
Marvel: Simulates Spider Ability, Stunned Gwen [hiatus]

Through the United States, Li Xiu gets a life simulator. [Day 1: Relying on a strong physique, you helped Gwen, and she had a good impression of you! 】 [The fifth day: Frozen people do evil, kill four people in a row, you are lucky to escape the disaster. 】 [Day 21: The body has reached the limit of mortals, unable to go further, and the mood is depressed, Gwen comforts you. In order to repay her, I took it home and had an in-depth exchange. 】 Continue to communicate in the next few days. [Day 25: Gwen was bitten by a mutant spider and became Spider-Woman. You do, and you gain spider powers! 】 [Seventh month: You inject No. 5 medicine and gain the ability of the motherland! You communicated with Wanda. 】 [The ninth year: Thanos snaps his fingers, you are dead. 】 [The simulation is over, save the strength to reality! 】 Get the physique of an athlete! Get spider abilities! Get the ability of the motherland! 50 power stone 4 chapter Marvel-based, integrated with the world of The boy.

GeneralSIn · Anime & Comics
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138 Chs

Brother-in-law, let me out too

In the HYDRA base, most of the HYDRA were slaughtered by Li Xiu.

Baron Strucker was catching up from the ground with a group of super soldiers, running towards where Li Xiu was.

These super warriors have high-end weapons in their hands, sharp super-alloy daggers, war knives, or heavy thermal weapons.

Baron Strucker clenched his fists, his eyes were full of cold blood and blood: "Damn white spider, actually broke into my HYDRA base and killed so many people.

I have to kill you here today.

I really thought that I was invincible, and after defeating a mutant green monster, I would be the only one in the world. What a joke.

HYDRA has countless ways to kill people. It's not easy to kill your damn mutant.

There was a flicker of violence in Baron Strucker's eyes.

What's more, he has his own trump card.

That's his death - spore virus.

Capable of killing any animal in an instant, he has yet to meet anyone who can survive his dead spore virus-.

Baron Strucker grinned in a bloody grin.

When he catches this white spider, he will study the other party carefully, and even brainwash the other party into an enhanced version of the super soldier for his use.

The sound of rapid running sounded in the corridor of the base.

Quickly ran towards where Li Xiu was.

When one is trapped in a dark place with no hope.

If someone rips a hole from the outside, let the light in.

Then this person will make an indelible impression on the people of the Dark Lands.

If this person shreds the land of darkness, he will pull the trapped person out of the darkness.

Then this person will become a beam of light in the heart of the trapped person, or in other words, the light.

He is the savior of the whole world for those who are trapped.

Wanda is just that.

When she saw the other party tear open the iron door and stretch out a hand.

Wanda only felt full of security, and her desperate mood burst into a strong light.

Wanda nodded and, got up quickly, and held the other's hand.

At this time, the other party extended another hand to her.

Seeing this, Wanda trembled, like a scared little white rabbit, but she didn't dare to move.

After all, the other party was someone who broke into the Hydra Tiger's Den and was still unscathed, so powerful that she was beyond her imagination.

She didn't know what the other party was going to do, so she was a little scared.

Li Xiu looked at the tears on Wanda's face and sighed slightly.

At the moment Wanda was only eighteen years old. Both parents died a few years ago, and then he began to rely on his younger brother.

They were caught by HYDRA some time ago, definitely they don't know who they were caught by.

This experiment was not voluntary, not the Mind Gem experiment a few years later.

However, after the explosion when they were ten years old, Quicksilver and Wanda both began to show their ability, but they were not guided by Mind Gem, and they were not so powerful, but they were still noticed by HYDRA.

Li Xiu can only say that Wanda's life is really miserable.

But now that he appeared, everything would be different.

Li Xiu said gently: "Don't be afraid, I will never hurt you.

I'm just helping you dry the tears from your face. "

Hearing the other party's gentle words, Wanda unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

After the other party finished speaking, the battle suit on her hand disappeared, and a slender and beautiful hand was revealed, helping her to gently wipe the tears on her face, even the few teardrops hanging on her eyelashes. wanda took half a step.

Wanda almost tensed the nerves all over his body, and lowered his eyelids slightly, but his eyelashes were constantly trembling, as if to explain the tension of the owner of the body.

Li Xiu could even feel each other's warm breath.

Looking at Wanda who was extremely nervous, Li Xiu chuckled, wiped away tears, and said, "It's okay, don't be nervous.

When Li Xiu's hand brushed lightly on Wanda's face, Wanda's body trembled slightly, and two red glows flew on her delicate and smooth face, and a strange feeling rose in her heart.

This is the first time Wanda has such intimate contact with the opposite sex.

In addition, the serious attitude of the other party made Wanda feel more favorable.

For the first time, Wanda felt that someone took her so seriously.

Although Wanda could not see each other's face, at this moment, Wanda's heart beat more frequently.

Wanda secretly looked at the other person's serious eyes, which were dark and deep, and looked very good-looking to Wanda, even with a hint of magic.

Just at this time.

dong dong dong.

There was a sound of rapid footsteps.

One by one, burly people filed into the hall from the outside, each with a powerful hot weapon, or a powerful cold weapon such as a super alloy dagger.

The leader is Baron Strucker, one of HYDRA's top executives.

