
Marvel: System Maker.

Waking up in a world with demon's able to make systems to gain power was a trippy way to know that after death your soul just shuttles through the Omniverse trying to find a body but taking over one of those said demon's was a nice cherry on-top. now what's with all the talks about a green monster wrecking havoc in these world's and even a man wearing iro—Wait?!? am I in marvel?!? FUCK!

Faceless_Prick · Anime & Comics
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73 Chs

[ Chapter—56 ]

' Fuck! I thought as I weaved and dodged 3 bullets from Natasha that were luckily aimed at my feet rather then the sniper round that I dodged from Clint.

After that I caught Steve's shield before I used it to tank Tony's energy blasts and then proceeded to throw it at him making him stop his bombardment of attacks for me to take out my pistols as I aimed one at the closest person which was Steve who began running towards me and started rapidly shooting at him.

Steve without his shield against a gun isn't a good match but I didn't choose to kill him yet as I thought of better uses for him so using my gun skills I shot him in the chest to his lung which dropped him like a bag.

With my other gun I pointed it at tony who was finally able to shoot away the vibranium shield away somehow and used the items skill [Fiery Bullet] and shot out a compressed bullet to his chest where the reactor is and by the use of my skills the compressed fire bullet hit deadon before a sudden explosion shot Tony off through a building close the one we were on.

"No!!!" I heard Wanda shout as the entire rooftop was bathed in crimson energy, chaos energy.

Frowning at that I tapped into my own mana reserves and siphoned out a lot to become like a second skin to not be affected by the shittery that was chaos, but even after doing that I felt my mana around my skin slowly corrode as I filled more of my mana into it to keep it stable.

" Wanda!" I heard vision shout as he phased out of the ground towards Wanda giving me a chance to again dodge a bullet from Clint that was aimed to my head, after that I thought about Natasha and looked at her as she hadn't shot at me since she tried to down me.

' Oh? Lingering feelings?' I thought with grin. ' I could probably use that.' i thought but then looked at the kid who was looking at me while holding a sword.

' did this kid make those?' I thought with shake of my head as I ran towards him catching the attention of the others, Wanda shot chaos blasts at me which I dodged by the skin on my body while Natasha finally raised her gun and started shooting at me but I simply lifted my own pistol and shot at her bullet's making every shot of hers meet my own thus stopping them dead at their tracks.

" Hephaestus! Run!" I heard Natasha shout out as I saw the kid finally start to move but I was already Infront of him.

Smiling at that I looked around our surroundings and found that the kid was at the edge of the building, so with a simply grab and jump i allowed us to fall off the building and with iron man downed probably there was no one to help him aside from Wanda and Vision.

So as we fell i listened to the frightened screams of the boy.

"No!! Please stop!" I heard him shout. " System help!!" He shouted again probably asking for help from his system but we were already close to the ground so I took out my pistols and put it in his head as we fell.

" Wait! N–"*Bang* A bullet to his head and blood splattered on my mask was the end of that.

So immediately I used all-plunder on the body to take everything he had and as his body dissapeared in ash I finally got the ground with a loud bang which cracked a couple of my bones but I was fine.

" Fuck!" I shouted with a groan as I immediately stood up and ran towards the sewer hole and fell in before I used the knowledge this body already had about New York's sewer lines and started running off deeper into mutant territory.

—Line Break—

Entering inside a warehouse isolated from anyone's eyes as I entered I found myself Infront of a lab slowly running on its own with multiple incubation chambers in the middle and random equipment around them.

'….this, will do fine actually.' I thought with a grin as I walked off towards a private bedroom and plopped right down on my bed before I opened my plundered items list.

[You've plundered—

—Crafters Shard[SS+]: A broken concept shard which resonates with the concept of crafting and making things from the very material around the material world.

—Crafters Essence[SSS+]: The pure essence of a being that was solely created to craft which has great affinity for all things crafting which can be used for a variety of things.

—Crafters Soul Bead[S+]: A soul compressed to physical form with high soul quality and great affinity with crafting which can be used for a variety of things.

—+20 Stat Points.

—+20 Ability Points.

—+20 Skill Points.]

And as I was about to claim my gains a sudden window appeared over the plundered items.

[100× Critical Enhancement Rate has been triggered]

[You've gained—

—Grand-Crafters Shard[SSS+]: A broken concept shard which resonates with the concept of crafting and making things from the very material around the material world.

—Crafters Essence[Ex+]: The pure essence of a being that was solely created to craft which has great affinity for all things crafting which can be used for a variety of things and allows for items enhanced and imbued with the essence abilities or skills related to crafting.

—Crafters Soul Bead[SS+]: A soul compressed to physical form with high soul quality and great affinity with crafting which can be used for a variety of things and mostly suited for crafting equipment.

—+2,000 Stat Points.

—+2,000 Ability Points.

—+2,000 Skill Points.]

Looking at the screen and then opening my status, skills and abilities to check if it was all real I then remembered that I fucking added in a cheat engine of sorts into the system.

" Demonic fuck…." I muttered in suprise before suddenly punching the wall caving it it.

" Why didn't this shit trigger when I killed those mutants?" I asked aloud in frustration as if this shit triggered when I killed the mutants then I wouldn't have had to run away from the fucking avengers at all!.

[A.I: The trigger for items not directly given by the system is less then 0,00000000000000000....1% and the only reason you even were able to trigger it is because of your other cheat—Positive Effect Chance.]

" Wait if that's true then I should always hit a critical chance since positive effect chance allows for me to always hit the 100% chance." I argued back.

[A.I: It should be so, but the energy and power needed to reverse that low of a chance to positive always is staggering and would break the system.]

" Ah I see it's more of my system isn't advanced enough then…well I did use less then 10 items to create it so it's not that bad even though I had to use my talent to enhance it further." I replied to the A.I Ellie before I brought up my status aiming to bring up my stats.

[Check out my Pat and support me— +7 Advanced Chapters (Currently up to chapter 63)—

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