
Marvel:The Dark Multiverse.

In a world of gods one Reincarnator wakes up to find that not only is he fucked beyond measure but he is also has cheat-like abilities to help him survive in this slow unfolding clusterfuck of a world and so with the ability to create systems he scours the multiverse for power to be beyond all and ascend everything and become eternal but there's a problem....why is every world he gets to contact with a dark one?. Now follow the story of Devin Murdoch as he ventures through the multiverse as he fights gods, monster's, and abysmal entities in his persuit for power. [Gets dark as the story progresses] [—also please join my pat reon at and support me to do something with my life because God am I worthless so yeah here's the link just remove the space—] pat reon.com/GodOfDepravity

God_Of_Depravity · Anime & Comics
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- Marvel Cluster fuck Earth: New York/Hidden Lab -

With what felt like an eternity of pain for Samuel he finally woke up feeling phantom pains all over his body and mind before looking at his status

[Name: Experiment Symb-Gene69/Samuel O'Brien

Age: 19

Race: Human<50%>, Symbiote<25>, Mutant<25>

HP: 127000/127000

MP: 48000/48000

Strength: 35

Speed: 30[+400 using SuperSpeed]

Intelligence: 234

Constitution: 127

Defence: 20[+100 with kinetic shield on]

Soul: 48]


[Devour<B>: Due to your symbiote side you gain their ability to devour and use the abilities of the people they devoured

Note: Limit: 10 abilities]

[X-Gene: Soul Devour: You're able to devour the souls of the dead to strengthen yours.

Benefits: Abilities already owned are easier to master if soul is of high enough quality.

Increases Learning speed.

Increases amount of MP owned]

[Kinetic shield<A>[A shield that is always active granting you an extra 100 defence, now you're able to tank even armor piercing bullet's(uses MP)](absorbed successfully)

Energy blast<B>[You're able to concentrate energy (MP) to your hands and release a torrent of black energy blasts at anything(uses MP)](absorbed successfully)

Super Mind<A>[Good job you're now not a total idiot, this ability gives you an Extra 200 Intelligence so please use it]

(absorbed successfully)

Mind Shield<A>[ Well you now have a shield for you head as to be honest this world has a shit ton of mind readers and mind fuckers and with this you're atleast able to stop them, it won't stop beings from forcefully entering your mind though if their abilities go beyond you](absorbed successfully)

Super Speed<A>[what?, You have Super speed and are now at the level of speeds quicksilver is at maybe a little bit slower but hey you're fast as fuck bouuyyy!+400 while using this ability (uses MP)](absorbed successfully)

Invisibility<B>[you can now go invisible anytime you want and do anything your fucked up mind desires without getting found out...this is marvel you're nothing special (uses MP)](absorbed successfully)

Regeneration<A>[you're able to regenerate boy!! I mean not in the speeds of people like Logan but hey at least you're able to regenerate limbs lost also grants 100 constitution](absorbed successfully)

Shadow Manipulation<A>[Ahhh you're now connected to the shadows and are able to manipulate then as you please to do anything they are capable of doing with enough power (uses MP)](absorbed successfully)

Fire Manipulation<B>[Wow you're now able to create and manipulate fire to do your bidding and are now resistant to fire well to a certain degree anyway (uses MP)](absorbed successfully)]

Looking at his status Samuel is high with excitement

"i might not be the strongest but at least I'm getting there" with his intellect he started recalling the things he couldn't solve in his last life but now they seemed easier to him he smiled before suddenly starting to vibrate a bit and opening his eyes the world seemed to be going a lot slower and with that he was hit with an adrenaline rush pumping through his veins, looking around he began looking looking through the whole place finding experimental documents he would speed read(literally) and toss them in his inventory along with other books he would find mostly on genetics and after 10 minutes he was done reading over 48 books and hundreds of documents.

Done with the documents and books he now understood what they did to his and the others bodies and what he is but he suddenly felt a little tired and looking at his MP Bar

HP: 127000/127000

MP: 3793/48000

He understood why and immediately came out of what he named speed-time and saw his MP Bar go back up fast and relieved that his energy recovered fast he thought of the souls he had and his mutant ability and took the 9 souls out of his inventory before activating his ability and feeling his soul reach out to the 9 white balls of souls in his hands and devouring them and then he felt a sudden high he couldn't get enough of and after a couple of minutes it was over and looking at his MP Bar

HP: 127 000/127 000

MP: 27 840/708 000

'Holy fuck!, ...well I guess I'ma be a mass murder in this universe meh they are already gonna go extinct anyway so why does it matter if I kill them further to grow myself and my plan of getting to infinite mana?'

With a new goal of reaching infinite mana Sam looked around the lab and set his eyes on what he knew knew as regeneration chambers And walked towards them using SuperSpeed and put them all in his inventory before making his way to the door trying to open it but seeing it not budge he concentrated on his hand and created an energy sphere appear above his hand aiming it at the door he released it pushing and destroying the points of contacts.

'next time more power to destroy the entire thing' going out the room he was greeted with tech device's from gene analysers to other such technology along with Computers still running on back up power.

