
Marvel: Son of Cyttorak

The great Cytorakk sires a son with a human woman. Will this boy of unspoken power find his way or give in to his father's destructive tendencies?

TrapcardD · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Side Chapter: Spotlight.

' I've been here for a few weeks, and things just keep surprising me. Especially, Orion.' Veil thought to herself. ' I mean look at him right now. He's so quiet, and when he's reading. And now look at him, fighting with Commander Rogers. And he looks like he's having the time of his life.' Veil thought to herself as she watched Orion and the former captain America now Commander Rogers spar together.'

" You're tough kid. That's enough." Steve told the boy.

Orion wiped the sweat from his forehead and bowed to the man. " Thank you, for this chance. If we're done for today, I'd like to get washed up." Orion told the men as he walked out of the room.

Steve nodded and then walked right up to Veil. " Veil, I know you have to learn the chemical makeup of gases before you can turn into them. But don't underestimate the power of basic fog." Steve told the girl. " Ninja used the concept of metsubushi. Or eye closers for centuries. A blinded opponent is a helpless opponent. I have a book I can lend you." Steve told the girl.

" Oh, wow. Wait'll my granddad hears I borrowed a book from Captain America." Veil replied happily.

" I'm not Captain America anymore. You can call me, Steve." Steve told the kids.

" Yeah, well I've got a question for you, Steve. When do we get the public ceremony?" STriker asked.

" We're a ways from that." Steve replied

" Why?" Striker asked. " You waited, like, thirty seconds to introduce Quicksilver, and he was a bad guy." Striker exclaimed.

" Quicksilver had training and experience." Steve told the boy.

" Yeah, right. You've been keeping us in the closet since the day we got here." Striker yelled. " Never even said we exist. Admit it. You're ashamed of us."

"Hank walked up and placed his hand on Striker's back supportingly. " We're being cautious for your own protection, Striker." Hank told the boy. " If our enemies learned we had inexperienced trainees, you'd all become targets. Your families would become targets."

" So?" Striker replied. " Protect them. Shouldn't you be doing that anyway? Don't you fight guys who are psychic and magic and whatnot? Maybe they already know!" Striker ranted angrily.

" You make some good points." Steve told the boy. " Now, let me make a few of my own. I understand your generation has different notions of privacy. And that many young people value fame a great deal. That's never been what being an Avenger is about. It never will be." Steve explained to the teens. " And believe me, when it does come. It will come with a price." Steve explained.

" All right, people, Commander Rogers has a lot on his plate, so let's thank him for his time and let's head back to Infinite mansion." Hank told the kids.

Veil watched as Reptil and Mettle got autographs from the man and then followed Hank and the others back to the Quinjet where Orion was already waiting for them. She walked over and sat next to the boy who was currently reading.

" Hey." Veil spoke.

Orion looked up from his book and smiled. " Hey, what took you guys so long?" Orion asked.

" Striker threw a hissy fit that he wasn't getting any of the spotlight." Veil replied. " And then Steve gave us one of his speeches." Veil told the boy.

" Oh, wow. I'm kind of glad I missed it. I don't think I can stand Striker's rants." Orion joked.

Veil was surprised at the boy's attempt at a joke and laughed. " Wow! Look at you actually making jokes." Veil said.

" Well, what can I say. I'm only speaking the truth." Orion told the girl.

" So, that book looks different. Is it a different story?" Veil asked.

Orion looked down at the book. " Oh! Yeah, this is actually Odyssey. It follows the story of Odysseus, king of Ithaca, after the trojan war." Orion explained to the girl.

" You really like to read. I mean I noticed you read a lot. But you seem so different when you're reading, almost at peace." Veil told the boy.

" Well, that's because... I am at peace." Orion told the girl.

Down up front, Hank had finally sat down to fly the jet back home. ' Phew. Thank god this trip didn't go like the last one.' Hank thought to himself. Hank looked up in the mirror and saw something truly strange to him. ' Hm?' Hank wondered he turned his head slightly to see both Veil and Orion talking happily. ' That's something you don't see everyday.' Hank thought to himself. " Looks like there may be hope after all."