He looked at Li Xiu, his eyes were extremely cold and stern: "White spider, I didn't expect that you would find us here. You also killed a subordinate like me.

Do you really think you are invincible? There are many ways to kill you in this world!

We at HYDRA, as the most powerful organization in the world, have a way of killing you!"

Seeing the fully armed man rushing in, Wanda immediately became nervous and frightened, and subconsciously wanted to raise her hands.

Li Xiu carefully wiped the tears from Wanda's face, and said softly, "No, it's alright.

No way, after all, HYDRA is really not enough for Li Xiu's current strength.

It didn't bother him at all.

The ants don't even have the ability to hurt a single hair of the people around him.

Listening to Li Xiu's words, Wanda only felt extra safe, and her heart subconsciously calmed down.

She nodded slightly obediently, and made a soft nasal voice: "Well.

At the moment Wanda is like an obedient kitten.

Quicksilver next to him stood in the doorway and had a panoramic view of everything. He could almost see what happened.

When he started, he also wanted the other party to save him.

But as a discerning person, he felt that he should stabilize his hand first and not disturb the other party and his sister.

Because he can feel a different atmosphere.

If he suddenly interrupted, it would interrupt the atmosphere.

Moreover, as a younger brother, he can feel the strangeness of his sister, so he is more knowledgeable and will not speak.

Although he didn't speak, Quicksilver couldn't help but pouted, feeling like he was inexplicably turned into a light bulb.

And still no one pays attention, only the kind of light bulb that is embarrassing.

Just as Quicksilver pouted, a group of people rushed in, all kinds of weapons aimed at his sister.

This made Quicksilver instantly lift his heart to his throat.

He was just about to let his sister and the man in white flee quickly.

As a result, after hearing Li Xiu's speech, the whole person was stunned.

This man is too calm.

In the face of so many weapons, he was so calm.

Although he vaguely guessed that Li Xiu was very, very strong, otherwise, he would not have been able to enter the Dragon Pool alone and still be unscathed.

But also inexplicably worried.

He finally asked weakly: "Really...I really don't need to worry... Then, when the other party launches an attack, they can also protect me...

Although my sister is very important, I am also a living life..."

Hearing Quicksilver's words, Li Xiu couldn't help laughing.

Wanda glared at his brother after listening to what his brother said.

When Baron Strucker saw that Li Xiu ignored him completely, his whole body was instantly blown up.

As one of the most dangerous and powerful people in the world.

No one has ever dared to ignore him like that!

He allows others to hate and curse him, but he never allows others to ignore him.

Baron Strucker gritted his teeth: "Looks like I'll have to show you some color.

After speaking, he waved.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Heavy bombs rushed towards Li Xiu.

Seeing this, Quicksilver opened his eyes wide, and a trace of fear flashed in his heart.

If these missiles really flew over, they would explode.

His iron gate would definitely not be able to withstand it, and he would definitely not be able to withstand this explosion.

It's definitely over!

Although he knew that Li Xiu was strong and could even resist bombs, he and her sister were flesh and blood.

With so many bombs, since Li Xiu wanted to block them with his body, there was a high probability that they would not be able to stop them all.

If this happens...

thought here.

The Quicksilver mentality is a bit cracked.

Li Xiu waved his hand.

A lot of hands and heads stretched out from his body, as if three heads and six arms.

next moment.

They flew out and turned into brand new white spiders.

duplication - the shape of Aiken.

see here.

Quicksilver and Wanda both widened their eyes.

What kind of means is this, it's too miraculous.

The duplications waved their hands.

A series of portals appeared, intercepting these heavy bombs.

On the other side of the portal, it appeared on HYDRA's side, aiming at HYDRA's people.


Cannonballs rushed into the portal, then rushed out from the other side, towards HYDRA.

see this scene.

Everyone at HYDRA opened their eyes wide.

Baron Strucker gritted his teeth: "Damn! Dodge!

Boom boom boom!

One after another explosion sounded.

It is also fortunate that the structure of this base is an extremely hard super alloy, otherwise, these explosions will directly collapse.

The base shook violently a few times.

The explosion is over.

Li Xiu wiped away the tears from Wanda's face, and said with a smile: "This is so beautiful and beautiful.

Hearing Li Xiu's praise, a red glow appeared on Wanda's face again.

Seeing Li Xiu's method, Quicksilver took a deep breath and felt his blood boil at the same time.

So fucking cool, this works!

Li Xiu's strength is beyond his imagination, too fierce.

He quickly looked at his new idol.

As a result, I saw that the calm atmosphere on my sister's side formed a sharp contrast with the explosion on the other side.

Quicksilver: Is this the real powerhouse?

At this moment, Quicksilver admired Li Xiu a little more.

He suddenly felt that his sister and Li Xiu seemed to be a good match, and the atmosphere when the two met for the first time was extraordinarily harmonious.

He could feel that both of them seemed a little interesting.


"Brother-in-law... can you let me out first? It's not a problem that I have been locked in here!

Li Xiu:


This operation of Quicksilver is beyond the imagination of the two.

Wanda blushed and glared at Quicksilver.

Li Xiu coughed.

The child's mouth is sweet, and it is a reward.

He then released the Crimson Chains.


The door was opened violently.

This mighty brute force.

Let Wanda and Quicksilver be slightly sluggish.