'hoard everything' he suddenly thought before putting everything he found in his inventory and during that he found an armory with battle gear and energy weapons.

' owww yeah' being the hoarder that he is decided to grab a battle suit to his taste which was a black vest some gloves some battle pants and boots all in black with purple accents and then trew everything else in his back along with energy pistols and rifles but kept twin blades out and waves them around a bit before putting then in his inventory and then walked out of the armory and headed for what seemed like an elevator and pressed the code he found in all those files and documents and with a ding it opened allowing him to get in and press the only button showing an Up-↑ sign and the elevator shot up and a couple seconds later he stops and the elevator stops and opens reveals himself to be in a freezer with frozen meat all around.

'my food problem is solved' walking to every piece of hanged meat there he put them in his inventory before making his way towards the door and finding it locked and with no handle to open it.

With a bored look and a sigh he raised his hand and shot an energy beam to the door melting a hole big enough for him to walk out off.

Looking around he found himself in a supplies room filled to the brim with boxes with food in them some spoilt over the passage of time it was abandoned but with some food still okay and not wanting to take long he used speed time and sent everything that wasn't spoilt to his inventory before making his way out of the storage room coming to a supermarket filled with more food.

"how is this still here?, Like isn't this supposed to be the apocalypse and shit?." with a sigh he put everything in his inventory that was still usable and walked towards the exit and of course it was locked

' seriously?, Meh free training' holding out his index finger he manifested a small ball of energy and shot it at the handle melting it before he kicked the door off its hinges and walked out the store and as soon as he did he was assaulted with contaminated air

[System detected mutagen's in the air along with small amounts of radiation which supercharged the mutagen's leading to a super mutagen]

[Host is advised to look out for mutated beings]

[Mutagen's has no affect with host due to the symbiote side of him devouring it and gaining immunity towards it]

[Host Has gained Mutate Immunity]

' please tell me I'm not in marvel zombies, because if I am I'ma just kill myself right now and be over with'

[No you are not]

'good now where should I head to?, Maybe I should find someone to find out what happened here' with that in mind he started walking towards the centre of New York without using speed time so he could see how fucked he was in this universe.

'well not really that destroyed...well it is but not fixable'

After walking for what felt like hours he decided to grab a chocolate bar from his inventory and started munching on it before finding ticket's in his inventory

'owww right the Gacha!'with a smile on his face he opened up the Gacha interface

'use F rank ticket' a second later the roll was done and he got

[You've rolled Deadpool's used condoms]

'.....what?, Excuse me???!?!' not even making a single expression Sam kicked a piece of ruble a couple of metres away in anger

'you know what!?! I'ma fucking use the sperms and fertilize me a couple of pool babies and maybe raise them to be my slaves and cum dumpsters!!'

- /Miles away/-

In a rundown video store we could see Wade Wilson masturbating with a condom on watching porn before looking at the used condoms he already busted up

"mmm why does it feel like I made someone angry without even trying?, Also I'm pretty sure I busted 9 nuts but there are 8 condoms here....mmmm well whatever"

- /Back to Samuel/-

Finishing his little outburst he decided to be done with this

'roll the 6 E rank tickets'

[You've rolled:

A book on how to skin furries

A Gun

A knife

A Tub of Ice cream

100 points

Aphrodisiac vial]

'meh the last 2 are useful anyway so meh I guess, roll the 2 E rank tickets'

[ You've rolled:

Ability Orb: Observe <B>[able to observe the status of other beings or items(note: if the being used upon is way stronger than you it might show less or no information, you can combat this by upgrading the ability]

5× Full Heal potions<Rank A>]

' No fucking way!, Now all I'm missing is the gamers body and mind....I need the gamers mind more though so system please make that happen'

[Not happening]

'hey I thought you went offline'


'fine I guess I could use the potions when I really need a heal or something and the ability is just perfect!' breaking the orb and absorbing the ability I feel a short high before it stops and to test my ability I use it on the chocolate bar

[Item: Chocolate bar

Description: A chocolate bar made by a company with too much money on its hands it's good for your health.... suprisingly.{×0.5 healing rate}]

'well that's gonna be helpful....' with that thought he kept on walking towards the city centre and just as he was about to turn corner he met a human looking thing slowly walking down the road and being cautious he used observe on him

[Name: Jackson Reeves

Age: 34

Race: Mutated Human

HP: 10846/11500

Status: Mind Dead, Strength buffed, speed buffed, Immense Hunger State ]

'kill' without a second thought he brought both his hands up pointing at the mutated thing concentrating energy on both hands before getting an idea and mixing some fire in there making the energy go haywire gaining a red energy like hue and not waiting to see what would happen he shot the blasts at the mutant monster making it implode and explode at the same time leaving not even a single drop of its blood

[Killed a mutate, gained +200 points]

[Loot dropped: Mutate Blood<D>

Mutate heart<C>

Corrupted soul<F>]

'owwww yeah!' grinning from ear to ear while looking at his glowing hands he lost trying to go to the centre of the city and just tried to find more of those things to test out more of his abilities on.

'let's farm some loot baby'

[Chapter end]

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