
Marvel: Spider-Man? No, I'm Superman!

Traversing the Marvel universe, becoming Peter Parker. Originally thought that becoming the Hulk-like Spider-Man was also a very good choice. However, fate seemed to have played a huge joke on him. With the sudden appearance of Spider-Woman, she completely shattered his inner luck. He didn't want to be sacrificed to the Gods! Until... he discovered a different life script on the farm left by his parents! .... Many years later. The sky was torn open by a wormhole. Thanos wearing the Infinity Gauntlet, confidently leads his invincible fleet to Earth to collect the Infinity Stones. The next moment, a figure broke through the air and punched Thanos flying. "You shouldn't have come to invade 'my' Earth!" --- Tags - Evil MC, Villain, Marvel, DC, Transmigration, Spider-Man Caution: Don't Read If You are Looking for a Kind-Hearted MC! MC Don't Have Your Average Superhero Morals Like Caption! --- 5 Chapters/Week --- Disclaimer: All rights to the original content belong to their respective creators. ---

iRedX43 · Anime & Comics
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144 Chs

Chapter 138: The Universe Transformed into Stars

"It's you? How is this possible?"

Staring at the familiar figure gradually emerging in the void, the Transcended Celestial's eyes were filled with shock.

As expected, the opponent wasn't just an ordinary Phoenix Force host.

It was that powerful being from another universe, someone the Transcended Celestial had encountered once before.

"How did you find this place?"

The Transcended Celestial was extremely surprised, wondering how this person had located his universe.

After all, in the endless void, a universe is as tiny as a star in a magnificent galaxy.

Finding a specific universe without marking it with special means is far more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack.

"Heh, you don't need to know that."

Peter didn't waste time on this pointless topic and instead focused intently on the figure before him that enveloped the entire universe.

"I must admit, this guy's power indeed exceeds my expectations."

Feeling the powerful aura emanating from the Transcended Celestial, even Peter couldn't help but be a bit astonished.

Even though he had previously expelled the Transcended Celestial's consciousness from his universe with ease, facing the Transcended Celestial's true form now, he could genuinely feel the immense power contained within his body.

This power had already surpassed the limits of the universe.

It was rare even in the entire multiverse.

It was even more powerful than the Watcher he had encountered before.

No wonder this guy could act recklessly within the universe, not only creating this so-called Battle Realm universe and kidnapping strong beings from countless universes for his pleasure but also destroying the universes of the defeated with a mere wave of his hand.

"However, I'm also curious. With such immense power, why gather them here? Is it just to satisfy your strange hobby? Or do you have some unspeakable purpose, and everything you've done is to complete a special plan in your mind?"

Peter spoke slowly, never taking his eyes off the figure.

He believed that there must be some hidden purpose behind the Transcended Celestial's actions.

However, the Transcended Celestial's unperturbed expression revealed little useful information to Peter.

"My actions do not require explanation to you."

"Moreover, I haven't settled the score for you expelling my consciousness avatar last time."

"And now you come to destroy my meticulously built Battle Realm universe again."

"Hahaha, since you came to me, let's settle the new and old scores together!"

Although Peter had seen through the Transcended Celestial's secret plan for creating the Battle Realm universe, the Transcended Celestial didn't show any signs of alarm.

He rebuked Peter for his past actions and seemed extremely angry at his presence.

Then, without saying another word, the figure enveloping the entire universe slowly raised his hands and waved them toward Peter in the distance.

Instantly, terrifying power erupted from his body, merging with the radiant stars behind him.

In the next moment, the star map behind him became even more resplendent, like a flowing river of stars, and the violent energy transformed into a galactic waterfall, surging toward the half of the sky burning with flames.

"Heh, whatever terrifying plan you have in mind, it doesn't matter as long as you're here."

Peter wasn't particularly curious about this mysterious figure's plan.

After all, as long as he defeated this guy, whatever plan he had would come to nothing.

Peter believed more in absolute power than in schemes and conspiracies.

All plots and tricks are meaningless before true strength!

