
Marvel: Spider-Man? No, I'm Superman!

Traversing the Marvel universe, becoming Peter Parker. Originally thought that becoming the Hulk-like Spider-Man was also a very good choice. However, fate seemed to have played a huge joke on him. With the sudden appearance of Spider-Woman, she completely shattered his inner luck. He didn't want to be sacrificed to the Gods! Until... he discovered a different life script on the farm left by his parents! .... Many years later. The sky was torn open by a wormhole. Thanos wearing the Infinity Gauntlet, confidently leads his invincible fleet to Earth to collect the Infinity Stones. The next moment, a figure broke through the air and punched Thanos flying. "You shouldn't have come to invade 'my' Earth!" --- Tags - Evil MC, Villain, Marvel, DC, Transmigration, Spider-Man Caution: Don't Read If You are Looking for a Kind-Hearted MC! MC Don't Have Your Average Superhero Morals Like Caption! --- 5 Chapters/Week --- Disclaimer: All rights to the original content belong to their respective creators. ---

iRedX43 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 130: The First Battle Ends, an Overwhelming Posture

At this moment, not only the audience in the stands, but also powerful beings from numerous universes were shocked by the immense power displayed by Magneto.

Even Apocalypse, who claimed to be the progenitor of mutants and was Magneto's opponent, couldn't help but gaze at him in astonishment as he held the black hole.

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible. How could your mutant ability reach such a level?"

Apocalypse couldn't believe it. Even though he had spent millennia acquiring nearly dozens of powerful mutant abilities through his formidable consciousness transfer ability, and even successfully ruled the entire Earth in their universe.

But he had never seen such a powerful mutant before.

The Magneto he had encountered before was just an Alpha-level mutant who was angry at the world and had the ability to manipulate the Earth's magnetic field.

However, the Magneto facing him now already possessed the immense power of an Omega-level mutant.

In fact, his power could easily destroy an entire planet.

"Hehe, you'll never understand how to develop mutant powers to the fullest."

Magneto calmly held the rapidly rotating black hole full of powerful gravity in one hand, his face showing a hint of intense hatred.

In his own universe, he had also encountered Apocalypse, who claimed to be the progenitor of mutants.

He had even followed him for a while, and the reason his mutant abilities could be developed to this extent was also related to him to some extent.

It's just a pity, like every Apocalypse in each universe.

The Apocalypse in their universe recruited and enhanced his abilities to help him rule the world.

In the end, due to differences in ideology, and Apocalypse's desire to occupy the body of his good friend Professor X, Magneto woke up at the last moment.

And he united other mutants and successfully defeated Apocalypse.

Unfortunately, their battle ultimately led to Professor X's psychic powers completely losing control and perishing during the possession process.

And this made Magneto live in regret for the rest of his life.

In the decades that followed, he completely gave up participating in the war between humans and mutants, almost madly developing his own mutant abilities.

Under the frenzy of developing his abilities, he eventually broke through the limits of his own abilities, allowing his mutant abilities to further evolve to surpass the power of an Omega-level mutant.

Now, seeing Apocalypse, who had successfully possessed Professor X's body, even though they didn't belong to the same universe, the intense hatred in Magneto's heart was successfully ignited.

This time, he vowed to personally deal with this guy.


"Hmph, even so, what does it matter? I am the progenitor of all mutants..."

After the shock came intense anger. As the progenitor of mutants, he never wanted to see any mutants surpass him in power.

However, before his angry words could fall, Magneto on the opposite side had already made a move, unhesitatingly throwing the small black hole in his hand towards him.


The moment the black hole escaped Magneto's control, it truly revealed its powerful tearing force.

The land, originally transformed into a desert, was now being torn apart by incredibly powerful gravitational forces.

Countless sand particles filled the air, swirling like a massive tornado around the black hole, being sucked into it.

And the size of the black hole rapidly expanded in an instant.

In just a moment, it swelled to several meters in diameter.

The immense force distorted light and space itself.

The vast expanse of the arena ground, larger than the surface of a planet, was almost completely shattered by this incredibly powerful force at this moment.

"This... is truly incredible!"

"Is Magneto this strong?"

On the platform, many Omega-level mutants couldn't help but look at everything happening on the arena with disbelief.

Although they were all Omega-level mutants, based on the current momentum alone, they couldn't help but admire Magneto's power, which stood out among Omega-level mutants.


