
Marvel’s Strongest Undead

Dabi is a beloved character in the Anime community. Many fans of the show he comes from have fantasized of having his powers, so imagine the chaos it would cause the Marvel Universe when someone from our world actually does get these powers. Well in this fic, that’s exactly what happens. (P.S: I thought it would be a cool concept because of the fact that Dabi kinda looks like a zombie. If it’s not, well I’m sorry) (Cover art was found on Pinterest. I don’t own Marvel by the way, or the character of Dabi, I only own the plot/ storyline that I came up with separately from Marvel’s creations) Upload Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday

_oaklandshow_ · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

CH6- The Next Step

Azrael Maximoff View

'It's been around four months since I've been in this facility and I think I've made great progress. I've got a great handle on my abilities and I've already spoken to Wanda and Pietro about my plans.'

I told Pietro to help me steal some files about some of the little things that Strucker does in this base and the blueprints to this entire base. And if you're wondering how we did this, well it was a pretty Mission Impossible esque sequence of events. Long story short, we put a couple of guards to sleep, made distractions that required Strucker's attention, which left his office open for intrusion.

After reading the files, Wanda and Pietro both couldn't stand being here anymore. They did wonder how I knew about these files existences though.

"When you guys told me that there was a secret sixth experiment who was never really around, I was suspicious as to why, so I snuck around and found out some things which has led me to this." I gave this simple and not very descriptive answer in a whisper.

The three of us had arrived to lunch earlier than Hisako and Chris so we could discuss these things further alone.

"Ezzy, how do you suggest we get out of this facility? Do you think we can get out of here with just us three?" Pietro asked.

(A/N: Yes, Pietro calls him Ezzy as well. Everything isn't about Wanda… right?)

Wanda intervened with a suggestion. "What if we had the help of Chris and Hisako? They tell us all the time that they want to escape the base to go on and live their own lives. Their goals perfectly align with ours."

I nodded at both of them. "I do think that this is possible for us to do by ourselves, but not without going through absolute hell, so it would be wise for us to take advantage of the opportunity that we have, which is allowing our allies/friends to help us carry this out." Pietro and Wanda nodded in agreement.

"However, I think that the inclusion of a sixth person would not only increase our chances of success." The twins looked at eachother with uncertainty evident in their eyes.

"Think about it, she must be seriously strong if Strucker has her more heavily secured and isolated than us. If we get her on our side, then there's almost a guarantee that we win. Remember, if we fail, who knows what will happen to us.." A chill invaded our spines at the thought.

"Alright, I agree that we add her."

"Me too." The twins inputted.


After showing Chris and Hisako the copies of the original files that we stole and then put back, this is what Chris had to say.

"Look Azrael, we agree with your plans, but are you sure we should include the sixth experiment into this? We don't know who she is as a person and could totally go psycho in the middle of the plan!"

These five have only seen this sixth member a few times and their descriptions of her appearance were quite basic.

Black hair that went to the middle of her back, black eyes, beautiful face, and appeared of Caucasian descent. That definitely describes a lot of women in this universe to be honest.

Even when looking through the files, I couldn't gain access to her records. I can't even figure out her name! As someone who likes to think of himself as clever, I was feeling pretty stupid right now.

"I know that you two are very concerned about the implications of adding her and how that affects the plan, but you got to trust me. We know that she is isolated because she wants to get out of here, even more so than us! So let's use common sense here and realize that her goal is the exact same as ours."

Neither of the two said a word after my reasoning. Even though it made sense, they still needed some time to wrap their heads around it.

"I'm in." Hisako nodded, her facial expression was drowned in confidence.

"Sigh, what the hell, I'm in." He finished with a chuckle. A smile grew onto my face as I realized that my plan was blooming into fruition.

We discussed the plans further for the entire lunch, changing conversation when our food came, and barely eating the lunch. We continued outside and decided on something.

We needed an opportunity to recruit #6. I've decided that saying "experiment six" or "sixth member" since I don't know who she is, is a mouthful. Until I know her name, for know she is known as "#6" or "number six" just to simplify things.

Anyways, we needed to create an opportunity for me to recruit #6. As of now, we have about two options.

Option one, wait until she is allowed to eat lunch with us in the cafeteria, and option two, figure out where she's being held.

Option one allows us more time to plan everything out, but playing the waiting game can be harmful, because who knows when Strucker can catch wind of our rebellion?

Option two is an option that allows me to meet with her, but considering where she could be held, there might not be any time for us to communicate. Chances are, if we do this one, we either start the plan then, or I take a punishment.

Either way these sound like lose lose situations. At the end of the recess period, before we all disbanded to go to our cells, I made up my mind.

"We do both. We wait and plan while simultaneously developing a strategy to find her location and make time for me to discuss with her. Once I get my chance, if I successfully get through to her, we initiate the plan the day after that. You'll all receive your earpieces tomorrow." They all nodded before disbanding.

Wanda's, Pietro's, and my cell were all closer so we went in the same direction. I sighed as we got closer to our cells.

"I truly hate being restricted like this, like a damn prisoner." Pietro put his hand on my shoulder and rubbed it soothingly.

"Don't worry little brother, with your foolproof plan, we'll get out of these cells in no time." Pietro said with his famous smile. I grinned back at him while Wanda giggled at the interaction. 'I don't know about foolproof, but thank you Pietro.'

Soon enough we were all back in our cells, ready for the next day's events to transpire.
