
Marvel: Spider-Man? No, I'm Superman!

Traversing the Marvel universe, becoming Peter Parker. Originally thought that becoming the Hulk-like Spider-Man was also a very good choice. However, fate seemed to have played a huge joke on him. With the sudden appearance of Spider-Woman, she completely shattered his inner luck. He didn't want to be sacrificed to the Gods! Until... he discovered a different life script on the farm left by his parents! .... Many years later. The sky was torn open by a wormhole. Thanos wearing the Infinity Gauntlet, confidently leads his invincible fleet to Earth to collect the Infinity Stones. The next moment, a figure broke through the air and punched Thanos flying. "You shouldn't have come to invade 'my' Earth!" --- Tags - Evil MC, Villain, Marvel, DC, Transmigration, Spider-Man Caution: Don't Read If You are Looking for a Kind-Hearted MC! MC Don't Have Your Average Superhero Morals Like Caption! --- Daily Updates! --- Disclaimer: All rights to the original content belong to their respective creators. Author: 贼鬼 Original Name: 漫威:蜘蛛侠?不,我是超人! Translator & Editor: RedX43 Cover Pic: By AI --- Read Up to 30+ Chapters Ahead at P@treon.com/RedX43

iRedX43 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 111: Cruel War

!! Sponsored Chapter by ItsDragonking !!

"Ah, everyone, run!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Even with the valiant defense of the Xandar fleet,

The swarm-like Kree fleet still inflicted massive damage on the civilians on the ground who couldn't escape in time.

The once peaceful Xandar now bloomed with countless dazzling flames, like fireworks in full display.

However, beneath the radiant fireworks, the ground was dyed red with blood.

The intense explosions intertwined with the frantic screams of the crowd, forming a unique symphony of war.

At this moment, the entire Xandar almost completely descended into a hell full of cruelty.

Collapsed buildings and structures, along with civilians buried beneath them.

There were also those injured, unable to continue fleeing, only wailing in place, awaiting the arrival of death as innocent victims.

War, like the scythe wielded by Death, constantly reaped lives on the battlefield.

And under the cruelty of war, the ones who suffered the most were always the unarmed civilians.


"These damn Kree, unforgivable!"

In the sky, countless members of the Xandar fleet looked at the tragic scene on the ground with eyes full of anger.

That place was not only their lifelong guarded homeland but also where their compatriots and beloved ones resided.

And at this moment, it was completely destroyed by the invaders, subjecting their loved ones and homeland to endless devastation.

At this moment, their hearts were filled with intense hatred, their minds consumed by endless fury.

And under this anger, the fleet erupted with unparalleled combat power in an instant.

The vast majority of ship pilots, unafraid of death, bravely counterattacked the invaders who invaded and destroyed their peaceful homeland.

Dazzling beams of energy continuously shuttled through the air.

Numerous ships were unable to evade and were concentrated upon, exploding in the sky like dazzling fireworks.


Suddenly, a Xandar warship, unable to evade in time, was hit by an energy beam, emitting black smoke and almost losing control.

And at the moment when the warship suffered severe damage, according to the knowledge taught by the regular fleet, they should have immediately abandoned the ship and parachuted to safety to save their lives.

However, at this moment, the pilot of this warship almost hesitated to abandon parachuting.

"Go to hell, you damn mongrels!"

Instead, with a face full of madness, he roared furiously, controlling the warship engulfed in flames and black smoke, directly ramming into the nearest Kree warship.


Instantly, the two warships collided in mid-air, exploding together in a dazzling blaze.

Perishing together!

And his actions were also imitated by all the pilots of the Xandar fleet.

In an instant, all the ship pilots abandoned any chance of survival and escape.

As long as the warship suffered irreparable damage, they bravely pulled the enemy's warship with them, plunging into the abyss and hell together.

In an instant, the entire battlefield became several times more fierce than before.

The damage on both sides became even more severe at this moment.


The fleet commander, watching his compatriots bravely sacrificing themselves to stop the Kree fleet invasion, flashed a trace of sorrow and even stronger anger towards the Kree fleet on his face.

If it weren't for them, for these scoundrels' invasion, how could the peaceful Xandar turn into the hellish scene it was now?

Boom! Boom! Boom!

However, at this moment, everything was already beyond change.

The sky above the entire Xandar had now become an extremely fierce battlefield.

Both the valiant Xandar fleet defending their homeland and the invading Kree fleet were suffering heavy losses at this moment.

