
Marvel: Start Creating Minecraft

Marcus Silvers comes to the world of Marvel. Then he binds with [Game Creator System]. Looking at boring and plain games Marcus Silvers created one of the most famous games in his previous life [Minecraft]. But let’s just say it wasn’t simple as it was in his previous life. ••• Reminder to readers don’t expect much from this story. Your exception can be about in-level general MTL novels or below that.

Just_XD · Anime & Comics
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Ch 5: More Than Just A Game

New York. Unknown Cafe.

"Hehehe, so did they lift him and blocked the ball with his face? Even though he was passed out?" Kitty said while laughing. Even rogue was giggling a little bit. Only Marcus has a faint smile and talks about his 'past'.

It isn't his past heck it was just a video made by some comedy studio. It was about an unlucky athlete called Scott Sterling who was played by Matthew Meese. Not gonna lie it was a hilarious video.

"So Marcus I heard from Kitty you were a mutant." Finally Rogue asked with a little nervous smile on her face.

Hearing this Marcus let out a small chuckle and lifted a cup of coffee. Small yellow lightning covers the cup and Marcus's hand. Then Marcus turned the cup full of coffee down. But expected coffee to spill on the table but it stay in the cup while defying gravity. Seeing this worry in Rogue's heart finally revealed a lot.

After all, no normal person can do this. At least in current Rogue's eyes, there were only mutants could do this kind of thing. And why could Marcus do this you ask? The reason is he has skill [Hamon (Master)] which cost him 1889 points. Seeing this number Marcus even shed tears of respect for a few seconds. Because I am sure every true JoJo fan will know the meaning of this number.

"Well, once we already getting a little serious. I will go into the main business." After that Marcus's face become serious. Hearing this even Kitty is faced becomes serious too only Rogue is remain confused.

"Did you bring what I asked for?" Marcus asked. Kitty nodded her head and took out a few photos. And it seems some notes?

Seeing photos Marcus nodded his head and took out a few hundred dollar bills and gives them to Kitty. Kitty nodded her head and get up Marcus also gets up. Seeing her two friends getting up Rouge also gets up.

Three of them get out of the cafe and headed somewhere.

New York. Marcus Is Apartment.

Marcus's apartment looks pretty normal till they reached his workroom. There were many pictures are pinned on the wall while connected by red strings. It looks like a spiderweb and middle of it there was one single laptop.

After closing the door Marcus slowly turned on the laptop. He looked at both girls with a serious face and said: "Now the thing I am showing you is secret. I want you guys to don't reveal to anyone."


[1%… 17%… 57%… 87%… 99%… error… virus detected…]


"Marcus, what is happening?" Kitty asked little confused.

"It will start soon," Marcus answers her while looking at the Laptop screen seriously. Soon screen that was turned black started to glitch and after a few seconds. The glitch covers the whole screen. And among glitched screen words finally appeared.

[H311O M4RCU5.]

[1T 15 833N 4 WH1L3 S1NC3 M33T Y0U.]

"M-Marcus what is this?" Rogue asked little timid tone.

"This is Rogue our key to open a big treasure chest called [Minecraft]," Kitty answered with confidence.

"As you know [Minecraft] is a game made by a studio called [Blank]. It's been about 75-76 hours since it is first released. Now many people start noticing it and it's no longer a little unknown game. The number of downloads already passed 50k and it already gained its fair share of loyal fans." Marcus said with a serious face while taking out photos he took from Kitty. Rogue nodded at Marcus's words.

"And among them, there are a few people who tried to hack the game. And I am one of them. I played [Minecraft] since the first day it was released and I am sure you all know that become is difficulty changed dramatically on the seventh night. And from then on difficulty becomes harder and harder."

"Yeah. I know."

"So I tried to hack into the game. Well, at least I tried it. After whole 10 hours of none stop trying I finally did it. I hacked inside game files…"

*Click, click, click, click.*

"I-I did it. After all this work I finally managed to open the game files!"

Marcus looked at his laptop excitingly while checking on files. But suddenly his computer starts glitching. Seeing this Marcus immediately realized it is something to do with [Minecraft].

"No, no, no, no. Not on my watch."

Then Marcus starts typing like crazy to stop the glitches but has no result. In the end, the laptop is screen fully black. Seeing this Marcus was losing hope completely and was about give up but suddenly something incredible happened.

The screen start glitching again and this glitch wasn't random as just now but start creating words.

[H3110 TH3R3.]

[1 533 Y0U 4R3 1NT3R35T3D IN M1N3CR4FT.]

"W-who are you?! What are you doing on my laptop? Are you [Minecraft] an official member?"