He then slowly clenched his massive fist.

The crimson flames that dyed half the sky, attracted by a powerful force, rapidly converged into his palm.

The terrifying power gathered, forming a blood-red sun in the sky.


"What... another such powerful being?"

Everyone left in the universe couldn't help but look up at the void in shock.

One side was like a silent night sky, with countless radiant stars falling rapidly like a galaxy.

The other side was like a blood moon hanging high, with crimson flames burning across the sky, emanating a bizarre aura.

"Do you think that newcomer can win?"

Tony, who had piloted the Godslayer armor back to the group from afar, stared at the void and asked slowly.

Everyone wasn't foolish and could see that the two powerful beings seemed to have an old grudge against each other.

Now engaged in a fierce battle, it was unclear who would ultimately win.

"I don't know who will win, but I'll be praying for the newcomer."

Without a doubt, everyone who had been forcibly brought here by the Transcended Celestial supported the newcomer.

"Hmph, that damned guy will be completely annihilated, taking my beloved weapon with him."

Especially the old Thor, who was filled with rage at the Transcended Celestial for destroying his weapon, didn't hide his curse.

"Everyone, I think regardless of who wins, we may not have a good outcome."

"Do you really think we can survive amidst the battle between these two powerful beings?"

However, while others were still debating the victor, someone was already considering their own safety.

"That's right. If these two beings fight with all their might, this universe will soon be destroyed and cease to exist."

Captain America gazed at the clearly divided void, his eyes filled with worry.

"Are we just waiting for death to come?"

Tony, having hidden the Godslayer armor in the void, returned to Captain America's side and asked with a hint of reluctance.

"Unfortunately, even if we pool our remaining strength together again, it might not be enough to break through this universe's barriers."

Captain America's eyes also showed reluctance, but after pondering for a moment, he had to state the harsh reality they faced.

"Damn, if we can't leave, we'll stay here and watch that guy die."

Even though Thor was old, his fierce fighting spirit hadn't been dulled by time.

Faced with a certain death situation, he showed no fear.

"Perhaps we're not entirely without a chance."

Suddenly, a voice caught everyone's attention.

"What do you have in mind?"

Captain America looked at the speaker with some surprise and asked.

"The aftermath of their battle will indeed easily destroy the reality of this universe."

"But it won't be like that mysterious person showed before, crushing the entire universe in an instant."

"You mean... take advantage of the energy released during their battle to break through the universe's barriers and escape?"

Hearing this, Tony and Captain America's eyes lit up, instantly thinking of a plan.

"Really? We still have a chance to escape?"

If they could survive, no one would choose to die.

"Of course, but even if there's a chance, we might face extreme danger while escaping the universe."

"After all, the terrifying energy from those two strong beings' battle is not something we can easily withstand."

As he spoke, Captain America's eyes showed a hint of concern as he looked at the void, which was about to collapse under the impact of the violent energy from the two forces clashing, even causing a violent space storm.

"To safely escape this universe before it is completely destroyed, we may need to pool all our energy to create a barrier strong enough to withstand the space storm."

Looking at the void, where the clash of the two powerful energies caused intense turbulence and violent space storms, everyone knew their escape plan wouldn't be easy.


Peter gathered the energy in his fist.

With a brilliant red fist, he punched toward the sky full of stars.

In an instant, boundless flames turned into a sea of fire, like a burning phoenix, rushing toward the falling galaxy.


In an instant, it was as if the sky and earth were collapsing.

The falling stars were continuously annihilated by the fire phoenix that Peter had unleashed.

In just a moment, the light of the flames spread across the void, even enveloping the Transcended Celestial's occupied space.

The star map behind him started to burn in the sea of flames.

Endless stars were annihilated in the void, and the shattered stars became fuel for the sea of fire.

One by one, they were devoured by the flames.

"Damn it, this guy's power is on a completely different level from that previous Phoenix Force host."

Faced with the crimson sea of flames continuously invading him, even the Transcended Celestial couldn't help but sigh.