In less than ten minutes, there were already thousands of warships from both sides exploding in the sky like fireworks.

The once clear sky was now covered by a layer of smoke from the shattered warships, becoming dim.

The sunlight shone through the dim clouds, illuminating the broken ground below.

Filled with a sense of loneliness and desolation.


Soon, faced with Xandar's relentless and cost-nothing counterattack, the first wave of the Kree's assault was successfully repelled.

Thousands of invading warships were reduced to just a few hundred in the end, hastily retreating back to the immense vessels in the sky!

"Yes! Fantastic, we've finally won!"

"You mongrels, go back and find your daddy!"

With the victory at hand, all surviving members of the Xandar fleet erupted into loud cheers instantly.

However, the fleet commander and the overall ground commander did not show too much joy or excitement on their faces.

Because they knew that the Kree, with such a fierce momentum this time, would definitely not retreat after suffering one defeat.

However, they did not interrupt the celebrations of their compatriots and comrades.

Because after experiencing such a fierce war just now, they needed a release.

"The real battle has just begun."

The fleet commander looked solemnly at the Kree warships in the sky, waiting for their response.

"Everyone, return to the ground for resupply in order to prepare for the next battle!"


"Commander, our attack has failed!"

"The attacking fleet suffered heavy losses, and there are too few remaining to organize a second attack of any significant scale!"

On the warship above the sky, Ronan, sitting on the throne, quickly received the report from his subordinates.

"Bunch of trash!"

Hearing that nearly ten thousand warships had been annihilated in such a short time, Ronan's already ugly face became even more unsightly.

"Trash doesn't deserve to continue living in this world!"

Suddenly, in a fit of rage, Ronan stood up from his throne.

Lifting the universal war hammer embedded with power gems, he aimed it directly at the fleet commander below.

"Don't, Lord Ronan, please give me another chance... Ah!"

However, before the pleading voice of the fleet commander could finish, a dazzling purple beam instantly illuminated his body.


In an instant, his body was shattered by the purple beam, turning into ashes, completely disappearing from this universe.


Surrounding others looked at Ronan's brutality, their eyes involuntarily showing a trace of fear.

The entire command room fell silent in an instant, with everyone afraid to make a sound, lest they attract Ronan's attention to themselves.

"Hmph, since the fleet cannot break through Xandar's defense, then this time, we'll directly use the flagship to completely flatten Xandar."

After venting some of his inner anger, Ronan did not hesitate to address his other subordinates.

"Lord Ronan, are you really going to send the flagship to attack? If something unexpected happens, I'm afraid..."

Ronan's most loyal subordinate, at this moment, reminded Ronan with fear in his heart.

After all, if their flagship were destroyed, it would probably lead to the annihilation of their entire army.

"Don't worry, as long as we can get close to the ground, the power gem in my hand can unleash its true power and completely destroy the entire Xandar!"

At this moment, because he couldn't fully control the power of the power gem, Ronan could only unleash its full power when he truly touched the ground of Xandar.

By then, destroying Xandar would be a piece of cake for him!

"Understood, Great Lord Ronan!"

Feeling Ronan's strong confidence at this moment, his subordinates no longer hesitated.

In an instant, under Ronan's command, the massive flagship began to break through the clouds above Xandar and rushed towards the ground of Xandar at high speed.


"Great Lord Thanos, Ronan's flagship has begun its attack. Are we ready to strike?"

Within Thanos's fleet, Ebony Maw reported the latest movements of Ronan to Thanos.

"Heh heh, this treacherous fellow, has he finally lost his patience?"

At this moment, a slight smile appeared on Thanos's face, as if he had long known that Ronan would act this way.

"Lord Thanos, it seems that Ronan is really willing to risk everything at this moment to completely destroy Xandar."

Ebony Maw spoke solemnly.

"Hmph, he has just obtained the Power Stone, confused by its immense power, so he is eager to fulfill his dream."

"Now, let's give him a chance to fulfill his dream, and let him experience the extreme joy of his dream coming true."

"But, since he dares to resist and betray me, I will make him regret it for a lifetime!"

Thinking of Ronan's betrayal and his seizing of the Power Stone, Thanos's face couldn't help but show intense anger.

"Before he destroys Xandar, our entire army will move out to retrieve the Power Stone."

The anger on his face gradually disappeared, and Thanos cruelly issued the command.

