
Marvel: Silver Superman of Asgard

Novel Summary Rhodes traveled to the Marvel universe and became the son of a duke in ancient Northern Europe on Earth. He thought he could be a dominator, but he was led to Asgard, the fairy palace, and became the servant of Hela, the goddess of death. It’s a miserable thing to be a slave for a lifetime, but fortunately, he got the genes of Superman Silver. As long as you bask in the sun, you can continue to grow stronger, and no matter what dangers you encounter, you can quickly evolve corresponding abilities. Silver Superman is so powerful, so unreasonable. He became the king of Asgard, the overlord of the universe. “Thanos? This little guy, I can kill him with one breath!” Note : I am not the author of this fanfiction.I am just posting it here because webnovel is more convenient to read and use when compared to remaining sites(just my personal opinion).

anandnainala · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 28

Chapter 50: Hela, I'll set off fireworks for you

Rhodes suddenly felt a bit like a charging treasure, or a moving blood spring.

Rhodes put aside the distracting thoughts in his heart, took a deep breath, and then raised his hands, releasing the sun and rain.

From Rhodes' raised hands, more and more rain of light emerged.

When the warm sunlight rained up to a height of more than a hundred meters above Asgard, it turned into finer points of light and descended from the sky.

It fell eloquently on the soldiers of these Hela Legion.

This time is different from the rain of light released in Hela's room, this time the scale is even bigger, it looks like fireworks during the day, if it is night, the effect will be even more shocking.

Hela couldn't help but stare insanely at the side.

Rhodes tried his best to sway the sun's rain, trying to let the sun's rain cover every soldier of the Hella Legion.

The rain of sunlight released by Rhodes made every soldier of the Hella Legion gasp in admiration.

"Praise Asgard, what is this? Could it be Lord Rhodes' miracle?"

Even the Asgardian warriors who are protoss were shocked by Rhodes' sunshine and rain.

They even felt that the miracle released by Rhodes was stronger than God King Odin. Of course, they dared not say such words.

The sun and rain kept falling, and soon the soldiers of the Hella Legion felt that something was wrong.

There is a warm feeling on their bodies, as if they have just walked out of the frosty world, and the warm sun is shining on their bodies. The heat brought by the sun melts the thick frost on their armor, and it can directly shine on their hearts. .

An Asgardian warrior whose eyes were shot blind by a frost giant with a bow and arrow suddenly felt that his right eye could feel light.

Then he carefully removed the protective goggles from his eyes, and slowly opened them.

The blind eye quickly adjusted to the surrounding light and his vision was back to as good as before.

The Asgardian warrior suddenly shouted in surprise.

"My eyes, my eyes can see."

The companions around this soldier looked at him one after another. His eyes were completely useless, and they all knew that even the recuperation cabin couldn't be repaired.

Didn't expect to be able to repair the body of the Protoss warrior under the repair of Sun Guangyu?

What is this but a miracle?

"My legs, my legs have grown?"

"My arm too, my arm is back."

Those Asgardian warriors who had been thrown to their arms or legs because of the brutal war cheered excitedly.

Looking at their newly grown arms, many Asgardian warriors have already accepted the reality that they will become disabled, but now their missing limbs are recovered, which makes them feel a sense of happiness that they have never had before. You can't feel precious if you don't lose it.

Many Asgardian warriors covered their faces and wept.

Under the continuous sunshine and rain of Rhodes, those Asgardian soldiers who were lying on the ground and dying slowly got up. They looked at Rhodes on the high platform blankly, but soon they were After realizing it, it was Rhodes who saved their lives.

"Lord Rhodes, Lord Rhodes."

"Long live, long live, long live, long live."

The excited Asgardian warriors used this way of cheering to express their inner excitement.

The eyes of the demoralized Asgardian warriors were full of excitement and fighting spirit.

Obviously their originally low morale has risen again. With Rhodes, who is comparable to an angel, they are no longer afraid of everything, even death.

At this time, Rhodes felt that his body had a tendency to be hollowed out. After all, it was the first time for Rhodes to heal tens of thousands of people in such a large area.

However, the sun continued to charge Rhodes, which made Rhodes gradually dissipate this feeling.

Rhodes took a deep breath. It seems that he is close to the upper limit of treating more than 10,000 Asgardian fighters at one time, but as his strength improves, he should be able to heal more people, or even hundreds of thousands or millions. , Ten million.

Just imagine how terrifying it would be to revive a battered army with full blood within a few minutes, even if the Frost Giant and the Fire Giant joined forces, they might not be able to withstand it.

Until the last Asgardian warrior stood up from the ground and shouted Long Live Rhode alive and kicking, Rhode stopped releasing the rain of sunlight.

Rhode's footsteps were a little weak at this time, and he staggered a bit. Hela, who was on the side, quickly supported Rhodes, and asked with a concerned look.

"Rod, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, everyone has recovered, very good."


Even the glamorous Hela couldn't hide the excitement on her face.