The power disparity between different hosts of the Phoenix Force from various universes was astonishing.

The previous host was easily destroyed by him.

Yet, this guy not only stood against him but also seemed to be overpowering him in strength.

It was as if he was not just a host of a fragment of the Phoenix Force but the complete host.

"Hmph, even though you are stronger than other Phoenix Force hosts, I'm not that easy to defeat!"

Of course, if the opponent truly was the complete host of the Phoenix Force, even the mighty Transcended Celestial would flee without hesitation.

Because, according to legend, the full Phoenix Force could burn down the entire multiverse.

It was an entity far beyond his ability to contend with.

However, he didn't sense such an overwhelming force now.

Besides, he hadn't yet exerted his full power.

"Let me show you my true power!"

The next moment, the Transcended Celestial's expression turned solemn.

The stars behind him began to move rapidly, soon aligning around his body and spinning rapidly.

The stars burst out with a powerful force, forming a visible golden barrier as they spun.

Peter's fiery sea, when it encountered the barrier formed by the spinning stars, was gradually dispersed.

It seemed impossible to penetrate the barrier and threaten the Transcended Celestial's body.

More importantly, Peter, watching the Transcended Celestial standing with closed eyes in the void, suddenly felt an ominous sensation.

"Is this guy about to unleash a big move?"

At this moment, Peter became alert.

After all, the Transcended Celestial, like him, was a powerful being beyond the universe.

It wouldn't be easy to defeat him.

"However, you're not the only one who hasn't used their full strength."

But the next moment, Peter's eyes regained confidence.

Not only had the Transcended Celestial not used his full power, but neither had Peter.

Otherwise, this hastily created pocket universe would have been destroyed in an instant.

However, despite not fearing the Transcended Celestial's big move, Peter wasn't about to let him release it calmly.

Powerful energy turned into an endless sea of fire, continuously pressing toward the Transcended Celestial's body.

In just a moment, the increased energy output put the Transcended Celestial under immense pressure.

The countless stars rotating around him began to explode, unable to withstand the flames.

The reduction of stars caused the seemingly invincible barrier to start dimming.

"Hmph, enjoy your brief moment of triumph."

At the critical moment of gathering his big move, the Transcended Celestial didn't rush to counterattack.

Instead, he gradually shrank his shadow.

The space in the universe occupied by him became increasingly small.

More space was occupied by Peter.

It seemed as if the Battle Realm universe created by the Transcended Celestial was gradually being taken over by Peter.

"Hmm? It seems this guy is very confident in his upcoming big move."

Seeing the Transcended Celestial shrink himself rather than stop the release of his big move, Peter couldn't help but look forward to it.

"Hope you don't disappoint."

Thus, as Peter continued to press forward, the Transcended Celestial's figure shrank from occupying half the universe to a tiny size.

Finally, almost the entire sky was covered by crimson flames.

The endless flames surrounded a figure the size of a bright moon, burning fiercely.

Finally, having shrunk to such a small size, the Transcended Celestial opened his eyes.

His gaze seemed to pierce through the endless void, filled with anger as he stared at the enormous figure of Peter.

"Let me show you my true star power."

The next moment, the dozen or so stars remaining around him began to glow brilliantly.

Instantly, from the distant void, dozens of hexagonal shapes representing universes suddenly disappeared.

Then, as if crossing endless space and time, they merged into the glowing stars around the Transcended Celestial.

In a flash, as the universe turned into stars, the terrifying power representing the universe erupted.

The entire Battle Realm universe began to tremble.

Creak, creak...

The sound of impending breakage echoed throughout the universe's reality.

It seemed as if the entire universe was being crushed by an overwhelming force and was about to shatter.


Seeing visible cracks on the universe's barrier, Captain America and the others stood in a special formation, releasing all their recovered energy.

In the next moment, energy connected each person's body, forming a special polygonal barrier.


At the same time, the Battle Realm universe they were in could no longer withstand the crushing force of dozens of universes and shattered!


(End of Chapter)


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