
10: Out of the well

As I woke up this morning, I quickly prepared myself for another day of rigorous training. I dressed myself in a traditional black yukata, and as I was getting dressed, I couldn't help but glance at my reflection in the mirror. It had been 18 months since the training began, and I had undergone many significant changes.

The most obvious change was my hair, which had grown out and now cascaded down to my shoulders. Additionally, I sported a noticeable beard on my face. These physical transformations were a result of both time passing and the intensive training regimen that Gorgon had subjected me to.

The rigorous training had pushed me to my absolute limits, causing my X-gene to remain active. As a result, my strength had surpassed the boundaries of what was humanly possible. Although I was still far from reaching Gorgon's level, my newfound strength was undeniably formidable.

However, physical strength was not the only aspect that had exceeded human limits. I glanced at my status page, which displayed information about my abilities and progress.


│ Character Interface │


Name: Bruce Wayne

Age: 20

X-Gene: Adapter


Hand-to-Hand Combat Mastery: A master in various martial arts disciplines, capable of handling hand-to-hand combat with exceptional skill, making him a formidable opponent in close-quarters combat.

Martial Arts Mastery: A master in various martial arts disciplines, capable of handling hand-to-hand combat with exceptional skill.

Marksmanship: A sharpshooter with unparalleled accuracy in both firearms and projectile weapons.

Tactical Genius: A strategic thinker and master tactician, able to analyze complex situations and formulate effective plans to achieve objectives.

Weapon Mastery: Proficient in the use of various weapons, exhibiting exceptional skill and precision in both melee and ranged combat.

Stealth: Proficient in moving silently and remaining hidden, capable of infiltrating and evading detection effectively.

Enhanced Senses: Your senses have been enhanced, granting you superior perceptual abilities, allowing you to see, hear, and smell with remarkable acuity.

Superhuman Physique: Possesses physical attributes beyond human limits, granting increased strength, speed, endurance, and resilience.

Minor Fire Resistance: Exhibits a limited resistance to heat and fire.

Minor Cold Resistance: Exhibits a limited resistance to cold and freezing temperatures.

Major Poison Resistance: Demonstrates a substantial resistance to toxins and poisons.

Language Mastery: Fluent in multiple languages, facilitating effective communication and information gathering.

Infiltration: Skilled in covert entry and infiltration techniques, allowing for stealthy access to secure locations.


As I glanced at my character interface, a sense of accomplishment washed over me. My time training under Gorgon had brought about significant changes. The most major one was my superhuman physique. While it was nowhere near that of other superheroes like Captain America, it was still substantial and had the potential to improve further if I exerted myself enough.

The other major changes were my resistances. I had subjected myself to various tests to enhance my ability to withstand different situations. Now, I could confidently walk into a burning building and come out relatively unscathed. Additionally, I could endure extended periods in cold environments without feeling the cold.

However, the most impressive of all was my poison resistance. Throughout the past year, I had been injecting myself with increasingly lethal poisons, gradually building up my resistance. Now, a poison that would kill a grown adult in 20 seconds would merely give me a stomach ache.

I couldn't help but be pleased of my accomplishments, knowing that I had pushed myself to become a better and more resilient person. Other than that, the addition of stealth to my arsenal was a game changer. The system's recognition of the skill had almost raised it to a supernatural level. I was far too skilled at it. It had quickly become my strongest skill. Gorgon even declared that I was possibly the best in The Hand. While being the best at stealth in an organization consisting of undead ninjas boosted my ego, I didn't let it get to my head. I still had a long journey ahead of me. I still couldn't see myself escaping anytime soon.

I walked through the familiar corridors, my footsteps echoing softly against the cold stone walls. The anticipation of another day of training coursed through me, a constant companion during my time here. The cloak of darkness hung heavy in the air, a reminder of the secrecy that shrouded this place. Soon, I reached the entrance to the training grounds, a vast area illuminated by the pale light filtering in through high windows.

My gaze fell upon my mentor, Gorgon, his imposing figure silhouetted against the dim glow. In his hand, he held a familiar object—my old hockey mask. His back was turned to me, but I could sense his awareness of my arrival.

He swiveled his imposing figure to face me, his movements as fluid as a serpent's. His eyes, shrouded in an air of mystery.

"Good morning, Bruce," he intoned, his voice low and authoritative. "I trust you are adequately prepared for today's training regimen."

I met his gaze with a stoic nod. "I am, Sensei."

