
MARVEL: Start to Rule the Universe

「MTL/Machine Translated Chinese Fanfic」 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 【 Synopsis: 】 I, Thanos, am Destiny! The resources of this universe are limited, but life can reproduce infinitely. Only rational reproduction can make this universe run forever. And I'm the only one working hard for it. ﹝Leave a review if you liked the novel﹞

typicalanimewatchr · Anime & Comics
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405 Chs

Gathering Of Heroes

Ancient One lowered his head, as if he didn't dare to look directly at Thanos, but said coldly: "My lord, I feel very uncomfortable and my mind is very confused."

Seeing this, Thanos knew right away that this must be the work of the existence behind Ancient One.

When I was purifying the dark energy in Ancient One's soul, I was changing the other's soul memory by the way.

Although Ancient One calls himself an adult now, he doesn't have that respectful feeling.

After thinking about it, he still asked, "Tell me about your experience."

Changing the memory of the soul is a delicate task, not to say that it is enough to let the other party recognize him as his subordinate.

Otherwise, the conflict between the other party's ideas and experiences will lead to confusion of the soul, and then the soul will collapse.

He was only in the soul memory of Ancient One just now, and he just changed some perceptions.

For example, let the other party see clearly the nature of the universe where the weak eat the strong, so they agree with their own ideas and actions, and then join their own camp.

Upon hearing this, Ancient One frowned, and said intermittently: "I remember a thousand years ago, I seem to have fought against Asgard and discovered the essence of this universe."

Although not in a row, there is probably not much difference between the memory and the one changed by Thanos.

However, in the other party's heart, he still did not let go of his obsession with Blue Star's protection.

There is also a strong desire to protect Blue Star.

After listening, Thanos suddenly thought about it.

The person behind Ancient One is probably someone from the Celestial Race.

Because only the Celestials would care so much about Blue Star.

After all, there is a god who is about to be born there.

With calculations in mind, Thanos took Ancient One to other planets.

Then arrange for each other to conquer the galaxy.

Since Ancient One has such a strong obsession with protecting Blue Star, then don't go to conquer Blue Star with yourself, so as not to cause accidents.

Time soon arrived ten days later.

Thanos sat on Sanctuary II, put on the repaired Tyrant Butcher Knife and Tyrant Armor, and came to the edge of the solar system.

After coming here, he suddenly understood why the god behind Ancient One used Dormammu to calculate himself.

Ten small half-moon File size interstellar fortresses, thousands of large space battleships, tens of thousands of medium-sized space battleships and millions of small space battleships.

There are other material ships and supply ships, adding up to hundreds of thousands of ships.

Millions of space battleships are only used to attack a blue star that is not even a first-level civilization.

The god behind Ancient One can sit still and have ghosts.

But since those gods didn't do it themselves, there are obviously some rules that restrain them.

And thinking of the battle between himself and Odin, the aftermath of the battle could destroy several planets, and he suddenly understood something in his heart.

If a chess player goes off in person, the other chess player will definitely make a move as well.

At that time, both chess players will fight, and the chessboard will definitely be smashed.

In order to protect the chessboard, chess players must not leave the field in person.

So it can only be calculated that Dormammu came to Yin himself.

As long as he dies, Hela and Lauf will definitely start to fight each other, and Obsidian will also start to fight for power.

At that time, Blue Star's crisis will naturally be resolved.

When the time is ripe and a new god is born, it will also complete a game.

But unfortunately, the other party obviously didn't expect that he had a system on him.

Even Ancient One is under his own income.

After a while, Thanos received eight call requests.

After connecting, the figures of the five generals of Obsidian, Nebula, Hela and Lauf soon appeared.

General Obsidian and Nebula still kneeled respectfully on one knee, while Hela and Lauf just bowed down to salute.

Thanos didn't talk nonsense with them either, just waved them to attack.

Because it was calculated once by the gods, he didn't want to have long nights and dreams, so he shortened the total attack time.

Under the command of Thanos, ten interstellar fortresses first crossed the Kuiper belt of the solar system and entered the Fixed Star system.

Then there are millions of space battleships.


The high-level human beings in Blue Star discovered this situation through the Harper Telescope soon.

So they urgently formed a blue star coalition force, ready to use the power of the world to make the final struggle.


At the moment the sun in the sky is setting.

People are liberated from the day's work and start to come home from get off work, have dinner, and get rare opportunities for leisure.

The streets and alleys are slowly deserted.

But in the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D in New York, At the moment was extraordinarily lively.

The Illuminati, Brotherhood, X-Men, Knights of the Round Table, Spears, Wakanda, Kamar-Taj, Atlantis, Guardians of Galaxy, even the Nova Corps.

There are hundreds of people.

It can be said that all the forces that can be named on Blue Star, including forces that are not Blue Star, have all gathered in the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Why here is naturally because S.H.I.E.L.D has Tesseract.

At this time, Doctor Strange suddenly opened his eyes, and said solemnly: "Thanos is here."

Hearing the words, the heroes were immediately ready to move.

"It's finally here, let me kick the opponent's ass."

"Seriously, I haven't seen so many superheroes just to fight a villain."

"Yeah, if it wasn't for Doctor Strange looking for me, I wouldn't even know there are so many superheroes out there."

"When the fight is over, where are we going to celebrate?"

Although Doctor Strange has repeatedly emphasized the power of Thanos, but the superheroes who have never had a blue star, how do they know what a cosmic overlord is.

After seeing so many superheroes present and military support, they all took this action as a formality.

You can't really blame them either.

After all, most of these superheroes were ordinary people before, and after gaining power, they thought they were invincible.

Especially those Mutants.

Only think of how to control power, not how to increase power.

Vision limits their imagination of power.

In this group of superheroes, only the Guardians of Galaxy and the Nova Corps, as well as some people with lofty ideals, showed worried expressions.

At this time, Magneto, wearing a helmet, flew to Professor X, looking at his old friend in a wheelchair, with a rare smile on his face.

"Our Mutant's only chance to survive is at hand."

The Security Council has promised Magneto that as long as he can lead Brotherhood to defeat Thanos, he will sign the bill on the legal status of Mutant.

For this reason, he was even released from prison.

That's why he felt that this was Mutant's only chance to survive.

But Professor X looked at his old friend's white hair with a solemn expression, and said worriedly: "I'm afraid things are not so simple."

He joined the Illuminati and knew some news blocked by high-level officials, so he was not as relaxed as Magneto.

At this time, Black Bolt King came over wearing a black leather jacket with a fork on his head, and patted his friend on the shoulder as a sign of comfort.

Immediately afterwards, Tony, wearing a three-meter-high battle armor, walked over from the side.

"Guys, look at my anti-Thanos armor and I'll punch that Thanos in the face."

Dr. Banner, who was nearby, also walked over enviously, and said, "I think this equipment suits me better."

Tony was embarrassed when he heard that.

In fact, this set of armor is called anti-Hulk armor, but because it knew about the appearance of Thanos, it temporarily changed its name to anti-Thanos armor.

At this moment, a colorful figure suddenly flew in the sky.