Feeling the incredibly powerful tearing force from the black hole, Apocalypse's face became extremely ugly.

Several of the yellow dragons swirling around him were already unable to withstand the pulling force, being torn back into sand and sucked into the black hole.

But Apocalypse naturally wouldn't give up without a fight.

Facing the increasingly powerful black hole, he spread out his hands and slowly lifted them up.


Instantly, countless grains of sand on the ground, which had turned into a desert, rapidly gathered together, forming a series of huge barriers that seemed to be cast from gold, rising up from the ground.

The huge barrier gradually converged into a massive pyramid structure.

Encasing Apocalypse's figure layer by layer.

"Hmm? Are you cowering like a turtle?"

In the air, watching Apocalypse firmly encase himself in the pyramid-shaped structure, Magneto's eyes gradually turned cold, then he pushed his hands forward in the void.

The next moment, the black hole, which had been slowly moving forward in the air, suddenly accelerated, crashing towards the massive pyramid structure with a terrifying momentum.


Accompanied by the already enlarged black hole, it suddenly smashed onto the top of the pyramid.

The entire sturdy and unbreakable pyramid structure instantly began to rapidly collapse from the top.

At the same time, layer by layer of the pyramid's barriers were torn apart and absorbed by the black hole.

In just a moment, the entire pyramid, along with the incredibly vast arena ground, was completely torn apart by the black hole at this moment.

The terrifying force almost completely destroyed the arena, which was larger than a planet, in an instant.

At the moment of the collision between the ground and the black hole, an incredibly terrifying momentum erupted.

Light was torn apart, making it almost impossible to see the scene within the arena.

"A battle of this level... is terrifying enough to instantly destroy the entire Earth, isn't it?"

At this moment, countless people in the stands widened their eyes, wearing expressions of disbelief.

Although they almost all had the power to destroy a planet, it was difficult for them to do so with such ease.


"That Apocalypse... is he dead?"

Some couldn't help but marvel, acknowledging that if it were themselves, they would find it difficult to survive under such terrifying attacks.

"Perhaps not."

"Indeed, if that guy had died, the duel would have been declared over long ago."

However, someone noticed that the duel was still ongoing at this moment.

This indicated that Apocalypse had not died under such terrifying attacks.

Sure enough, as the desolation of the entire arena world slowly recovered,

a faint golden light suddenly appeared behind Magneto.

Under the shining golden light, Apocalypse's body seemed to be reshaped from a grain of sand.

In just a moment, Apocalypse, clad in golden armor, seemed to tear through space and time and appear.

And the moment his body appeared, there was an invisible and powerful burst of psychic power erupting from his body.

The powerful psychic force swiftly spread towards Magneto.

"Not good!"

Amidst the shocked gazes of everyone, the psychic force instantly swept over Magneto's body.

"Heh, after so many years, you still cannot escape the fate of being manipulated."

The powerful psychic force emanating from this body instantly manipulated Magneto's consciousness.

The next moment, without hesitation, he was ready to directly probe Magneto's mind.

Around him, golden spears appeared instantly, slowly approaching Magneto's body, as if to pierce him through.

"Unfortunately, before I occupy this body, seeing that his most trusted friend is you..."

As the golden spears were about to pierce Magneto's body, Apocalypse taunted with victory in his grasp.

"You... damn fucker!!"

However, the next moment, a strong anger suddenly appeared on Magneto's face.

"It's impossible, you... weren't controlled by me?"

Apocalypse's face was full of disbelief. He had clearly manipulated Magneto's consciousness.

"Hmph, how do you know I can't resist psychic attacks!"

Magneto's face was cold. In the process of crazily developing his abilities over the decades, he had long found a way to resist psychic invasions.

"No, this is impossible!"

Apocalypse's face was full of disbelief, and in the next moment, his body suddenly turned into a wisp of yellow sand, as if trying to escape.


However, the next moment, the sand-like Apocalypse seemed to hit an invisible barrier.

The sand transformed back into his body, his face filled with shock.

"Damn it, I will kill you!"

With a curse, Apocalypse waved his hand, and his palm seemed to turn into a blade capable of tearing through space, instantly slashing open a crack in space.

Then, without hesitation, he plunged into it.

However, the next moment, Apocalypse's figure appeared again in the original spot, as if time had reversed.

