
Marvel: Spider-Man? No, I'm Superman!

Traversing the Marvel universe, becoming Peter Parker. Originally thought that becoming the Hulk-like Spider-Man was also a very good choice. However, fate seemed to have played a huge joke on him. With the sudden appearance of Spider-Woman, she completely shattered his inner luck. He didn't want to be sacrificed to the Gods! Until... he discovered a different life script on the farm left by his parents! .... Many years later. The sky was torn open by a wormhole. Thanos wearing the Infinity Gauntlet, confidently leads his invincible fleet to Earth to collect the Infinity Stones. The next moment, a figure broke through the air and punched Thanos flying. "You shouldn't have come to invade 'my' Earth!" --- Tags - Evil MC, Villain, Marvel, DC, Transmigration, Spider-Man Caution: Don't Read If You are Looking for a Kind-Hearted MC! MC Don't Have Your Average Superhero Morals Like Caption! --- 5 Chapters/Week --- Disclaimer: All rights to the original content belong to their respective creators. ---

iRedX43 · Anime & Comics
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138 Chs

Chapter 39: Captain - Assemble!

"Midgard, I have returned!"

Clad in armor, wielding Mjolnir, the God of Thunder Thor slowly revealed his mighty figure from within the rainbow pillar of light.

"I'll take a look at just what abilities this new god so highly praised by Heimdall has!"

Thor at this moment had yet to experience any setbacks.

His arrogant and belligerent personality meant that upon hearing Heimdall praising some human so highly, he didn't hesitate to come to Earth, ready to challenge that person.

Even with Heimdall strongly advising against it, even with his father's edict from centuries ago forbidding casually going to Earth.

"Don't worry Father, Heimdall, I will personally claim victory, and use this undoubtedly victorious battle to completely establish my inheritance of the Asgardian throne today."

What's more, today was the important day Thor would inherit the future Asgardian throne.

"Hey, guy who likes to play Thunder God, please put down that...hammer!"

Although the Thunder God's entrance seemed very cool, not like an ordinary person, as the S.H.I.E.L.D. Director, how could he be so easily frightened.

While signaling Coulson with his eyes to evacuate the surrounding crowd, he spoke to Thor.

"Hammer? Ignorant human, this was bestowed upon me by Father, representing Asgard's supreme glory. Forged by the Dwarf King from the dying core of a star, able to summon thunder - the supreme divine weapon Mjolnir."

"You actually called it an ordinary hammer?"

"Also, I am Thor, from Asgard. I'm not playing anyone."

Hearing Fury's words, Thor's expression was as if he himself had been insulted, impatiently defending himself and the hammer.

Zzaap zzaap...

At the same time, as if also sensing the insult, dazzling silvery electricity instantly sparked on the hammer in his hand.

"Alright alright, you say you are you are. But now, please calm down a bit, put that down, and accept our inspection."

As flashes of blinding electricity sparked over Mjolnir, including Fury, all the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents couldn't help drawing their guns instantly, aiming at Thor.

Fury's expression also became extremely solemn in this moment.

"What are they doing?"

But at this extremely tense moment, some onlooking crowds outside the S.H.I.E.L.D. perimeter were peeking in.

"Looks like filming a movie, I peeked just now, those special effects are pretty good, no green screens."

A taller lad seemed to have seen the earlier scene, his eyes revealing intense curiosity and astonishment.

"I saw too, that actor in armor, his hammer actually sparked, wonder how they did that, some kind of Tesla coil?"

Another lad chimed in agreeingly.


"Asgardian warriors will never put down their weapons even in death!"

"You all move aside, I still have to go find that Superman fellow for a decisive battle. If I'm late I'll miss my coronation ceremony!"

While speaking to the surrounding Fury and agents, Thor wanted to go challenge Superman with his hammer.

"Stop! Put down the weapon in your hand immediately, or we'll open fire!"

Fury naturally wouldn't just let this suspicious fellow leave like that.

