
Chapter 30 Death of Hydra

"That can't.. be Bucky..." Steve murmured feeling his stomach churn.

He felt like the whole image of Bucky in his mind was tainted.

"I am going to kill him" Tony murmured not thinking right.

His eyes turning towards David and with rapid steps he came to David.

"Tell me where... Bu... Bucky is" Tony said struggling to even utter his name out loud.

"What you watched there was not Bucky, you saw Hydra, Bucky is somewhere deep inside, locked away by the tricks Hydra employed on him" David said.

"I don't care" Tony said "I'm going to kill him" he said, his tone filled suppressed anger.

Steve watched Tony in silence, he could understand what Tony was going through.

It was a very valid reason he was angry.

But, Bucky... Steve didn't know if the Bucky he once knew still could be brought back.

Maybe in a sense the Bucky he knew might be dead.

Steve wanted to ask David if Bucky could be brought back but held off due to Tony.

"Tony" David said in a serious tone to Tony who looked he was ready to throw everything to kill Bucky.

But he decided to hear David out so he glanced at David.

"Bucky was simply a weapon, if you want revenge, go after the wielder of the weapon" David said.

"What? Hydra?" Tony asked with sarcasm.

"Yes, Look at this USB" David said as he began explaining why he had spent his time reading those books and programming, and David told Tony and Steve about Arnim, Pierce, Baron and the various other High level Hydra members.

"I'm sure Arnim has a way to send a distress call to these people, it is something I probably could not expect" David said.

"When they get it, Pierce and all of the others will probably drop everything and escape but capturing them is not a big deal, the problem is the low level and mid level members of Hydra, they are to many in number" David said.

"I want you guys to keep track of these low level to mid level members and capture them, effectively crippling Hydra" David said as he glanced at Steve and Tony.

"So what do you guys say to crippling and essentially destroying this parasite known as Hydra?" David asked staring at the two.

"I am in" Steve without hesitation stepped forward with determination on his face.

He had risked his life trying to destroy Hydra yet he clearly failed as Hydra survived.

"This time, I'm going to make sure we wipe out Hydra" Steve said looking directly at David's eyes without fear.

"Tony?" David questioned as he looked at him.

"It's over for them" Tony declared as if it was a matter of fact.

"Very well" David said as he gave them the partial list he already had, while Tony used Jarvis and his satellite to locate them and keep track of them.

Steve left with a temporary shield, Tony made with the scrap materials he had left overs, it had no logo, and it was a basic silver shield.

Steve also did not have any suit available, so David gave Steve a part of the Venom symbiote to act as a temporary suit which was just black in colour, the design reminiscent of his Captain America suit.

David took off as he began heading to the SHIELD's Facility in New Jersey Camp Leigh.

In a few seconds, David had already arrived over the abandoned facility.

Entering the door, David saw a dark room, but that wasn't a issue cause David could perfectly see everything.

As quietly as he could, he located a port which he inserted the USB with the program in it.

The second it was inserted it began running.

The lights of the room turned on.

Dim white light lit up the room.

There were many servers all around, while In the center lay a large desk with multiple monitors with a large monitor in the middle with a old fashioned camera.

David glanced at the large monitor as a green face began to appear.

"Subject SS" A voice resounded as a camera turned towards David.

"Arnim Zola" David said as he looked at the camera.

"What interesting little thing have you inserted into my brain" Arnim said in his german accent, the sound of machine and human synthesised together which finally reached David's ears.

"Arnim, Hydra is finished" David said.

There was a short period of silence as Arnim pretty much ignored what David said as he quietly analysed what the USB David had inserted was doing to him.

Arnim realized that his defences seemed to have been utterly useless in front of the program David had created.

Arnim knew the purpose of the program was to try and make a copy of all the data in his archives so Arnim quickly tried to delete the files but it was too late.

A copy of his archives was imprinted onto David's Usb.

"You monster..." Arnim said, his tone not betraying any type of emotion because at this point, Arnim had became more machine then human.

"How are you still alive Subject SS" Arnim asked as he began to try and make a copy of his mind onto another super computer at a unknown location, this being his back up plan.

"Like Steve Roger I was in a state of sleep" David said.

"They blew away half your neck" Arnim said finding it hard to believe what David was saying.

"How was that sleep, you were tested and confirmed dead"

"And What do you mean, Steve is alive?" Arnim asked.

"He was asleep in i---" As David was about to explain Arnim interrupted him.

"It's over, my life" Arnim said in gurgled robotic voice.

Arnim had realized that, he could not escape.

"Not only your life, but Hydra as well" David said causing Arnim to create synthetic fake laugh.

"Hydra can never die" Still not taking David's words seriously, "If one head is killed, two more regrow, it will take you forever to track and kill everybody on that list" Arnim said.

"By then there will be new Hydra members you wont know about"

"It seems you don't know about what has been happening in the outside world recently" David said with a chuckle.

"What do you mean?" Arnim asked.

At this time David's ears picked up the sound of a rocket that sounded like it was heading for the camp.

Glancing at it through the base, David saw a few kilometres away a missile was heading for him.

Thank you all so much for reading and commenting so far.

Truly, thank you guys so much.

I really appreciate the support :)

Karate_master_bcreators' thoughts