

An ordinary man find himself as a certain alien hero from different universe in the Marvel Umiverse.

EMIYASENDOU7 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs



"Are you sure it is not heavy?" My mother, Martha Miller ask me who is currently weightlifting my cupboard which is full of my cloth.

Yesterday is my 7th birthday and only 2 of us celebrated it as I take notice of how my mother seems to not invite any of her relatives, which make winder if she has one or not.

"Nope," I replied while pushing up the cupboard for about the 50th or 60th time already with my right arm.

I guess I am pretty strong huh for a 7 years old kid who has gone to kindergarten. And let me tell you, I did not recognise anyone there so, I am still safe.

Currently, I am living in Manhattan which is a relief since I can be the local hero of this town and I did not intend to share my hero territory with other heroes.

"You know, I wonder what is your mutant powers are? I guess it must involve your physical stats. Well, if you are going to join any sports clubs or trams, make sure you hold back or people will suspect you are a mutant." She tells me as I nod my head as I put down the cupboard.

"So what is our breakfast today?" I ask her even though I did not feel hungry but still, her homemade apple pie is very tasty that makes me ate about 4 of them.

"Banana pancakes." She said as we both walk toward our kitchen in our new house, outskirts of many people eyes as I did not have to worry if I want to do some inhuman feats.

The house my mother and I lived in is an abandoned 2 storey house that has a garage and underground bunker which make me feel a little happy knowing I have the Batcave that I can use to store my hero suit and equipment.

But to create it, I need to gain money legally. And I already know how to do it but I just need to wait for my supervision to arrives to do it.

There are a lot of things that I needed when I decide to become a superhero in this world.

First off, my supercomputer or an AI that can at least cover my track and make SHIELD and Jarvis hack my smartphone or by electronic equipment in my living place.

Also, it will be able to momentarily hack any security cameras when I wear my hero costume.

Cool and strong vehicles are a must since I also want to drive though I will focus on building a Tumbler like in the Dark Knight.

"Urghh. There are many years before the supposed event of Iron Man happen. And I still did not know if Peter Parker is the same age as me or not. Al, I know this world still did not has superheroes yet. But there is still Baxter Building in New York but no news of Reed Richard, the Storm siblings and Ben. Maybe they still did not work there or are not too famous yet."

Picking up a baseball, I throw it to a tree as I see, how my throw makes it fly to the tree very fast, almost the same speed of a bullet as my feet move to catch it.

My perception of time is ridiculous as ordinary human will not see tho throwing ball unless they used a slowly made camera but for me, I did not need that as I concentrate on the movement of the ball that moves at the rate of a speed that I can say, playing catch the ball with your father or brother.

"And there." I catch the baseball with my bare hand as I realise my throwing can injure a normal human a lot. After all, this kind of speed and force is something not normal human can achieve unless they are not human, alien or mutants.

Looking at the sky, I gained a very crazy idea as I decide to throw upward with me leap after it, which I manage to catch as my body and on the ground.

"Okay. This is boring. I can just throw it very far but that will alert some unwanted attention, so I am just going to do this."

Grabbing many plates that I can find, I stack them in front of me.

"Let's see if my finger flick is stronger than Izuku or not."

When I flick, an air force hit the play and break all of them and make the tree behind it shake violently, along with some flower vases that get thrown in the air.

My eyes became wide for a second as I know these are all my mother flowers and when she is angry, even I am terrified despite me having an indestructible body.

Plus, I did not want her to feel sad.

In a matter of seconds, I catch them and placed them safely on the shelves as I sigh in relief.

But then a cough makes me turn my head to look behind me only to see the sigh of my mother who is crossing her arms and had that scary haze on her.

"Oh, man. I am screwed am I?" I groan in my head knowing she probably saw that.

"Benjamin Miller, what did I say about no touching my flower vases when you practice your super strength?" She asks me as I look down in shame.

"Do not involve them during practising it," I replied as she nods her head, satisfied with my answer.

"Then why did you do it hmm?" She asks me again.

"Sorry, mother. I did not realise they are behind the destroyer plates when I flick my finger toward them," told me e approaches me.

"Look. I know you are happy to have powers but make sure you be aware when you train them or where you point your punch and flick that is the strongest by far I see in my whole It is enough of me had to pay for all those broken furniture when you break them when you are 2-3 year's old because you did not know how to control your strength. Do you understand Benjamin?" She asks me as I do my head.

"I understand Mum," I told her as she smiled and ruffle my hair.

"Now, help me bring in the groceries and if you finish it in 30 seconds, I will make spicy fried chicken for you." She told that me to use my super speed to go to her car and carried the groceries toward the kitchen in under 30 seconds.

All I know, today is a cooperative day for me. I hope I get my other powers sooner so I can train them.