After all, no one knew what kind of chaos he could bring to Earth.

"A bunch of annoying people!"

Being surrounded by a group not letting him leave, and pointing bizarre things at him too, instantly made Thor very angry.

The next moment, he directly raised the hammer in his hand.

The sky above instantly gathered thick dark clouds, almost completely covering the entire land.

Thunder and lightning raged within the dark clouds, lightning swirling, like the advent of doomsday.

"Oh no, thunder! Hurry home to get the laundry!"

The smarter onlookers nearby had already swiftly escaped.


From the densely clouded sky, a silvery bolt of lightning rumbled down, striking directly at the raised Mjolnir in Thor's hand.

In an instant, powerful lightning surrounded Thor, matching his silvery splendid armor. The terrifying aura instantly swept out in all directions.

Just like the genuine God of Thunder descending into the mortal realm, giving people an urge to worship.

"These annoying people should be scared off by now!"

The previous times Thor came to Earth, this move never failed. Anyone seeing him like this would either instantly kneel and worship him as a god, or scram like ghosts.

However, he didn't know that after hundreds of years, Earth's technology had long developed greatly, and atheism sweeping the world.

Even aliens would be caught and thoroughly researched.

What's more, everyone present were S.H.I.E.L.D.'s elite agents.

Even under the dazzling rampaging lightning, making everyone feel their scalps tingle as if their hair was being forcefully pulled.

Hmm...only Fury didn't have this sensation.

But not a single one of them fled or even retreated.

Fury also knew they were in grave danger now. The next moment, he unhesitatingly ordered an attack.

Bang bang bang!

Countless bullets spewed from the elite agents' guns, their marksmanship almost always hitting their mark, especially at such a close distance, almost impossible to miss.

Ding ding ding...

However, the countless bullets striking Thor were like hitting steel, sparks flying in all directions.

"Bunch of damn people."

He only wanted to scare them off with his Thunder God form, but instead received fierce attacks from them.

He didn't know what weapons they had, just a bunch of puny mortals, yet made even Thor as the Thunder God feel a hint of pain.

At this moment, he could no longer endure.

Although unwilling to easily harm Earth's mortals, he wasn't an idiot who wouldn't fight back when attacked either.

Hmm...whether he's an idiot is still up for debate.


"For Asgard's glory!"

With the Thunder God's dignity so trampled by these mortals, Thor roared furiously to the heavens. The next moment, even more billowing and surging lightning blossomed from the dark clouds above.

Then Thor directly pointed the lightning-wreathed Mjolnir at the black egghead.

As a battle-hardened warrior, Thor naturally understood to capture the king to capture the thieves.

In an instant, a dazzling silvery lightning bolt suddenly struck at Fury.

The tremendous aura and extreme speed completely prevented even Director Fury from reacting in time.

Watching as the silvery lightning was about to strike him, turning his originally pitch-black skin even more charcoal-like.

A figure suddenly appeared behind him with speed beyond human limits, directly tackling him to the ground. The brilliant lightning barely grazed past Fury's scalp.

Making the originally insensitive Fury instantly feel even more tingling in his scalp.


The dodged lightning struck an armored car behind them, instantly triggering a violent explosion.

But right now they had no time to care if anyone was injured in the explosion.

"You all will have no more fortune from the God of Luck this time!"

Because the lightning-wreathed figure had again pointed his hammer at them lying prone on the ground. The blinding electricity was already gathering on the hammer, about to shoot forth again.

"Captain, catch!"

At this critical juncture, a voice suddenly called out from the side.

Then a swooshing sound came, as Coulson threw out the circular shield he had recovered.

Tracing a graceful trajectory through the air.

The next moment, a figure rolled twice on the ground, then leaped up sharply, catching the spinning shield midair. And instantly blocking the lightning's path!

After seventy years, Captain America took the stage once more!


(End of Chapter)

To be continued...


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