[1'M N0T 0FF1C147 BUT I 4M 1NT3R35T3D 1N Y0U. D0 Y0U W4NN4 H3L9 M3 D0 SOM3TH1N6 B1G 1N M1N3CRAFT.]

"How do I know you are not tricking me?"

[B3L13V3 M3 M15T3R INV4D3R. Y0U H4V3 4 N0 ID34 WH4T 1S H4PP3N1NG B3H1ND M1N3CR4FT.]

"Oh yeah? You didn't answer my previous question yet."

[1T W1LL A77 AN5W3R3D WH3N T1M3 C0M35.]

"Oh yeah? Wanna play all so mysterious and some shit?!" Marcus quickly plugged out his laptop charger and clicks on the power button. The laptop turned off and he left the room.

"Wait a minute. So you turn it off and left here till now?" Kitty asked.

"Of course not. I come back after founding something strange in [Minecraft]." Then open the drawer and took out a few photos. It was photos of some kind of ancient sculpture.

"This is what I found in the jungle temple. It was the same as the desert temple too there was a sculpture like this. But did you notice its problem?"

Both Kitty and Rouge shook their head. Marcus could only sigh at it. And pointed at sculptures in the picture and said: "They are making some kind of door. Don't you see it? In the first sculpture, there are many small blocky figures like us players. Then on the second sculpture, they build a door frame-like thing. But sadly third and fourth sculptures are destroyed. But in the fifth or the final sculpture, they come out from that strange door that is destroyed but even so they are holding something. And it didn't look like any item in [Minecraft] well it looks blocky and all. But after I took this screenshot and goes back to the real world I tried dozens of ways to make the picture cleaner and see really what it's holding. After I succeeded I found this." Marcus pointed at the last photo. And both Kitty and Rogue saw what is inside clearly.

"I-Is that?" "Yes, gun. Not just any other gun but Charleville M1777 Revolutionnaire musket. Gun that used in about era of Napoleon. So I come back to this thing again and asked about it. And the answer I got from it was I should see myself. Then it wants me to connect it to a flash disk. So I did what it wanted and a few seconds later I pull out the flash disk and connected it to my PC as it requested. Then before starting the game I was holding a pocket knife. After I start the game this happened."

Marcus quickly took out another photo. It was [Minecraft] screenshot photo again. But this time it wasn't about sculpture but the item Marcus's character was holding. It was a red pocket knife in 3D pixel style.

"Item I was holding also get inside the game but after at most minute later game said [Glitched Item] and destroyed it."

"You mean you can get in with things from the real world to the game world?"

"Well, you can understand as yes. But you didn't seem noticed one really small detail. What if it can use reverse."

"What can use as a reverse?"

"I mean literally. If we can put items from the real world or rather from our world inside [Minecraft] world. What if we use reverse? What if items from [Minecraft] can get inside our world? Let's think greater. What if creatures of [Minecraft] come to our world."

Marcus then took out the flash disk from his pocket and give it to Kitty. And said: "This is the flash disk I am talking about. I want you to take it with your laptop there and go to a safe place okay? I want you to keep it safe till I come back."

"Going to where?" Kitty asked in confusion.

"It gave me coordinates. I checked it and it will take at least 4 hours journey by plane to reach there. And I don't know how long it will take me to find it. But when I am gone you must safely keep them okay?"

"B-but we meet on the internet like 30 hours or so ago. How do you even trust me with so many important things?!"

"Reason? It is pretty simple. You are a person like me. I can tell from your eyes I can trust you. So promise me to keep it safe till I back. When I am back I will go to your academy on my own."

Kitty could only nod her head. Don't know the reason but she felt her heart beating like crazy. You must know in X Academy she is known for being a mischievous little cat. And not many people trust her as much as Marcus did. So first time in a while she felt things she didn't feel for a while. It was trust. It was a feeling of being trusted by others.

Well, what she didn't know was Marcus didn't trust her. Heck backstory thing he just said was fake from the beginning. He is the creator of this game why the hell does he need to hack into it? And even he had reasons hacking [Minecraft] is impossible because of the system.

But these photos and details in Minecraft Aren't lie. There are things like this in [Minecraft]. Also, the flash disk and laptop functions are the same as what he said. But the laptop is a little AI he brought from the system with 1500 points. And it is connected with [Minecraft] in some way and can create flash disks as he said. But like he said things from this world won't last long in the game world before being kicked out.

And the real reason why he did this was simple actually. It was to pull the whole X-Men into [Minecraft]. He was sure Professor X will find out about it soon and the whole X-Men will start being interested in [Minecraft] and the ones that were already playing will start seeing it as more than just a game. And once X-Men are addicted to it other forces that were observing them will start interest [Minecraft].

'Well, from another point I trust you, Kitty. I hope you can make whole X-Men addicted to it.'