
Marvel: System Maker.

Waking up in a world with demon's able to make systems to gain power was a trippy way to know that after death your soul just shuttles through the Omniverse trying to find a body but taking over one of those said demon's was a nice cherry on-top. now what's with all the talks about a green monster wrecking havoc in these world's and even a man wearing iro—Wait?!? am I in marvel?!? FUCK!

Faceless_Prick · Anime & Comics
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73 Chs


"How?!?" I screamed while heading back to the warehouse.

" How in the infinite multiverse did demon's from the same hellplane as me decide to invade the universe that I've taken a liking into?!?…that makes no explainable sense!!" I screamed as I got teleported to the crafting room I had occupied mostly and took out my villain suit.

" well if it's the demon's from my hellplane and they aren't constrained by the world's pressure then I'ma need to revamp my costume a tad….okay a huge bit." i said before I started floating my costume and started putting it apart easily while floating around other items to upgrade my suit.

Concentrating deeply into my work for once I didn't notice as my perception sped up along with my eyes glowing an strange purple.

Taking out my hallucinatic Steel and then started melting it with my mana before I started fusing and welding the steel with my mask and used some more more to fuse more durable cloth material to my clothes while also adding in with it as much hallucinatic Steel as possible.

" This is gonna take a while." I thought as I upgraded and replaced many things withing my super suit and just all around upgraded it and streamlined it as much as possible.

—Miles Away/ Jericho POV.

–1 hour after falling asleep on this body I heard a knock on the door making me groan in annoyance as I woke up while also feeling my other body creating a masterpiece a dozen miles away from me.

' controlling two bodies is a pain…' i thought before I walked towards the door and opened it and found one Jean Grey with Scott behind her fully suited up in their X-Men clothes.

" Jer we need your help." Jean said to me using the nickname the girls had started calling me as of late, frowning at her words I looked at her clothes and then at her.

" With what exactly…." i asked whilst squinting my eyes.

" There's a mega-level allert going in in the city at the moment and the avengers and the fantastic four have called for our help and by the looks of it…we will need all the help we can get." Jean explained with a bit of begging at the end of her voice.

" Okay…where do I come in, in all of this then?, Shouldn't you guys already be there?" I asked actually curious but deep down i already knew where this was going.

" Jer, come on. We need all the help we can get and The professor thought you'd make a great addition with the team with your skills and all." Jean said again but behind her I felt that Scott was getting irritated.

" I'm not a hero." I simply stated with a frown.

" I know, I know but this threat will need all of us to stop…please we–." Jean said pleadingly but was interrupted by Scott who looked at me with bloody murder.

" Listen dude, even if you're not a hero the professor told us to come get you and you'll listen." Scott said making Jean frown.

" Scott!!" Jean shouted at Scott with an angry expression.

" I'm not a hero nor am I to be ordered by your professor to do as he pleases….that is not what I came here for." i said back with a frown of my own.

" You're under his roof and you'll do as he and I say!" Scott shot back again making Jean who was Infront of him frown even more.

" Scott! Shut up!!" Jean shouted at Scott making him falter for a second before standing his ground and look at me with anger.

" Is that so?, Well then I guess I'll take my things and move out, thank you for your hospitality." I said back in a low tone which made Jean's expression sour even further before she looked at Scott and spoke.

" Go" She said softly and the refusal I expected from him to come never did as his face suddenly shifted to calm and his eyes glazed he walked away slowly.

" Mind controlling him?, Didn't take you for tge type." I said with a tone of disaproval making jeans eyes widen for a second before she started panicking.

" No!, No! That's ….he..I " her words just didn't come out as she seemingly wanted to make up an excuse but before she could her belt with the X logo on it buzzed for a bit.

Looking at it Jean bit her lip whilst seemingly in a battle with her own emotions.

" Jer…. please we need as many people we can get on this…" She said pleadingly.

" Mmmm…fine." I said before breathing out shaking my head.

' Might as well…' i thought with a sigh before watching Jean smile and tell me to follow her.

—4 minutes later.

Jean led me to room, a meeting room as seen by the multiple people I knew nothing about along with the X-Men.

' damn even collosus is here….and who are they?" i asked myself looking at the multiple mutants I didn't know about and using appraisal on most of them I got one prompt that mattered out of all of them.

[Warning: Protagonist]

' of course some of the mutants are also protagonists…how the fuck are there so much of them in one world anyway?…' I thought to myself before I walked towards an empty seat and sat on it before Jean sat besides me to the anger of not only Scott who seemed to have recovered from his mind control but also half the protagonists here.

'….the problem with this many protagonists is….who are the ship's?' i thought but got out of my musing by the professor speaking at the head seat taking to the more then 20 mutants in the room.

" Thank you all for coming, as you all know we have gotten an S.O.S call from not only the avengers but also the Fantastic Four also. It seems that a rift has opened up leading to a dozen or so demon's escaping from their realm and into ours, this has led to the avengers hulk and Thor to make first contact with them but suprisingly…they were defeated." Charles said earning the shocked gasps of most of the mutants in the room.

' well they are fucking demon's from my world some…but still though damn they beat both Thor and Hulk?' I thought with a frown.

" Bit luckily they didn't kill them and only left them with a message ' Bring traitorous child named Darius back to us and your world will be spared so says the Evil God Clan.' so we are now at—" The professor continued speaking but to me I didn't hear shit after he said what the demon's said to thor and Hulk.

'…oh fuck me.' i thought while looking at the table in contemplation with both my bodies having stopped whatever they were doing to start making up plans to survive this because I'm fucked right now.

' The fucking clan is after me…wait why are they here and not in the hellplane?…this sucks!' I thought with a sigh before concentrating back at the professor and my other body getting back at finishing his creation.

[Check out my Pat! and support this lowly soul on this journey throughout the marvel multiverse!

On my patr-eon I've already uploaded till Chapter—41 so go check out the advanced chapters and leave some suggestions for the story.

also thank you guys for the stone's and the comments! knowing that you guys love my story means a lot to me really.

and also shower me with stones so this story gets an even larger audience!!]