
Marvel: Stark Tower Dungeon

Arthur Leywin didn't know how it happened but when he decided to come to new york to find a job. He happened to see a very tall tower that shouldn't exist in the world. How could a tower like this be real? "Isn't that Stark Tower?" Arthur found out later that he was actually in the most dangerous comic he had ever read. Marvel and he didn't even know what version he was in. "I will die here." Arthur wanted to leave New york but he didn't have any money on him. How could he survive in this world. "At least give me something to help me survive in this world." God heard his pray and he granted his wish. However, it wasn't as easy as he had thought. Arc I: Rezero Arc II: Avatar - The last airbender

Phelio_n_Craze · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

Chapter 14 No mercy for Elsa

When Arthur walked into the bar, he smelled blood. 

What he saw was that Elsa had already killed Rom, And Felt was crying next to his corpse.

Elsa laughed with joy after killing Rom and seeing Felt's crying face.

Elsa stopped laughing when she felt Arthur. She narrowed her eyes. Like Puck, she could feel something about Arthur and she could tell how dangerous he was to her.

"Who are you?"

Elsa was very cautious. She stopped laughing and looked at Arthur seriously. Arthur looked at her with his cold eyes as well.

"I am the one who will put an end to your evil, Elsa the bowel hunter."

Arthur would pretend to be a bounty hunter so he could easily blend into this world. 

He needed to talk to Subaru about this, and he had a plan.

"Hmm, so that's how it is. You're a bounty hunter, but I've never seen you before."

Elsa didn't believe Arthur was a bounty hunter when she looked at him. He looked more like a nobleman than a bounty hunter.

Arthur wore very advanced clothing. It was made of nanobots and could even protect him against explosions. 

The design of the clothes he wore was fantasy mixed with modernity. Arthur thought it was really cool, so he wore it. In addition to safety, it was the coolness that made him wear it.

Tony had many other interesting things besides the Iron Man suit.

"It doesn't matter whether you've ever seen me or not. Now meet your end, Elsa."

Arthur should be worried about his safety, but something inside him tells him that he wants to fight Elsa. 

His blood was boiling and he wanted to explode it with violence.

Elsa laughed when she heard that. She didn't hesitate and charged at Arthur first.

Her knife was extremely sharp, and she swung her hand swiftly, aiming at every fatal spot on his body.

Arthur could see Elsa's movements clearly. He dodged her attack with the slightest movement. He threw a punch back, and Elsa had to immediately block it. 

A gust of wind occurred when he threw a punch and Elsa, the target, was sent flying backward, breaking both of her arms instantly.

Elsa couldn't believe it. Such a young looking nobleman could almost instantly kill her with just a simple punch.

"You are not human. What are you!"

Elsa shouted with a voice full of anger. She was a vampire who could heal her wounds, but that didn't mean they wouldn't hurt.

Elsa's body was healing itself but it might take some time before she could stand up to fight again.

Arthur was starting to get used to his own strength, but just now he went all out but Elsa didn't die immediately, which meant his strength wasn't the absolute in the world.

He might have to be more careful in the future.

"What I am isn't important. I will end you here and now Elsa."

Authur walked close to Elsa, intended to end her life so she would not be a threat to him or anyone else anymore.

But before he could kill her. Emilia stopped him first.

"Please wait, sir noble! I have something to ask her."

Authur stopped and looked at her. He knew what she wanted to ask Elsa. It must be about her emblem.

"Make it quick. I can't let dangerous people like her live for too long."

Emilia nodded her head and said thank you to him before she asked Elsa from a certain distance.

If Elsa wanted to do something to her. Arthur could intercept in time.

He walked a little bit in front of Emilia to make sure that Elsa wouldn't be able to do anything to her.

"Where is my emblem?"

Emilia cut to the chest and asked her about the emblem.

Elsa laughed before she told her.

"Your emblem is not with me but I hide it somewhere. You have to let me live and I will give your emblem back."

Elsa saw a way to save herself. She would use the emblem to exchange for her life. 

She looked at Arthur with a smirk. She thought he was probably Emilia's loyal knight.

In this case, he had to let her live if he wanted her to give the emblem back to Emilia.

However, before Emilia could ask Arthur for help. He walked toward Rom's body and then dug his hand inside him.

Felt was shocked and wanted to curse and stop Arthur.

However, before she could do that he spoke something to her.

"He isn't dead yet. I will boost his life force first so he can survive."

Arthur didn't know that the Rom was alive from a distance but when he came closer to him. He could feel his breathing.

He used boosted gear to boost his life force so he could hold on after being cut open.

Felt saw that her friend's body emit green light and she could tell that he wasn't dead yet.

After Arthur pulled his hand out of him. Emblem was in his hand.

How crazy Elsa was to hide such a thing inside a man barely alive.

"You are too dangerous to be left alive."

Arthur told Emilia to go and heal the Rom. He also gave her emblem back to her after cleaning the blood on it.

Arthur didn't look at the emblem, but it emitted light after he touched it. Only Emily and Puck noticed it.

"He is indeed a Dragon, Emilia-tan. You must do whatever it takes to bring him to your side! If we gain his support, your dream will come true!"

Emilia's body shook but she nodded her head. She looked at Arthur's back and felt very hopeful but she was conscious about her look.

Would he feel disgust if he noticed that he was a half elf and looked like the witch of envy.


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