
Marvel: Spider-Man? No, I'm Superman!

Traversing the Marvel universe, becoming Peter Parker. Originally thought that becoming the Hulk-like Spider-Man was also a very good choice. However, fate seemed to have played a huge joke on him. With the sudden appearance of Spider-Woman, she completely shattered his inner luck. He didn't want to be sacrificed to the Gods! Until... he discovered a different life script on the farm left by his parents! .... Many years later. The sky was torn open by a wormhole. Thanos wearing the Infinity Gauntlet, confidently leads his invincible fleet to Earth to collect the Infinity Stones. The next moment, a figure broke through the air and punched Thanos flying. "You shouldn't have come to invade 'my' Earth!" --- Tags - Evil MC, Villain, Marvel, DC, Transmigration, Spider-Man Caution: Don't Read If You are Looking for a Kind-Hearted MC! MC Don't Have Your Average Superhero Morals Like Caption! --- 5 Chapters/Week --- Disclaimer: All rights to the original content belong to their respective creators. ---

iRedX43 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 119: Fusion, Exploration, and Beyond Time

Intense temporal energy enveloped Peter, giving him a profoundly strange sensation.

"The essence of time? What exactly is it?"

At this moment, Peter seemed to have gained a deeper understanding of time.

He slowly closed his eyes, ignoring the dense flow of time around him.

His consciousness quickly immersed itself in this unique sensation.

In the blink of an eye, it was as if he had entered a special world.

In the void of darkness, a broad river hung in the air, spanning the entire world of nothingness.

In the river of time forged by the power of time, countless star-like dots shone brightly.

Upon closer observation, within these radiant starlights, each one contained a flowing image, resembling memories of Peter's past or scenes of the future.

And at this moment, Peter's consciousness seemed to transform into a giant shadow.

With legs spanning both ends of the river of time, he felt the flow of time traversing the past and the future.

Suddenly, the river of time, like a brilliant galaxy, burst into dazzling light.

In an instant, Peter's consciousness was directly pulled into the river of time.

His spirit merged completely with the power of time, as if at this moment, he was the river of time, and time was him.

His consciousness flowed continuously with the river of time, leaving traces of the past and the future on him.

Suddenly, the entire river of time began to reverse rapidly.

The images suspended within it swiftly receded.

Countless scenes from Peter's memories flashed through his consciousness, only to be completely forgotten in the next moment.

Gradually, Peter's consciousness fell into confusion.

He seemed to have become a machine without any memories or emotions.

Lost, he roamed in the infinite void.

Suddenly, as the final segment of the river of time flowed and disappeared from Peter's consciousness.

In an instant, the entire world within Peter's consciousness became pitch black.

At this moment, it seemed as if time had completely lost its original meaning.

It was unknown how long had passed, as if tens of trillions of years had passed in an instant, yet it also felt like just a blink of an eye.

Amidst the boundless darkness, a faint light flickered suddenly.

This light, like the first ray of light in the entire universe, in the endless darkness and void, appeared faint enough to seem on the verge of extinction at any moment.

However, after an unknown period of time.

Not only did this faint light not perish in the endless darkness and void.

It even seemed to be growing stronger, its dazzling light becoming brighter and brighter.

Until, Peter's consciousness, filled with confusion as if having lost all original memories, slowly reached out his finger towards the glowing light.

And upon nearing this light, he could see within it six differently colored gems.

And within this light, these six gems were actually revolving around a heart-shaped special substance, spinning slowly.



At this moment, everything in the universe, including time itself, had completely lost its original meaning.

And something as peculiar as sound should not have occurred.

However, in Peter's bewildered consciousness, upon truly touching that faint yet brilliant light.

A deafening roar echoed through his entire consciousness.

And it was this thunderous sound that seemed to awaken all of Peter's memories within his consciousness.

And in that instant, the faint light touched by Peter erupted into an extremely dazzling light, then burst apart with a thunderous boom.

Like the Big Bang, a brand new universe gradually emerged under Peter's gaze.

Countless elementary particles such as electrons, photons, and neutrinos scattered into the endless void in the form of light waves in the explosion.

