
MARVEL: Start to Rule the Universe

「MTL/Machine Translated Chinese Fanfic」 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 【 Synopsis: 】 I, Thanos, am Destiny! The resources of this universe are limited, but life can reproduce infinitely. Only rational reproduction can make this universe run forever. And I'm the only one working hard for it. ﹝Leave a review if you liked the novel﹞

typicalanimewatchr · Anime & Comics
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405 Chs

Sinister Strange

Doctor Strange looked at Thanos flying this way, with a look of despair in his eyes.

In Time Gem, Deadpool is not so easy to kill.

Sure enough, Ancient One was right, time cannot be trusted.

But it's too late to say this now.

If Thanos cannot be stopped, the universe will surely come to an end.

Now there is only one last chance left.

Thinking of this, he turned his head to look at Wanda who was holding the dark book beside him.

A look of determination flashed across his eyes.

In a million timelines, he actually saw another way to win.

It was he who picked up the book of darkness and fell into darkness from then on, forever.

The reason why it is said that there is no redemption.

That's because he saw that after using the dark book to absorb a huge amount of energy and killing Thanos, he would become the second Thanos and start destroying the world.

So after he obtained the Dark God Book, he decisively gave it to Wanda, not even daring to touch it, for fear that he would be tempted.

But now, he had to use the Dark Divine Book.

Only in this way can Thanos be defeated and the universe saved.

For the peace of the universe, for all life in the universe, he must sacrifice himself.

Thinking of this, Doctor Strange showed firm eyes, and then stretched out his hand.

After a burst of flashes, the magic whip in his hand suddenly appeared, and then hit Wanda.


A delicate scream sounded.

Wanda clutched her injured shoulder, her eyes were full of tears, and she looked at Doctor Strange puzzled.

She was extremely nervous when she saw Thanos coming, so she was not at all prepared for Doctor Strange's attack.

Aren't they teammates who fought together against Thanos?

Why did Doctor Strange want to hurt her?

At the moment she had completely forgotten that she could still have Origin Magic Power, and she hadn't thought about fighting back at all.

She has never experienced the plot of Avengers 2. She just came out of the HYDRA base, and her heart is as pure as white paper.

"Sorry, this is the only way left to save the world."

Doctor Strange didn't intend to kill Wanda, but was ready to leave after taking the Dark God Book.

But at this moment, a dark purple energy attack suddenly appeared.

It forced him to stop opening the portal, and quickly opened the protective shield.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise.

The power of destroying the world and the golden shield began to collide, emitting a dazzling light.

It turned out that Thanos saw that Doctor Strange was trying to escape, so he launched an attack power attack.

And his power to destroy the world is obviously stronger than that of Doctor Strange, even if the other party has the book of Emperor Vishanti.

It quickly shattered the opponent's shield.

But the magicians around Doctor Strange opened up the second shield immediately, buying time for Doctor Strange.

Just when Thanos was about to go all out and kill the opponent, suddenly a woman wearing a red and blue tights and holding a buckler appeared.

I saw the other party holding the shield tightly, resisting his energy shock, and then said loudly: "Thanos, I can fight you..."

Before she could finish speaking, she saw Thanos pass her, and at the same time the Blade in his hand slashed.

Then, her vision began to blur.

In one last look, she seemed to see her own lower body.

Thanos didn't talk nonsense to these unknown youngsters at all.

After beheading the opponent casually, he just wanted to continue flying towards Doctor Strange, but found that the opponent had already opened the portal and was about to leave.

After all, the Dark Divine Book is not something that can instantly increase your strength when you get it, but you need to learn the dark magic in it, and then you can become stronger.

So he plans to escape to a place where there is no one to learn dark magic, and then defeat Thanos and save the world.

And after seeing Thanos flying over, he cast a spell and pushed Wanda beside him to give himself more time.

"Sorry, I'm here for the universe."

After speaking, he plunged into the portal without looking back.

"No, help!"

Seeing the woman with long red hair flying towards him and screaming in horror, the knife that Thanos was about to cut down suddenly stopped.

Because in the eyes of the other party, apart from fear, he also saw complex emotions such as helplessness, sadness, and incomprehension.

But only without hatred and resentment.

This is still a woman who has never experienced a complicated society, and her heart is still very pure.

So, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the opponent's neck.

"Ahh! Don't kill me... woo woo..."

Wanda At the moment was terrified.

You must know that under the description of Doctor Strange, Thanos is a person who has to eat people to sleep every day, and he likes to slaughter a planet for fun, not to mention other vicious people.

Now that he has fallen into the other party's hands, will he bite off her beautiful little head in one bite?

I don't know if I can eat from the bottom first, so it doesn't seem to hurt a little.

Just when Wanda was thinking wildly, a thick and powerful voice suddenly sounded in his ear.

"Mortal, your name?"

Hearing the question, Wanda instinctively said weakly: "Wanda~"


Hearing the other person's name, Thanos picked up Wanda and put it in front of his eyes like a chicken, looking carefully at it curiously.

Because he remembered the plot of Doctor Strange 2.

It's just such a little guy, who will use the dark divine book to dream in the multi-universe in the future, and directly wipe out the Light Society.

But no matter how you looked at it, the ruthless Scarlet Witch couldn't connect with the little guy in front of him.

Definitely not the Wanda of this universe.

At this time, Wanda's eyes were full of tears, and she said with a very aggrieved and scared face: "Well, Mr. Thanos, if you want to eat me, can you let me wash it first before eating, I'm afraid I'm dirty..."

Hearing this, there was a rare smile on Thanos' purple and ferocious face.

"Baby, war is not for you."

After speaking, he let go of the other party, and he no longer had the idea of ​​killing him.

At this moment, a woman with long black hair in a tight black combat uniform flew over with a few subordinates.

"Captain Carter!"

Seeing the shield broken into two pieces, and Captain Carter being dismembered, they were shocked.

"Captain Daisy, what shall we do now?"

"A lot of people died, and Professor X went crazy."

"Have we failed? Even Doctor Strange has escaped."

Before they could say a few words, Daisy's subordinates noticed that Thanos in the distance had noticed this side, which immediately made them terrified.

After just ten minutes of killing, it can be said that everyone present was frightened by the opponent's power.

It is not an exaggeration to say that killing a superhero is like killing a chicken.

I didn't see the superheroes who were majestic and flaunting their might on weekdays. Now they dare not trouble Thanos at all.

Just when many superheroes fell into despair, suddenly a series of strong lights appeared in the distance.

These lights hit Thanos' troops, and then they exploded.


Thanos turned his head and saw hundreds of thousands of strangely shaped space battleships flying towards him in the distance.

And the leader is Thor holding Stormbreaker.


Thanos turned his head and saw hundreds of thousands of strangely shaped space battleships flying towards him in the distance.

And the leader is Thor holding Stormbreaker.