
Chapter 33 X-men Part 1/2 Edited

Hearing people outside I decided it was best for me to greet them rather than having them enter. I double-checked my traps and made sure everything was rigged before leaving.

I still wasn't sure who it was but I had some ideas on who it could be. Let's just say that none were good.

Once outside I locked eyes with a peculiar group of people. That practically guaranteed trouble with their arrival.

The X-men and quite a bit of them too.

Jean was here with her two friends, Rogue and Kitty who looked excited to see me. There were also some new additions. Like the most hated X-men member in WebNovel Scott Summers.

Beside them was the Professor who gave me a sage-like smile and a woman standing behind him with white hair who could only be Ororo.

Now last but definitely not least was a man I could only describe as a wild man. He looked like the kind of guy to finish a fight he wasn't even in. Then force the guys he beat up to pay the bill as he leaves the bar with a gallon of beer.

Logan aka The Wolverine

It also didn't help that said man was giving me dangerous vibes as he snarled from across the parking lot. With claws exiting his closed fists in a threatening manner.

'Man, what did I do to make this guy so pissed off? He looks like he'll attack the moment I move.'

With caution, I chose to remain still and calm as I remembered something I had learned once from the Discovery Channel. When running into a wild animal a person has to remain calm and create as little movement as possible before backing away and creating distance.

Logan wasn't an animal but he was pretty close so I chose to follow the same method. Except for backing away due to us already having quite a distance.

I'm not sure if Logan somehow understood my meaning because it seemed like I just bothered him more as he started walking in my direction. Only to be stopped by Jean who shouted at him.

This seemed to snap him out of whatever was wrong with him. As he took a normal posture retracting his claws.

'Well, now that the tension has calmed somewhat I should go and meet them.'

On my way toward them, I began to feel a light pressure on my mind coming from Jean.

Thankfully she learned her lesson and wasn't forcing herself into my head. The pressure she placed this time around was more like a knock asking for permission.

I thought about it for a moment and decided to allow it as I also used a new technique parallel thought to hide my real thoughts as we communicate. Something I remembered when I tried looking into more mind-related abilities.

'Hey Kol, these are my friends I mentioned before' Jean said as she sent her message to my mind

'The ones from your school?' I asked acting like I had no recollection of their group

'Yea they're really good people and sorry for coming so late at night they really wanted to meet you'

I just gave her a nod indicating I didn't mind when in truth I minded quite a bit but what's done is done.

With that last message, I felt her mind reel back as I arrived in front of the group.

It was quiet for a moment as the previous tension caused by Logan still lingered in the air. Thankfully the Professor chose to cut that tension as he rolled in.

"It is nice to meet you Kol. I am Professor Charles Xavier, the Headmaster of the school Jean and her friends attend."

[+10 Points Meeting Charles Xavier]

He said as if it was completely normal for a Headmaster of a school to show up at someone's property unannounced at 1 in the morning.

"Nice to meet you as well but this still doesn't explain why you are all here late at night"

Xavier seemed to have expected this response and just gave a smile and a nod agreeing with what I said.

"That's the topic I wanted to get to." However, instead of continuing his conversation, I felt a familiar knock on my mind asking permission except this time it wasn't Jean but the Professor.

I was really hesitant about letting this guy in my head. He had some tendencies to cross boundaries and mind-rape others with most victims being his very own students.

If I let him in my mind then only I'd be to blame for that. It'd be like knowing a gay rapist was at my door but I still chose to let him in just because he's my friend's teacher. Anything that happens after that is totally my fault with no one to blame but myself.

"Sorry, but I don't let people I just met into my head" Jeans alright though she's a good girl who respects boundaries… sometimes.

Xavier seemed a bit surprised by my response but knew a good impression was required as he pulled back his mind.

"I understand then is it alright if you come with us? This isn't really a good place to talk"

I really wanted to reject these guys but honestly, they were basically a point farm. Then there was also Jean, Rogue, and Kitty who were looking at me with hopeful eyes.

"Lead the way"

Xavier just gave a smile as he began to roll with everyone following behind him. Well except for one scary individual. Standing at 6'3" with bones made of adamantium.

Speaking of 6'3" shouldn't this guy be short?

"Listen here bub I don't like the smell of ya but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. So don't try nothing" Logan said well, more like threatened as his claws appeared.

"Wouldn't dream of it but do I really smell bad?" Odd my senses are all heightened so wouldn't I notice that or is he just picking on me?

"You smell unnatural like something cooked up in a lab."

With that response, I tried smelling myself and did notice a faint new scent coming from myself but who would have imagined just that was enough to tick this guy off? He truly did have some great senses.

[+10 Meeting James Howlett]

The walk ended up not being too far from the warehouse as we eventually reached an empty park. However, that soon changed as a jet began to appear out of nowhere.

Ha, I wonder what Ned would say if he saw that I wasn't the only one with cloaking tech.

Once inside I took a seat in front of the professor who seemed ready to continue our conversation.

"So what dangers are you talking about?"

Xavier didn't reply this time as he left it to the most exotic X-men Ororo.

