa Internacional issues a note stating that it will financially help with the reconstruction of New York after the Alien attack "

"Tony Stark, Iron Man, took the lead in rebuilding New York alongside other companies"

-- Wait!!

The young man's light brown eyes widen as he reads the news, initially thinking it was a hoax, especially when he sees the date.

"December 17, 2012."

-- What the fuck is going on here?