
Chapter 9 Let’s make a company

- Back in the Parker Residence -

"That's right, I plan on marketing useful software and system security along with various other kinds of programs."

Everyone seemed puzzled that I mentioned programming and even took some thought into it. The time period was still the early 2000's with various improvements happening in tech every year. Especially in the programming side of the industry with companies aiming for talented young programmers like Stark, Microsoft, and Apple.

Out of everyone Peter seemed to be the most surprised by this and quickly ran to his room and back but this time with a laptop in his hand.

"Um, I also know a bit about programming, mind showing some? Just the basics are alright" Peter said as he handed me the laptop.

Yea right a bit… knowing Peter he's probably a master at programming even if he only used YouTube courses. There's no way I'd underestimate him when he's practically like a mini Tony Stark.

Looking down at his laptop I examined it a bit and was surprised to see it wasn't half bad at least for the time. It used a single processor as its CPU and GeForce 9400. The surprising part however was the booting screen, Stark OS 7.

So stark dabbles in other things as well. I thought as I analyzed some more settings just so I could know where everything is.

"You said a simple program right?" I asked out loud not meant for anyone in particular.

Before anyone could respond my fingers soon began to glide across the keyboard at an incredibly fast pace as if I had done this hundreds of times.

Peter watched Kol as he typed in code as if he and the laptop were the only ones in the world. The most amazing part however was how seamlessly the code came together on his computer screen.

At first it appeared simple but soon this began to change and it even slightly affected himself as he watched. He even felt like his own programming skills were improving as he watched Kol type.

Looking around Peter saw that everyone else was in a similar state as himself and he couldn't fault them since this was actually quite impressive. Kol even looked like a master piano player except with a keyboard.

Huh maybe the reason why he has F's In everything is because all his talent went into programming.

I wasn't sure how long I'd been typing for but it couldn't have been longer than 15 minutes or at least I hope so.

Honestly it was a novel feeling to just let the knowledge I gained flow out like a faucet. My mind couldn't even register how my fingers and wrist hurt.

The program I had written wasn't anything too impressive since I didn't want to expose anything I would sell in the future here. Anyways it would've taken too long as well with me probably needing hours or even days to write some of the good stuff.

Looking back I saw everyone with various looks on their faces before Peter stepped forward again.

"Kol what kind of program is that? I saw that it's meant to block something but you finished before I could realize what."

Yea this kid is definitely a mini Tony heck he even has the rizz for it later with various beautiful girls falling for the guy.

Well back on the programming side of things he really is talented in his own right to decipher that much.

"Let's just say you won't be getting any more ADs about hot moms near you."

Ned almost fell forward as he heard this while May and Ben made a curious face. The funniest reaction however was Peter who turned red and quickly took his laptop.

Uncle Ben wanting to get back on topic looked back at Peter and asked "So Peter is he good at programming"

"Good! Kol was amazing Uncle Ben. I learned so much just from watching. He could probably even give that Indian guy on YouTube a run for his money." Peter said passionately

I'm grateful that Peter thinks so highly of my newly acquired techniques but even I know that no one can match the Indian guy on YouTube. Who knows he might even be the god of programming in India's pantheon. Anything's possible in marvel afterall.

"Hm, I guess you really do got it all figured out if Peters reacting like this. To be honest I don't know much about programming so I can't say for sure but if you're honestly that talented then you do got a shot."

Aunt May looked at Ben in surprise since they had agreed to try and get me to at least go to college or something but Ben outright threw away the script.


He looked helpless at this moment but also seemed resolved in not changing his stance.

"Honestly I don't have everything figured out. I don't know the first thing about starting a company and don't got any connections to get in contact with companies that would use softwares. I don't even got a computer"

Now that I think about it, was I too hasty in choosing Halo Programming? I guess I can use a library computer to develop a simple program like the AD blocker I made for Peter and sell it for some initial funds but where am I gonna get any connection.

I don't even know the law when it comes to making a company or the tax codes in New York.

Ben sat down next to me before I could get too deep in those kinds of thoughts.

"Those are okay problems to have Kol and I can see that you got some heart. Haha you even ignored everyone else and solely focused on that computer when you were typing. Just don't rush your still a senior in highschool it's not like the world will end any time soon."

Ben's right I got the knowledge so the hardest part is already done. What really matters is taking this step by step so I don't trip myself along the way. Uncle Ben really is a great guy I thought as I looked at him.

"And we'll if you need help I'm pretty sure you can rely on Peter and Ned here."


My expression said it all and it was equally shared by everyone else in the room but my face changed as I thought about it.

Both Ned and Peter are great at computers and are overall really smart on various other subjects. If I started a company with the two of them they would without a doubt be a great help. Not just in the beginning but also long term.

In the end however the best part would be working alongside two of my friends.

Smiling, I looked toward Peter and Ned and said "What do you say guys? Want to start a company with me?"

They both looked at one another for a moment but soon they had a big grin and walked up to me as we did the handshake.

"Ben! Peter is going to go to MIT next year. He can't help start a company" Aunt May was quite nervous as she imagined the possibility of failure and our company going down the drain.

Ben looked back at his wife unsure on how to respond recognizing he may have been a bit too impulsive at the idea. It's just that he felt that his nephew really had a shot with this kid to be something big instead of someone else's lackey in some company.

Seeing Ben in a tough position I decided to step in.

"Aunt May just one year, no one month, give us one month! and I guarantee that me, Peter, and Ned will make our first Million. If we don't then we'll focus on getting into college."

"WHAT!"x2 Ned and Peter were flabbergasted and thought I had gone mad.

May however was serious and looked at me dead in the eyes to see if I would hesitate.

"Alright I'll believe you but one month" she said as she raised her finger in a scary tone before replacing it with a motherly one as she hugged Peter.

The atmosphere quickly changed and instead was replaced with the same warm feeling I experienced when I first entered the home.

[+10 Points Meeting May Parker]

[+10 Points Meeting Ben Parker]

[+10 Points Peter and Ned have decided to help you make a company! Destinies slightly change]