
Marvel:The Dark Multiverse.

In a world of gods one Reincarnator wakes up to find that not only is he fucked beyond measure but he is also has cheat-like abilities to help him survive in this slow unfolding clusterfuck of a world and so with the ability to create systems he scours the multiverse for power to be beyond all and ascend everything and become eternal but there's a problem....why is every world he gets to contact with a dark one?. Now follow the story of Devin Murdoch as he ventures through the multiverse as he fights gods, monster's, and abysmal entities in his persuit for power. [Gets dark as the story progresses] [—also please join my pat reon at and support me to do something with my life because God am I worthless so yeah here's the link just remove the space—] pat reon.com/GodOfDepravity

God_Of_Depravity · Anime & Comics
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[Chapter —9]

Tanking the hit Sam had to wonder just how weak Scott thought he was and standing up before the two ladies and Kurt could arrive towards his side his entire body glowed with black, red and now white energy shocking him at how easily this came to him he suddenly heard his system come to life


[Energy Blast has evolved to Energy Manipulation<S+>]

Feeling the newfound power and the evolved ability boost him and his main ability get stronger he was happy and to express that happiness he suddenly shot out faster then anyone could react towards Scott and spear him towards a wall breaking it behind him and break through other walls behind that before they made their way towards the front area out, Sam having held on to Scott trew him to the ground and he began levitating with the help of his energy manipulation and holding out his first towards the standing Cyclops he let out a torrent of energy towards him wanting to 'accidentally' kill him and be done with but by some miraculous bullshit he saw Scott's body stiffen before taking off his glasses and releasing a torrent of his optic blasts towards his he saw that Scott's demeanor suddenly changed.

'Xavier!!' he thought with a frown and then just pumped more energy towards his blasts making them grow and start eating away at Scott's own optic blasts but as his blasts were about to devour at Scott's he suddenly felt a pressure in his mind making him stop the blast as now his mind was under pressure and under lots of pain but as he stopped the torrent of energy Scott was letting out hit him and that sent him flying backwards 'again'

Standing up he felt the pressure stop and not taking any chances this time he went into speed-time and unleashed ball of destruction towards Scott but made it explode once it got to a feet towards him knocking him back and out while making sure it hurt and before he could celebrate he felt the mind attack again and this time stronger and not being used to this amount of mental pain he was knocked out also but his mental defences held true and strong.

- /Line Break/-

Waking up in an unfamiliar place with the sun already piercing through the windows he slowly got up of bed and looked around.

' to be honest that encounter went better than I expected, I expected to just slaughter the professor and anyone who fucked with me and take over the academy and start some of my hobbies and plans in the dark but meh this works too, but the professor and the simp of a cock sucker he has have to go but soon...' making plans upon plans he made his way towards the door to his right finding a bathroom he took a shower and thankfully there were the necessary utilities there to fully freshen up and after being done he simply put his old gear in the inventory and took a new fresh/undamaged pair out and now he was some tough black pants a black shirt and sneakers and looking at the mirror he had he smiled as he didn't look shabby.

' time to meet the slaves....I mean fellow mutants ' walking to the door and opening it he found Jean who was about to knock leading to her knocking on his chest instead.

Sam just baffled at what the fuck just happened just stared at her.

Jean not knowing how to act at this situation just mumbled something about a cafeteria and breakfast before running away.

"....I will love bending her over and making her mine" Sam said aloud before following her because he seriously didn't know where the cafeteria was and after a couple minutes of walking he heard the noise of a talking and laughing and as he made his way to where that came from he pushed the door and entered.

As soon as he entered and everybody looked at him they immediately went silent and looked at their food like it was the most interesting thing in the world.

Looking around he saw some people he recognised like Kitty Pryde and Even Rogue sitting at the corner staring at him and he just made his way to where the food was at and as he arrived he saw a girl wearing goth like clothes with black lipstick taking some bacon before she looked at him and sized him up and seeing not one ounce of fear in her eyes decided to ask

"urh hey, do you mind telling me why they seem to be scared of me?, Also the name is Samuel but please call me Sam" I said while looking at the actually beautiful woman.

" Negasonic teenage warhead, But please call me Ellie " she said in an interested manner and if those eyes of hers weren't sparkling with curiosity I would have believed she didn't

" cool name, Are you like a walking warhead? " I said honestly as I quite liked her

" thanks " she said with a bit of a enthusiasm in her voice

" and they are afraid of you because you put Scott in a freaking Coma and had his skin burned off to the point where the professor had to give him a regeneration serum " she said with a small smile on her face seemingly amused.

" yeah I'm sor- wait regeneration serum? " I said being confused.

" oww right you're a new mutant, well the serum is something that evil fucker Tony Stark has made after kidnapping Logan and using him as material to create it, the professor banned us from ever using it and said if we came upon it on our scouting runs that we should always turn it over to him but I never thought that he'd be the first one to use it, hypocrite " She said with a bit of mirth leaking out of her voice.

"heh?" 'wait Tony and the X-Men are at war and Tony is evil? And used Logan to make serums?? I wanted to do that!' Samuel thought while looking at Ellie

" can I sit with you? " I asked as she would be a great sense of information provider and for me to know of what the hell happened to this planet.

" sure " she said before grabbing her tray of food and making his way towards an empty table and Sam followed her.


[Samuels story will end pretty soon and we will get to Devin's our MCs story next and finally start the journey through the multiverse with him.]

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