
Marvel: Tech System

For one individual, the boundary between science fiction and reality blurs when they are unexpectedly transmigrated into the Marvel universe, a place where the technological wonders of their dreams are tangible. Equipped with a system that promises growth and evolution, they begin as an underdog in a world of heroes and villains. Drawing inspiration from the movies, comics, and even cartoons, this alternate universe (AU) tale weaves a narrative that, while familiar, brings its own unique twists and turns. As our protagonist navigates this new life, they will encounter romance, face challenges, and harness the power of advanced technology to rise to the heights of power within the Marvel Patreon Unknown_To_All The upload schedule is Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays

Unknown_To_All · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Chapter 21 Oscorp Part 3/3


One thousand points from taking the Spiders. Hey system, show me my points. I thought as a blue screen appeared in front of me.

[Available Points 1160]

Now this did bring a smile to my face

There were so many possibilities and there were so many things I wanted to buy. Seems like I really need a lab and I can't keep wasting my time at school. So an early graduation is required but first I need to get out of here before Oscorp staff stop us.

Exiting the Lab I found Peter anxiously looking around until he noticed me arriving which brought him relief as we made our way to the class.

On the way I decided to ask him about his findings "Peter, did you find anything related to your parents there?"

Peter's walking slowed down a bit before taking out his notebook.

"Yea, I found some stuff that showed my parents were related to whatever they were working on. Look here a lot of the formulas and notes are pretty much the same as the ones my parents made except for one thing" Pointing at a specific part of the page he then said "This Formula"

The Decay Rate Algorithm

Now this was something useful, taking Peter's notebook and giving it a quick glance but in reality, I stored it all in my memory for later research.

Why wouldn't I? It was truly a great discovery and has so much more potential if used on the right species. Connors had the right idea when it came to the Lizards but the poor guy was too rushed and did not have enough talent.

But hey who needs talent when you have NZT and a System?

As we walked we were finally able to catch up to the group and found a scene of Ned holding onto the legs of one of the researchers as Mr Harrington tried prying him off.

"Please good sir, let me join your company!"

"Damnit Mr. Leeds let go of him this instant and has anyone seen Dagon or Parker!"

"Right here sir just got lost on the way." I said getting everyone's attention, especially Ned's as he finally let go giving us a smile.

"Finally it's about time you stopped looks like I'm going to have to give your grandma a call Mr Leeds"

Instantly his smile left as he looked at us worriedly.

However, there was nothing we could do and just gave him a silent prayer. His grandma is cool and all but never mess with a Filipina woman she'll go crazy on you just like a Latina.

"Huh Mr Parker you are not looking too good"

Hearing this I turned towards Peter and my god he didn't look good not at all.

That Spider venom sure does hit like a truck. He was sweating so much that he looked like he went swimming and his eyes kept dilating.

"Ugh I'm fine teacher just feel a little woozy" Yeah Mr Harrington was not buying that and gave Peter a 'Are you serious look'

"I can take Peter back home if it's okay with you Mr Harrington" I asked since I didn't really need to be here anymore either and wanted to just quickly get these spiders to the terrariums I got at home in advance.

I didn't come without a plan after all and had already prepared a place for the spiders. Luckily I got 20 for the spiders since that's how many I planned on taking but there ended up being 15 which is fine also.

"Hm very well you can take Parker home but I still expect a full report on your experience during the trip."

"Ah, what! Dagon and Penis Parker can leave. Hey teach, how about I take Parker instead?" Flash groaned as he couldn't stand being here a second longer.

"No, you may not and you better pay attention to the tour this trip is 5 percent of your grade so act like it. Also, stop using that vulgar vocabulary!"

With Mr Harrington ok I began to help Peter walk out since it seemed he was beginning to lose strength in his legs. We also gave Ned and Gwen a quick wave goodbye and I couldn't help but notice Gwen pointing at her phone. Most likely wanting me to explain why we left and didn't head to Connors.

"Hey Kol we don't have to go I still need to see Connors" Peter was being a bit stubborn but I could see where he was coming from.

The lab with the spider most likely left him with more questions and Connors was the man with answers.

"Don't worry about it. Hey, how about you ask Gwen later for Connors's address. She did say she worked under him so it shouldn't be too difficult."

Getting Peter to meet Connors may sound a bit risky since it practically guarantees the Lizard being created and that's exactly what I wanted. How else am I going to steal a quantum computer? I obviously need a distraction and the lizard is the perfect tool for that plan.

"I guess I could do that thanks Kol Argh let's hurry out of here I feel like my insides are being melted"

No kidding I felt like I was overheating just from holding the guy.

Walking out of the room I noticed the security running around with IT guys as they tried to find the problem.

Sorry guys but you won't be finding anything




After a couple of buses and a lot of twists and turns in New York's busy streets, I was finally able to get Peter home where I saw an anxious uncle and aunt check him over multiple times.

Luckily Peter had already cooled down quite a bit since the beginning phase of his transformation and just needed some rest.

"Ah thank you so much Kol for bringing Peter back your a good friend" Aunt May said as she gave me a gentle hug

"Don't mention it, Aunt May, Peter would do the same for me"

"That he would, hey how about it would you like to stay for some coffee?" Uncle Ben added as he patted my shoulder.

"Nah I'm alright. I still gotta get home and do my report on the trip but maybe some other time."

They gave me a smile and agreed that maybe some other time as I left their residence. As I left home excited to check out the spiders but this soon died down as I thought of Uncle Ben.

It's almost his time

Saying With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility may be something inspirational when it comes from Peter. However, this isn't the case when it comes to his loved ones, and is almost always a death flag.

It's like the world itself only wants Peter saying that line.

Uncle Ben's fate is also something I've been thinking a lot about and I have already decided to help the old man out. Still, it won't be easy especially since I'm being watched nowadays but I'll figure something out.