
Marvel : The Bloodline Emphasis

Nash Winston visited the Marvel universe in line with the current vogue, but what the heck is it like to be a baby? Luckily, He is intelligent and works hard at studying biology. The most astounding development in the Marvel universe is biological genetic engineering! Which superhero—The Hulk, Spider-Man, Deadpool, etc.—are not genetically altered to grow into a powerful men? Human beings are very wise! Nash Winston, a brilliant child in the area of biological genes, joined the Oscrop Company as an intern as a result. His initial objective was to acquire genetically altered spiders, carry out research, and eventually become Spider-Man himself! But he acquired something more. More powerful than spider-man and any other superheroes. He awakened the bones of the Kaguya clan from Naruto... Nash Winston emerged from the sea of numerous bones on the rubble of New York and said, "Under my strongest body, you and others are all ants!" WARNING : hey guys I'm using Mobile and my laptop was having shorting problem and I don't know when I'll be able to fix it So there will be grammar and spelling mistakes Hope it'll be readble If you enjoy it, please leave a Power Stone and a review, also, If there are any mistakes in my translations, feel free to point them out and I'll fix them immediately. Thank you

Void_06 · Anime & Comics
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74 Chs

The Mysterious Figure In Ambush, Doctor Octopus!

"Ugh!" Harry growled.

The muscles all over his body bulged in an instant, and his originally thin body became extremely strong at this moment, especially the bulging veins, which made Peter's eyes widen, and he was stunned.

"Nash, Harry, he's not going to be like his father?" Peter worried.

"Don't worry, absolutely not!"

Nash smiled and looked at Harry with a bright light in his eyes.

Now this change is normal.

Under his improvement, the perfect Green Goblin strengthening potion not only enhanced the activity of the cells but also their strength and ability to split, making every cell of Harry extremely active, which brought the most The obvious changes in body shape!

Harry will grow taller and stronger!

Just like the original Captain America, he changed directly from a thin soldier to a tall and strong man!

However, Nash naturally wouldn't make Harry's body too exaggerated, and soon the changes in Harry's body stopped, and he looked taller and stronger, but he belonged to the type that looks thinner when dressed and has flesh when he undresses, and he is no longer a sick child.

"How are you feeling, Harry?" Nash asked.

"I feel great!"

Harry stood up and looked at his palms with excitement in his eyes. "I've never felt so full in my body; it's just amazing!"

As he spoke, he hugged Nash directly: "Nash, thank you! "It's you who brought me back to life!"

"We are good brothers; thank you for what you say!"

Nash thumped Harry's shoulder.

"Okay, everything is done; everyone have a good rest!" Nash said, "Harry, I will contact your dad, and you will go with me when the time comes, but I remind you: I blackmailed your dad."

"Ten million dollars; you won't feel sad, will you?"

"Haha, what's so heartbreaking about this? It's my dad's money, not mine!" Harry said bluntly, "But Nash, I hope you can help my dad too; help him heal, and don't let him turn into the Green Goblin, brutal and bloodthirsty!"

During the three days and three nights of the experiment, Harry had already seen the terrible side effects of the Green Goblin strengthening potion, and it was precisely because of this that he completely believed in Nash and Peter.

"No problem."

"I'll prepare a genetic drug solution specifically for your dad the next time," Nash agreed, "and you take it and find a way to secretly use it for your dad."

"It is good!"

Harry nodded.

Next, after Nash prepared the genetic medicine solution for Harry's father, the three of them took a rest before preparing to meet Norman Osborn.

Nash had already contacted Norman Osborn, and the meeting place was not far from Osborn's company. Looking from the company building, he could faintly see a helicopter appearing on the roof of the meeting building, followed by A few people came down from above.

The leader was none other than Norman Osborn!

"Let's go!"

Nash disguised Harry, put on a hood, bound his arms with Peter's web, and followed Peter, covered in a venom battle suit, heading straight for Norman Osborn.

Meet upstairs.