And under Peter's witness, within that light, the six gems originally revolving around the heart-shaped energy cluster emitted their dazzling light.

The green and blue gems flickered first, forming a river of time and space waves flowing around the entire newborn universe.

The blue waves spread rapidly, gradually converging into a nebula.

Within the nebula, the red gem began to flicker. Following the decrease in temperature and continuous cooling, atoms, atomic nuclei, molecules, and true matter gradually formed.

Under the rapid flow of the river of time, matter continued to evolve, eventually forming brilliant stars and clusters of planetary matter.

The stars shone brightly, their powerful gravity attracting countless celestial bodies to orbit around them.

The dazzling light shone upon the surrounding stars.

Gradually, as the cosmic nebula evolved, the first life began to emerge.

And in an instant, soul and mind stones also began to flicker with dazzling light.

Granting the initial life souls and the ability to think independently.

At this moment, a brand new universe was truly constructed.

And the entire process, which might have taken countless years, was presented completely in front of him in just a few seconds under Peter's observation.


Suddenly, as the new universe was completely perfected, the six infinite stones representing the origin of the universe flew towards the new universe with a resounding roar.

Each turned into a stream of light, disappearing completely.

And the river of time that could have been observed suddenly vanished into the universe, transformed into an invisible river that traversed the entire cosmos.

At this moment, only in Peter's consciousness could one see the emerald river, winding through the universe.

The evolution of time gradually constructed the birth of the universe.

The entire process played out in Peter's consciousness like a slideshow.

Until this moment, Peter's consciousness finally came to.

He looked around at the countless shining star systems, his gaze finally falling on the heart-shaped energy cluster that the several infinite stones had once revolved around.

"Could this be the Heart of the Universe in the Marvel Universe, surpassing the Infinity Stones, capable of manipulating and destroying the entire universe?"

At this moment, gazing at the radiant heart-shaped energy cluster, Peter's eyes were filled with astonishment and curiosity.

He couldn't help but reach out his hand again, reaching towards that energy.

However, just as his hand was about to grasp the heart-shaped energy cluster.

The energy cluster suddenly disappeared, completely vanishing before Peter's eyes, as if it had never appeared.

And Peter's consciousness suddenly, with the rapid flow of the river of time, gradually returned to the present moment.

However, his consciousness did not return to reality, but rather, like a bystander, watched everything happening at this moment.


"Indeed, no matter how powerful you are, you cannot escape the influence of time, eventually turning into a pile of bones."

Thanos wielded the power of the Time Stone, continuously accelerating the aging of Peter's body.

In just a few seconds, Peter's body visibly aged at a rapid pace.

His hair and beard kept growing longer.

And within seconds, strands of white hair gradually appeared amidst the jet-black hair.

Gradually, Peter's hair turned as gray as Thor's after his battle with Thanos, with long white beards swirling around his mouth.

He looked like someone who often climbed chimneys during Christmas, entering and exiting various households like an old man.

Eventually, as the power of time continued to flow around Peter,

His body gradually withered like that of an old man, as if it were about to decay.

Soon, his entire body began to dry up, as if turning into a mummy.

Then, under the assault of endless years, his skin gradually evaporated, leaving only a skeleton behind, bleached white.

"I hope that, in the future, the survivors of this universe will be able to remember your efforts!"

As Peter's body turned into bones, Thanos respectfully retracted the power of time.

The next moment, as the power of time was withdrawn, the skeletal body completely lost its support, crumbling to the ground.

And Thanos, glancing at the almost completely destroyed planets around him, calmly raised his left hand.

Then, using the power of the Space Stone, he created a wormhole and disappeared from this planet.

And this dilapidated planet, with the passage of endless time, returned to its original state, as if nothing had happened.

Shortly after, Thanos returned to the sky above Earth, gazing at the wreckage of countless warships.

A hint of sadness and anger flashed across his face.

Then, he appeared on the surface of Earth once again.

Watching a figure turning into a stream of light, rushing towards him, his eyes flickered with anger.

The scene changed, Thanos' figure once again left Earth, gazing into the void at the Earth surrounded by an aura of desolation, covered in countless purple cracks.