Having a closer look at her I couldn't deny that she was a one-of-a-kind beauty. Flawless tanned skin with natural white hair. While also being quite curvy but not fat as she gave a mommy vibe. Now I understand why WebNovel readers were so obsessed with her.

Damn, T'challa really dropped the ball on this one.

"If you haven't figured it out yet then I'll tell you now. Everyone here is a mutant and we believe you are as well."

[+10 Points Meeting Ororo Monroe]

Hearing this I realized that they had confused me with a mutant which I was about to deny but realized that there were some perks to this. For one if my abilities end up being exposed down the line I could just use the X-gene as an excuse.

Which would save me the trouble of having to hide the existence of my serum. Yeah, the title of mutant also came with its fair share of problems but none as bad as having a fully functioning super soldier serum.

"Jean has already informed us that you have a powerful mind but is there anything else you've noticed?" This question got everyone's attention as they all focused on me.

I thought about it for a moment as I tried to see all the angles and possibilities in what I revealed to them.

If I only showed my mind's capabilities then there was a chance for them to teach me more on mental techniques.

However, if I also added my super soldier prowess then there was a relatively high chance of me being able to gain access to training. Something I really need right now.

The teaching environment was also good for this opportunity. With a great combat teacher like Logan and even good places to train like the Danger Room.

Speaking of training I should also purchase VR technology and scan every enhanced individual I see for combat practice. A good plan for later.

There were obviously cons to this as well with the X-men being aware of my capabilities but that would change. My powers would evolve and grow with all the enhancements I'll take in the future. So whatever they learned now would eventually be old news.

Meaning the best option would be to take advantage of this opportunity while I still have plenty of room to improve.

"I did notice some other things…"

Jean looked surprised by this as she didn't expect me to have more than just my mind. While Xavier took a bit more interest along with Logan who had been keeping an eye on me.

Getting up I walked over to one of the rails in the jet and ripped it off surprising the people in the room.

"Super strength" Rogue whispered but was heard by everyone inside.

They were surprised by this but what I did next really caught them off guard. As I used the jagged part of the rail to cut my hand only for it to heal as the skin closed.

Everyone turned back to Logan who had a surprised expression. Why wouldn't he be, this seemed to be similar to him.

"By chance do you have claws?" Ororo asked thinking that I may be some lost love child of Logan.

"No, my power is an overall enhancement from my mind to strength, speed, and regeneration." After that, I wiped the blood from my hand on my clothes while I kept the rail with me.

I did not want these guys getting even a drop of my blood so holding onto it the rest of the trip seemed like the best thing to do.

[POV Switch Xavier]

A boost in all his capabilities, that is quite well-rounded. He also seems to lack any defects whether that be in appearance or ability.

Wait, could that be why?

He suddenly had a realization as he remembered the men watching Kol. They didn't seem to know much from what he gathered, merely tasked with observation.

But it all made sense once you put the pieces together. Kol's mutation made him very similar to Captain America. He even lacked defects making him a perfect weapon.

A perfect Super Soldier

The professor began to feel worry in his heart. This was a situation he had seen one too many times.

A mutant showing a useful ability a corporation or government wanted and would do anything to get. Even willing to do human experimentation to try and extract it.

Xavier thought as his mind created an entire conspiracy aimed at Kol.

He, being a righteous good man, saw the need to step in and make Kol aware of these dangers.

Xavier had a smile as he resolved himself, causing Kol to have a chill down his spine.

[POV Switch MC]

Xavier had a strange light in his eyes and I did not like it, not one bit. I knew coming was a bad idea but I can't back out now.

"Kol did you know you were being watched?" Xavier suddenly asked

This question took some of the others by surprise while Jean and Logan made a sour expression.

"Watched professor? Who would do that?" Rogue asked while also surprised that there were other people there besides them.

"For many reasons. We know more than anyone why someone might want a mutant" Xavier said while hinting towards some of the more nefarious groups they've come across over the years.

"Experimentation…" She whispered, realizing just how dangerous the people nearby could have been.

Despite being a whisper it was like everyone heard her words in a microphone. Logan even began growling in response as if recalling a bad dream.

Being watched? Wait, aren't these guys talking about Shield? Seems like they think they were there to experiment on me. Quite the misunderstanding and I don't like where it's going.

Xavier is known to overreact and I don't wish to have my freedom taken from me. So I better fix this quickly.

"What do you mean Professor?"

"Exactly as it sounds it appears you've caught the eye of some individuals most likely wanting your abilities."

I made a face of realization before intervening to add effect in what I'd say next.

"Ah, I think you misunderstand professor. You see I'm currently building up a company but some people are quite against my product. I've also noticed them and they haven't tried anything as of yet." Well except those hydra agents…

Speaking of Hydra they've been oddly quiet which is never good.

"Because of a product?" Xavier was confused by this as it was not in his expectations

"Yeah, it's an App called Specter. It's been gaining traction lately and I guess some people aren't happy about it, especially because it helps privatize your information on the web." I said giving the most basic description I could

Thankfully the girls seemed to be aware of the app and explained in greater detail to Xavier until we reached the famous mansion.