Norman Osborn was wearing a coat, and there were five or six bodyguards standing beside him, each of whom was well equipped. At this moment, his eyes were shining brightly, and he was constantly looking around.


Suddenly, the phone in his hand vibrated. Norman Osborn picked it up and pressed the answer button: "I've arrived, and the money has been brought."

"Where's my son Harry?"

"Hehe, don't worry, Norman! There is a saying that if you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, it's better for you to take a look at the scenery on the top of the building and experience life. Believe me, it will be good for you!

"Are you kidding me?!" Norman Osborn roared with anger on his face.

"Hey, you have such a big temper, Norman, have you forgotten your lesson?"

The voice on the phone carried some threats.

Norman Osborn froze, remembering being abused by Nash at the time; his cheeks twitched.

He was about to say something more when suddenly—


A web came out and stuck directly to his phone.

At the same time, three figures jumped out from the edge of the roof. It was Nash, Peter, and Harry, especially Peter. Norman Osborn's phone was in his hand when he pulled his hand back.

"Hey, Mr. Osborn, it's the second meeting; please give me your advice, uh... It seems that we haven't yet greeted for the first time; forget it; it's the first meeting! Hey, Mr. Osborn, the first time Once we meet, please give me your advice! "Oh yes, thank you for the new mobile phone you gave me; I like it very much."

Peter shook the phone in his hand, looking like he deserved a beating.

Norman Osborn's face instantly turned a liver color.

Nash was speechless. Peter really turned into a mouthful as soon as he put on the mask. He coughed dryly, and his voice took on a deep and hoarse appearance.

"Norman, I have brought your son; where is the money?"

As soon as Norman Osborn turned pale, the bodyguard behind him immediately took down two boxes from the helicopter, opened them, and appeared in front of Nash, followed by stacks of US dollars.

"Five million dollars per box, a total of 10 million!" Norman Osborn kept his eyes on Nash, saying, "We hand over the money and the people."

"No problem." Nash shrugged.

Then he winked at Peter, who understood, pulled Harry, and headed towards Norman Osborn. A bodyguard came over there carrying two boxes, and when the two approached, Peter stretched out his hands, and the two cobwebs were directly stuck to the two boxes, and before the bodyguard could react, the boxes in his hand were gone.

"Well, you are free!"

With another movement of Peter's hand, he took off the hood on Harry's head, followed by a flash, and came to Nash's side.



Norman Osborn stepped forward quickly and quickly grabbed Harry, with a concerned look on his face: "Harry, are you okay?"

"I have nothing to do." Harry shook his head. What could he do?

While talking at this moment, he turned his head to look at Nash and Peter and saw that they were about to leave after getting the money.

But at this moment, Harry frowned because he saw several weird things, like tentacles rising from the corner of the roof.

He subconsciously blurted out, "Be careful!"

"Huh?" Nash and Peter paused at the same moment, and there was a tingling feeling in their minds. This sensation is caused by spider telepathy!

"Nash, there's an ambush!" Peter spoke suddenly and alertly.

Nash didn't speak but looked around coldly. In fact, all of this had been predicted in his heart. Based on his understanding of Norman Osborn, this scheming guy would never let him get along with him so easily. If Peter left, he would definitely use tricks behind his back.

But Nash didn't care and even had some expectations in his heart.

Based on his understanding of the Osborn company, the Osborn company should not have the ability to develop the Green Goblin strengthening potion.

Behind Norman Osborn, there must be some mysterious person standing, and this mysterious person is very important to the creation of the Green Goblin. The strengthening potion has a key role!

Nash was very curious about who this person was, and if Norman Osborn wanted to deal with him, he would definitely call out this mysterious person.

"Who is it?"

Nash's eyes suddenly fixed on the corner of the roof, and there were several metal tentacles that shone with cold light, extending towards them, and at the same time, there was a "clang clang" sound.

Seeing these metal tentacles, a figure flickered in Nash's heart.

"Doctor Octopus!"