Although his eyes remained calm, they were filled with cruelty at this moment.


In an instant, the entire Earth exploded under the onslaught of the colossal energy of the Power Stone.


Six months later, Thanos, wandering the cosmos, once again assembled his new army.

And in the territory of the Dark Elves, he obtained the Reality Stone, capable of altering reality.

Finally, with only one stone left to collect, he dispatched countless individuals throughout the universe to gather information about the Soul Stone.

Until one year later, he received information about the planet Vormir and, with his army in tow, descended upon the desolate Vormir.

Ultimately, after what seemed like countless trials, he successfully left Vormir with the gauntlet embedded with six Infinity Stones.

And at that moment, he activated the Infinity Gauntlet, capable of decimating half of all life in the universe.

In the end, the entire universe, countless lives under the snap of his fingers, turned to dust, utterly erased from reality.

Afterward, Thanos disbanded his remaining army.

Alone, he arrived at a beautifully illusioned planet he had prepared for himself long ago, sitting in front of a rudimentary wooden cabin, watching the sunset slowly sink into the horizon.

And, several days later, he snapped his fingers once again, destroying all the Infinity Stones.

Then, among the remaining life, he lived alone on this planet he called the Garden(*Planet 0259-S*).

Eventually, over endless millennia, inevitably turned into a pile of bones buried beneath the surface of this planet.

However, although his grand plan succeeded, and the entire universe, in the early years, remembered his warning, restricting their own development and the wastage of cosmic resources.

But, as time passed, millennia, eons...

Thanos' actions were ultimately forgotten by the entire universe once again.

Colossal figures, resembling celestial beings, were born on countless planets teeming with life.

Ultimately, the entire universe could not escape its fate of total destruction.

The universe fell into silence, countless stars gradually lost their luster.

Galaxies faded away until even the last glimmer of light disappeared completely from the universe.

At that moment, the River of Time suddenly ceased its flow and, after a brief pause, began to reverse rapidly.


"The destruction of the universe, indeed, cannot be stopped by a single life."

"Thanos's plan, even if it could warn life for a period of time, will ultimately be forgotten in the long river of history."

Observing the entire process of the universe until its annihilation as a bystander, Peter's heart surged with immense waves.

Indeed, the fate of the universe was not something a simple Thanos could rewrite.

Of course, Thanos's actions were not without effect.

At the very least, he delayed the universe's destruction by several thousand, even tens of thousands, of years.

But, this period of time, in the context of the universe's lifespan counted in billions of years, had almost no impact whatsoever.

In Peter's contemplation,

After a pause in the River of Time, it suddenly began to rapidly reverse.

In the universe, which had already lost its radiance and turned into nothingness, a glimmer of hope emerged once again.

With the first star's illumination, suddenly millions of stars lit up once more.

Followed by the resurgence of a galaxy, then billions of galaxies gradually revived in the universe.

The universe was once again filled with vitality.

Gradually, countless deceased lives flew out from buried soil, reassembling into humanoid forms, and their life experiences kept rewinding.

Until they reverted to helpless infants, returning to their mothers' wombs.

Life unfolded in reverse in Peter's consciousness.

Swift yet granting Peter a different understanding of life and the entire universe.

More importantly, at this moment, he finally felt that his consciousness had completely fused with the flow of time.

Time represented him, and he became the manipulator of time's flow.

As the entire universe rapidly reversed in scale, soon, Thanos, who had died and been buried beneath planets, was reborn.

And he re-experienced his retired life in reverse.

Until, the six Infinity Stones on his glove reconvened, emitting their dazzling lights.

Then, the Soul Stone vanished first, returning to Vormir.

Followed closely by the Reality Stone.

And a shattered planet gradually coalesced under the reversal of time, with its human inhabitants resurrecting and continuing their original lives.

And Thanos's consciousness finally returned to the planet destroyed by battle.

Watching his figure enveloped by the power of time, without any fear, he even revealed a hint of a smile, gazing at his own silhouette.

"Did I just... have a dream?"

Thanos's eyes were filled with confusion, gradually returning to clarity, yet wearing an expression of disbelief.


(End of Chapter)


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