Gorgon's eyes held a glint of anticipation as he leaned slightly forward. "I'm afraid I'll have to disappoint you," he continued, his tone measured. "There won't be any training today, but I have a job for you to fulfill. It's about time you stepped out into the real world on your own."

With a subtle yet deliberate flick of his wrist, he sent a scroll hurtling through the air, its ancient parchment unfurling in a graceful arc before landing in my hands. Gorgon's manner remained as enigmatic as ever, adding to the mystique of the task he had assigned.

As I unfurled the scroll and began reading its contents, I discovered it was a mission briefing for an assassination. The target was a Brazilian politician who had once been affiliated with Gorgon, but lately, his actions had been causing considerable trouble for my mentor. The name was not unfamiliar; I had heard it from the ninjas who reported directly to Gorgon. And as I was considered his protégé I was also made privy to information like this.

As I skimmed through the mission details, Gorgon's deep voice broke the silence. "This man has been a persistent thorn in our side,. His actions have tested our patience and defied our interests for far too long. It is time to bring this chapter to a close."

I glanced at the scroll, raising an eyebrow as I processed the gravity of the mission. "An assassination mission? That's a far cry from my training, Sensei."

Gorgon's eyes locked onto mine, and he responded with his characteristic stoicism. "It's time for you to gain real-world experience, Bruce. The Hand doesn't shy away from necessary actions. This man knows too much and poses a direct threat to our objectives."

As Gorgon explained, my mind raced. The Hand's reach extended far beyond combat; they were deeply entangled in global politics, using their influence to bolster their power. This mission was just a glimpse into the larger game the Hand was playing.

As I was contemplating my decision a familiar ding went off in my head. As I summoned the system to the front of my head. It read


Mission Name: "Pointy Politics"

Description: Your mentor, Gorgon, has assigned you a mission of utmost importance. A Brazilian senator, Carlos Mendes, holding a key political position, has emerged as a significant obstacle. His actions have started to jeopardize your interests and must be addressed without delay. Your task is to silence or subdue him and ensure that his influence is permanently eliminated.

Difficulty: Hard

Reward: Minor Power, 1 Random Equipment

[System Message Ends]

A hard difficulty? That might be something of concern. If all the details were correct the mission shouldn't be hard at all. The senator was a common man albeit a man of importance but at the end of the day he was a common man with common people around him. This only meant there were more layers to this mission. A possible mutant bodyguard most likely which meant the man knew his life was in danger. As I was thinking about other possibilities. My mentor's voice broke my pondering

"Here," Gorgon grunted, tossing my old mask my way. I deftly caught it, and he continued, his voice as stern as ever, "Wear this at all times. Never unveil your identity, no matter the circumstances, even if it means facing death."

"Furthermore," He added, "I've prepared a suitable attire for you, specifically tailored for this and future missions. Get ready, You'll be departing in an hour aboard a private plane."

I nodded in acknowledgment, not wanting to waste any more time. Gorgon had a way of making every moment count, and I had no intention of keeping him waiting.

Turning away, I left his presence and headed towards my room. The anticipation of the mission stirred a mix of emotions within me, from anxiety to excitement. I couldn't help but wonder about the contents of this new attire.

Upon reaching my room, I discovered the attire he had mentioned. It was unlike any suit I had seen before. Sleek and tailored to perfection, it exuded an air of formality and seriousness. As I changed into the outfit, I could feel the weight of responsibility settle on my shoulders.

My reflection in the mirror presented a stark contrast to the young man who had first stepped into Gorgon's training chambers. The transformation was not just physical but also mental. The suit seemed to carry a sense of authority and purpose, and I wore it with a newfound sense of determination.

Time slipped away as I adjusted every detail, ensuring that I was perfectly attired for the mission ahead. With each minute that passed, my readiness grew. I wasn't just a student; I was now a representative of Gorgon's teachings and the Hand's mission. This meant I would eventually be handed more freedom which would in turn provide me a window for my eventual escape.

As I made my way to the rendezvous point for departure, I started formulating some ideas about how the mission should be carried out. While this was supposed to be a easy mission on paper, the difficulty displayed by the system spoke otherwise.

The private jet stood ready, its engines quietly humming. I noticed a handful of Gorgon's agents standing nearby. I donned my mask as I made my way to the plane. I did not carry any weapons with me as they'll be provided once I reach São Paulo.

As I reached the plane, an agent soon ran to open the door for me. Gorgon was a firm believer in hierarchy, and as I was his protégé, he made sure all his agents treated me as such. With the aircraft's door now open and my next destination ahead, I stepped onto the plane, my path set by my mentor's design.


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