
Marvel: System Maker.

Waking up in a world with demon's able to make systems to gain power was a trippy way to know that after death your soul just shuttles through the Omniverse trying to find a body but taking over one of those said demon's was a nice cherry on-top. now what's with all the talks about a green monster wrecking havoc in these world's and even a man wearing iro—Wait?!? am I in marvel?!? FUCK!

Faceless_Prick · Anime & Comics
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73 Chs

[Chapter —19]

Immediately as the guards walked out they started shooting at my body a shower if bullet's of which I gracefully dodged all of them while walking slowly towards them just relishing in their slowly crumbling bravery and professional facade.

Being a couple feet from them and the door to the bank I held out my arms towards them as their last clip dwindled and as they watched my gloves light up in a earie purple their last semblance of bravery crumbled and as they tried to run away my gloves shot out sporadic arcs of black electricity which tore through the guards easily leaving charred bodies on the floor as the electricity made contact with the glass doors of the bank and shattered it along with the rims and hinges keeping it in place leaving behind a huge gaping hole.

' this…is actually owesome….' I thought as I walked past the dead remains of the guards and entered watching as the terror in the eyes of all that had been trapped inside.

—3rd Pov.

" Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Nathaniel spoke with a shit eating grin before he pulls his hand Infront letting spark with earie black lighting causing everyone inside the bank to scurry in horror as they got picked one by one by black lighting bolts which hit most of them straight into their chests charring through them and even completely burned through their heads.

" Well that was unexpected…." Nathan said as he watched everyone inside the bank drop…no not everyone, a teen of about 17 years old was left unharmed as he looked around all the charred bodies oozing blood everywhere the boy who had tears and blood not his all over his body started shaking uncontrollably and looking at the man responsible for all this he freezed seeing the deadly gaze he set upon him.

" Pl-ea-!se! Le-let me g-go!" The boy screamed not understanding as his body on Instinct started crawling back but couldn't anymore as his back became trapped by a wall and a psycho who had murder etched on his face.

" Come on now Jericho…don't be like that, I just want to play a game…" Nathan said to the boy known as Jericho who immediately started shivering even further hearing his name which he hadn't told anyone and the fact that he knew it made him more and more deranged leading to his entire body seemingly freezing on itself not allowing him any semblance of control over it as his chest started heaving loudly for breath that scorched his insides like that of fire due to the terror he felt about the person Infront of him.

" Wh-What—Wha-T DO YOU WANT FROM ME!!" Jericho finally mustered up the strength to shout at his sudden oppressor but instead of making him get the answers he so wanted Nathan simply chuckled before suddenly a beautiful black sword appeared on the man's hand.

" I want…I want the money but it seems that I found something more valuable, and you will give it to me." Nathan said with a grin as he started walking towards Jericho.

" Wh-What?!" Jericho confusedly asked but before he could ponder on the words of the maniac Infront of him he felt a hard impact travel from his spine to his brain immediately knocking him out.

Nathaniel watching the boy he left live fall to the ground he grinned, The reason Nathan had left the boy alive was only due to his recently gained ability from his system devouring his created system.

The appraisal function.

Nathan back in the hellplane had tweaked the appraisal ability a bit to look into the possible abilities of a person if he was 'Stimulated' or awakened due to a genetic engineering freak accident.

And the reason he let this one boy live was due to the status's of the people he had looked at when he had entered the bank, he had used appraisal on everyone and the only person with a potential ability he wanted was the boy as this was his status.

[Name: Jericho Stein's.

Age: 17

Gender: Male.

Race: Human.


Strength: 4

Speed: 5

Vitality: 7

Durability: 3

Intelligence: 9

Energy: 1


[X-Gene]{Unawakened} Mitosis[S+]: User is able to create copies of himself into any amount as long as there is enough 'energy' to allow so inside the user's body, copies will be under the main bodies control and copies are able to do remote deeds for the main body and can follow instructions beyond the basics.]

Nathaniel wondered if he gained this ability and fused it with his avatar Creation what would happen but that was for later.

Cutting his finger a bit to let a bit of blood escape before the wound immediately healed he cut the boy in the back of his hand and let his blood infect the wound and watched in suprias the wound on the boy healed.

" oh?…did my blood tranfer the regeneration ability I have or is this my bloods sub ability to heal other's?…need more data to determine." Nathan said in a low voice before he grabbed the boy by the scruff of his clothes and dragged him towards the bank safe.

—MC Pov[Nathaniel]

" I should hurry and get the money before the heroes arrive or the cops…" I said to myself already excited at the prospect of Jericho's ability and already I had thoughts of mutating him but I held that thought of as I dropped his body on the ground Infront of the safe.

Grinning to myself I immediately started blasting the metal safe with my gloves energy blasts immediately making the metal used for the safe to start turning red rapidly before it began turning to liquid before a hole appeared in the centre big enough for me and waiting a minute for the liquid metal to cool off a bit I entered.

" Holy mother of all that immoral…" i said looking at the mountain of cash Infront of me.

" It must be my birthday…" Smirking at that immediately started grabbing the mountains of cash inside the bank.

" Well damn I thought this bank was just a small one…" i said to no one exactly as I finished emptying the bank of every dollar note I could find.

Immediately after taking everything I heard the sounds of police sirens abound closing in on my location.

" Show time…." i thought with a grin as I walked out of the huge ass safe and grabbed Jericho's jacket and pulled him, not a couple seconds after I had done that as I was about to walk towards the entrance of the bank three people dropped in from above all of them making a superhero landing.

Immediately I used recognised two of them but the last one had me confused and with my increased brain processing prowess I used my my appraisal ability to mainly gain their basic information, I used my appraisal on the red and blue wearing Spiderman and the white and purple spider-gwen or ghost spider and then at the pure black spider person besides them.

[Name: Spider-Man—Peter Parker.

Age: 17

Gender: Male]

[Name: Ghost-Spider—Gwen Stacy.

Age: 16

Gender: Female.]

[Name: Black-Spider—Jackson Cole.

Age: 17.

Gender: Male.

Warning: Protagonist.]

"oh fuckin hell." i said in annoyance looking at the last person's status and immediately as I said that a screen appeared Infront of my face.

[Quest: Kill the spider.

Description: A protagonist donning the skin of a spider has been spotted, kill the Black-Spider.

Reward: 3 Villain Facility Creation Card's, Radioactive Spider Creation Knowledge, Perk Function Unlocked.]

[Go to my pat-reon and sponsor me for some quick bucks!

Patr-eon is already on chapter 23 so go check it out and make suggestions for future arcs and for people you'd like to see in the fic and recommend some female comic book characters you'd like to appear in the fic.

Will upload 2+ chapters on pat until chapter 50 and then will start doing double uploads in webnovel.

Will upload Sunday.

patre on.com/GodOfDepravity (remove the space)]