"No, what's going on?"

Apocalypse's face was full of disbelief, filled with unease.

"You'll never know how powerful mutants can become when their abilities are developed to the extreme, reaching Omega-level!"

Magneto's body drifted towards Apocalypse, exuding a powerful sense of oppression.

"Damn, this is impossible! My mutant abilities are many times stronger than yours!"

Apocalypse was unwilling to accept it. In order to become stronger, he had undergone countless reincarnations, changed dozens of bodies, and acquired dozens of powerful mutant abilities.

But now, facing Magneto with only one ability, he was being overwhelmed.

This made him feel extremely unwilling.

The next moment, under strong unwillingness and anger, his eyes slowly turned crimson.

Then, two powerful red energy beams erupted from another dimension, directly piercing Magneto's body.

"This is... Scott's optic blasts? Damn you, Apocalypse..."

On the platform, a cold and glamorous woman in a red dress looked at Apocalypse, her face bursting with intense anger.


Zi Zi Zi!


However, the powerful energy beams seemed to be instantly deflected by some powerful force in front of Magneto, rendering them ineffective.


Apocalypse couldn't believe it. He raised his hands, and suddenly, fiery columns of flame ignited on his palms, directly surging towards Magneto.

However, soon, just like the optic blasts before, they were deflected by the powerful force, posing no threat to him.


Without hesitation, Apocalypse transformed his abilities once again. The surging crimson flames in his hands turned into blue ice, forming a crystal-clear ice pillar in the void.

However, the result remained unchanged.

As the ice pillar approached Magneto, it suddenly collapsed.

Then, the crumbling ice pillar turned into swarms of locusts, fluttering towards Magneto.

However, no matter from which direction those plague-infested locusts rushed towards Magneto, they were all repelled by a powerful force of repulsion, unable to get anywhere near him.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Suddenly, countless locusts seemed to turn into bombs, exploding around Magneto, forming a dazzling blaze.

However, the next moment, within the flames, Magneto's body emerged unscathed.

Still advancing towards Apocalypse.

Like a grim reaper wielding a scythe, unstoppable no matter what.


In just a few seconds, Apocalypse had utilized all the mutant abilities at his disposal. However, none of them could stop Magneto from approaching.

He couldn't even manage to retreat. It was as if the space around him was completely sealed off by some powerful force. No matter if he tried to tear through space, use teleportation, or rely on speed, he couldn't escape this confinement.

All he could do was watch as Magneto, like a grim reaper, drew closer and closer.

Until, finally, Magneto's figure stood before him.

"Just Die!!!"

Intense feelings of resentment and fear filled Apocalypse with overwhelming anger. His right hand suddenly transformed into a golden spear, thrusting towards Magneto's body without hesitation.


"Did it work?"

Watching the golden spear seemingly pierce Magneto's body without obstruction, even Apocalypse felt astonished.

However, the next moment, his spear seemed to be compressed by some powerful force, instantly crumbling.


And then, along with his body, a brilliant light erupted abruptly.

A violent energy surged from within him, crushing his entire form.

Apocalypse attempted to transform into sand to resist the onslaught of this force. However, even in sand form, he found himself gradually crushed by the immense power.

In the end, his body was crushed into a form even smaller than an atom, dissipating completely into the world.

Even with his power of molecular regeneration, he couldn't regenerate.

"Thank you both for bringing us such a thrilling duel."

"And congratulations to Magneto from Universe 1146 for winning the first battle of the multiverse! Let's give him a round of applause!"

Clap clap clap...

As the duel ended, the figure of the Transcended Celestial suddenly appeared in the sky, announcing the result with a smile on his face. And he personally applauded.

However, the people in the audience seemed devoid of any excitement or cheers. They waited with solemn expressions for what would happen next.

Because, as the Transcended Celestial had previously stated, with the end of the duel, the universe of the defeated party would be destroyed along with the loser.

And this was something everyone had to care about.

Because, with the conclusion of the first duel, they suddenly felt that their prideful strength might not be as formidable in the infinite universe.

At least, among them, few could admit they could overcome a foe like Magneto.

And this also meant that if they encountered opponents in the upcoming duels, they might very well be crushed like Magneto did to them.

More importantly, their failure didn't just mean their own demise.

It also meant the destruction of their universe!


(End of Chapter)


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