
MARVEL: Start to Rule the Universe

「MTL/Machine Translated Chinese Fanfic」 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 【 Synopsis: 】 I, Thanos, am Destiny! The resources of this universe are limited, but life can reproduce infinitely. Only rational reproduction can make this universe run forever. And I'm the only one working hard for it. ﹝Leave a review if you liked the novel﹞

typicalanimewatchr · Anime & Comics
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400 Chs

Soul Torture

On a main city of Nexus near the Temple.

At the moment is the evening, the streets are full of people who are off work, as well as children and old people who come out for a walk, walking around on the street, as for the means of transportation, there is no one in sight.

Under Thanos' rule, society practiced a house allocation system.

That is to say, where the job is, the house will be allocated there, so that the trouble of transportation can be avoided.

If you want to travel far, you can use the underground superspeed track to reach any location in Nexus, Thailand within an hour.

If you go to an alien planet, there will also be a special anti-gravity flight vehicle sent to the orbital spaceport, and then take a spaceship.

Therefore, there are basically few means of transportation on the ground, and naturally, pollution is rarely seen.

When people on the road saw Thanos, they all began to bow down and salute.

This kind of salute is from the heart.

Because Thanos knows the importance of people's hearts, under his rule, everyone must be instilled with the great information of Thanos from the time they are exposed to knowledge from an early age.

For example, they broadcast some wars on the surrounding planet every day, and then preach that their stable life is brought about by Thanos.

Where else is there a famine, and under Thanos' rule, family planning never worried about food.

Or where the quality of life has declined due to commodity prices, housing prices, etc., and here are all allocated houses, so you don't need to worry about it at all.

Under the long-term non-stop publicity, naturally everyone will thank Thanos from the bottom of their hearts for the stable life now.

Definitely, not everyone likes stability.

Thanos is even more welcome for those who are adventurous and thrill-seeking.

Send these people to the front line, and then fight them down in several brutal wars. It is estimated that those who can survive want to go back and live a stable life.

These people can still promote their hard-won peace when they go back.

Those who did not die and wanted to continue looking for excitement would be assigned to serve as generals or staff officers in the dark sect.

In short, all the assassins will be clearly arranged, and they will not be given a chance to make trouble.

The remaining people who need to lie down will also have various arrangements.

Under the rule of Thanos, not to mention the happiest in the universe, but at least the most stable and stable.

After continuing to stroll around for a while, Thanos found that everything here was the same as usual, without any changes, and people's lives were also stable, so he stepped aside to observe on other planets.

After thirty-four hours.

He came to the seventeenth planet of this trip, Red Mercury.

This planet is called Red Mercury because there is a special ore in the ocean that makes the sea water look red.

And along the way, the people he saw were living happily and in good health, free from illness and trouble.

After all, according to the current medical level, there is no disease in the universe that cannot be cured, and the most important house of a family is allocated, so naturally there is no trouble.

Seeing this, Thanos felt that he was really the most benevolent and greatest emperor in the universe.

Soon, he came to a mountain peak by the sea, looking at the crimson sea water and blue sky in the distance, enjoying this rare tranquility.

This is the first time he has been in the Marvel world for more than 500 years, and he is looking at a landscape so quietly.

Usually he is either fighting or cultivating, and he doesn't have a minute to spare.

After a while, he sat on the rock and watched the sun slowly setting in the sky.

A trace of sea breeze blew across his cheeks, bringing a coolness.

He didn't wear his tyrant armor this time. He only had a black leather jacket for a lunch break and black trousers on his legs. He looked like an ordinary person, quietly enjoying the dusk.

Just then, a small spaceship appeared from outer space and flew right behind Thanos.

Soon, Gamora, dressed in black leather and windbreaker, jumped out from inside.

Then she came behind Thanos, also quietly looking at the distant sky.

Compared with Thanos, who is back to basics and looks ordinary, she has a more heroic and heroic temperament, and the average man will have the feeling of wanting to conquer when he sees it.

It's no wonder that Starlord fell in love with her regardless of race.

A few minutes later, Thanos was still looking at the sun in the sky, and asked lightly, "Look, this world is so beautiful, why do people always miss it?"

Hearing this, Gamora looked at Thanos with complicated eyes, and said, "Yeah, why?"

At the moment her mood was very complicated.

After experiencing all kinds of adventures in the universe and seeing all kinds of people, she felt that her father's approach was wrong.

Freedom is the nature of life. No one can manipulate others at will, decide whether others can reproduce, what they can do, and what they cannot do.

But years of education told her that her father's policy can make people's lives more stable and prosperous.

However, when she thought of how her father didn't care about the life and death of other beings when he absorbed the star core, she immediately felt that her father was so indifferent and cold-blooded that he was not a qualified emperor at all.

Thanos turned his head, looked at the daughter in front of him, and said in a low voice: "Because life will go through a period of rebellion, just like parents' children, always thinking about freedom, but ignoring the price of freedom."

Gamora raised her head, looked her father in the eyes, and said firmly, "But freedom is the nature of life, isn't it?"

Thanos was silent for a moment when he heard that.

Yes, freedom is the nature of all life. If there is no such adventurous nature, how can life evolve and develop a brilliant civilization.

It is because human beings yearn for freedom that they create various tools to replace their own labor, and then they can have time to do other things.

Otherwise, it would be like the ancient times, when people were running around for three meals a day, how could civilization develop.

But this freedom is not unlimited.

In the face of life and death and the continuation of the race, everything has to give way, and freedom is no exception.

But these, people without his experience, will not understand at all.

Back then, due to overpopulation and exhaustion of resources on Titan, countless people were starved to death, and some even killed a whole family for a piece of bread.

In this desperate environment, the emerging faction launched a coup and fought the conservatives to the death.

In the end, the Titan star could not bear the ravages of the war and went to destruction.

But I can only watch all this happen, unable to change at all.

Because he can't create food, energy, living space and other things out of thin air.

Now he has the ability to change everything, and no one is allowed to destroy everything.

Thinking of this, he immediately lost interest in continuing the conversation with Gamora.

So he turned around, looked at the moon starting to rise in the distance, and asked in a low voice, "Any news about Soul Gem?"

When Gamora heard the question, he lowered his head immediately, and after hesitation for a while, he said, "Not yet."