"Hmph, if you obey my command and surrender the Power Stone, I will keep my promise to destroy Xandar for you."

"But now, I'm sorry, you will pay a painful price for your actions!"

Thanos is not one to forget past grievances. On the contrary, when facing those who dare to betray him, he will make them feel extremely cruel.

"Yes, Great Lord Thanos, I will immediately prepare the entire army and get ready to capture Ronan the traitor, retrieve the Power Stone from his hands, and present it to you!"

The next moment, with a solemn expression, Ebony Maw assured Thanos, then left to prepare the army, ready to strike at the crucial moment.


"Commander, it seems that the enemy is preparing for a full-scale attack, with the flagship leading the charge!"

In the sky, the vigilant Xandar fleet also noticed the movements of the Kree flagship.

"Damn it, this Ronan guy, actually dares to do this?"

"What confidence does he have to believe that he can completely destroy our Xandar?"

In the command room, countless people nervously awaited the unfolding situation.

And upon hearing the report, everyone's faces were filled with anger and shock.

They had countless frictions with the Kree Empire before, but each time it only resulted in small-scale wars. Even the largest-scale war was far from the invasion that had just ended.

Such madness from Ronan had left them incredulous.

After all, if both sides engage in an all-out war, there won't be a true victor, only severe consequences for both sides.

Unless Ronan had other plans besides his own army.

"It seems that Ronan may have indeed joined forces with the universal overlord, Thanos."

"Otherwise, he wouldn't be so reckless, launching a massive invasion on us, even disregarding his own losses, and swearing not to rest until Xandar is completely destroyed."

Previously, rumors had circulated about Ronan joining forces with the universal overlord, Thanos.

Initially, they had their doubts, but with Ronan's crazy invasion, they were finally convinced that even if Ronan hadn't made a deal with Thanos, he definitely received some kind of special assistance from him.

"What about the Nova Corps?"

At this moment, the highest commander knew that their war with the Kree Empire was inevitable.

Now, they could only do their best to protect Xandar beneath their feet.

However, solely relying on their own defense fleet might not be enough to withstand Ronan's fleet.

More importantly, they couldn't guess what Ronan's backup plan was, enabling him to launch such a large-scale attack.

"After receiving our report, the Nova Corps also realized the seriousness of the situation and has dispatched a hero Nova leading a team, along with hundreds of Nova members, to support us!"

"However, they departed half an hour ago, and it may take them another half an hour to reach Xandar!"

The one being asked reported with a grave expression.

"That's great, with a hero Nova leading the way, there's hope for our Xandar!"

Upon hearing this news, the faces of those in the command room, initially grim, suddenly became excited.

The Nova Corps was a special organization in the civilized universe.

Although there were only five hundred members, each one possessed immense power.

Especially the hero Nova among them, who possessed a terrifying power comparable to an entire fleet.

With their assistance, protecting Xandar would be easy.

"Don't celebrate too soon. If Ronan launches a full-scale invasion, we don't know if we can hold on until the Nova Corps arrives."

However, not everyone felt joyous at this moment.

Because they noticed that at the Nova Corps's speed, it might take them quite some time to reach Xandar.

They didn't know if they would make it in time!

"Captain, the Nova Corps has about half an hour left to arrive at Xandar."

"So no matter what, your fleet must hold on for the next half hour, waiting for the Nova Corps's support."

"Otherwise, Xandar will be completely destroyed!"

At this moment of crisis, the commander also informed the fleet commanders outside, who were preparing for battle, of this important news.

"Half an hour? Understood, Commander. No matter what, even if the entire fleet is wiped out, I will support until the moment the Nova Corps arrives!"

The commander solemnly assured.

At this moment, he had the determination to sacrifice the entire fleet to stop Ronan.

"All warships, listen up. I am your commander. Now, the Nova Corps is on its way to rescue."

"And we will be Xandar's last hope."

"After this battle, we may have countless comrades sacrificed, but the people of Xandar will remember our heroic sacrifices."

"Your loved ones will enjoy the supreme glory you bring!"

"For Xandar, for our homeland and loved ones, we fight without hesitation!"

With the commander's pre-battle declaration, the entire fleet instantly became filled with fighting spirit.

"Yes, for our homeland and loved ones, we fear not death!"

"For our homeland, defeat the invaders!"

"Fight to the death, never retreat!"


(End of Chapter)

Word Count: 2.2K


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