"What is this? It's really beautiful, it feels like divine rain."

"You can also understand it as fireworks."

"Fireworks? What's that?"

Hela asked suspiciously.

It was only then that Rhodes remembered that the concept of fireworks was far from present in this generation.

"It's a kind of light that will burst into the sky when it is launched, and then bloom colorful flowers made of light. It will be very beautiful for people to watch."

"Really? It's really a very beautiful thing."

"Do you like it? If you want to see it, I'll show it to you."

Hela was stunned, and Rhodes was also stunned. It seemed a bit flirtatious for him to say such a thing.

Hela suddenly became a little flustered. Even the noble Princess Asgard couldn't resist the charm of fireworks. After all, Princess Asgard was also a woman.

Hela's face was a little red. Although she might not know the word flirting, as a woman, she could still feel another layer of meaning contained in Rhodes' words.

"If you have time."

After Hela finished speaking, she ignored Rhodes and hurried forward to speak to these excited Asgardian warriors.

And Rhodes was thinking about the meaning of Hella's words.

What did she mean by that? Did you agree? Still want to watch my fireworks?

It's just that Rhodes didn't realize that using a god-level group healing magical skill like Sunlight Rain as fireworks to seduce girls, it seems that Rhodes has been alone throughout the ages, which is quite extravagant.

Hela settled down the soldiers of his own legion. God King Odin naturally knew that Rhodes had made such a big commotion here.

God King Odin was naturally very amazed that Rhodes had such a magical ability.

However, God King Odin then issued an order.

Chapter 51: Please, Heroic Warriors Join the Battle

Let Hela continue to lead her legion to block the attacks of the Frost Giants and Fire Giants, Rhodes was a little upset after getting this news.

Even if the battle situation on the front line is urgent, can't someone else go? He caught Hela and used it hard alone.

Hela has already started preparations for the expedition.

Hela put the death cloak on her body again, and the tall devil figure was hidden in the wide cloak, noble and glamorous.

"God King Odin sent you to fight again?"

Rhodes asked Hela face to face.

Hela nodded, and her expressionless pretty face softened a bit when she saw Rhodes.

"No, you and your legion need to be repaired. Although their injuries have fully recovered, their tense nerves need time to repair."

Hela shook her head helplessly.

"There is no way, the situation on the front line is too stalemate."

Hela bit her purple lips slightly, and then said.

"When I come back next time, you can set off fireworks for me."

Rhodes was silent for a moment, then said suddenly.

"I'm going to ask God King Odin to fight."

Hela was shocked when she heard Rhode's words, and hurriedly wanted to hold Rhode.

"Don't, don't go."

But Rhode's speed was very fast, and he had completely disappeared in the princess mansion.

After a while, Rhodes came to God King Odin's palace.

God King Odin smiled when he heard that Rhodes had come to beg to see him. Recently, Rhodes has organized the Temple of Valor, which has caused God King Odin a headache. Ding is very satisfied.

"Rod, what do you want from me?"

"You have done a very good job, and the Temple of Valor is well managed. I am planning to reward you."

Rhodes said.

"Great god-king Odin, I don't ask you to reward me, I just have one thing I want to ask the god-king to agree to."

"Say it."

"I would like to request to lead the heroic warriors to follow Hela to the front line."

"Huh? This..."

God King Odin is a little bit embarrassed about Rhodes' request. The heroic warriors of the Temple of Valor are a trump card prepared by Odin. They are used to deal with the Ragnarok in the prophecy. Then if something goes wrong in Ragnarok, that won't work.

At this time, Holder, the God of Darkness standing beside God King Odin, said.

"Great God King, no, the heroic warriors of the Temple of Valor are one of Asgard's trump cards. If there is any loss, the consequences will be disastrous."

God King Odin nodded.

Rhodes said.

"Great God King, now the battle ahead has reached the most difficult moment, and the frost giant and the flame giant seem to have reached a certain consensus, and they began to cooperate with each other secretly to consume the power of my Asgard."

"If you let it go on, until the day when Asgard's forces are exhausted by the despicable frost giants and flame giants, I am afraid that the real crisis of Asgard will be. How dangerous the current situation is, it must be great The **** king should know."

"Now the Nine Realms, including the atrium, have the minions of the frost giants and the flame giants. Once the territories of the frost giants and the flame giants gradually expand, I am afraid that the two sides Asgard will be difficult to restrain. Could it be that when the frost giants and the flame giants Wasn't the moment the fire giants attacked Asgard not Ragnarok?"

Rhode deliberately brought up the name of Ragnarok to scare God King Odin. Of course, God King Odin is most concerned about the safety of Asgard. Ragnarok is just a prophecy, God King Odin does not know Ragnarok was mainly caused by Hela.

However, Frost Giants, Flame Giants, including Loki, are all important parts of Ragnarok, and Rhodes was not completely wrong.

As soon as Rhodes said this, God King Odin suddenly frowned.

God King Odin has been a little shaken. Recently, God King Odin heard that the flame giant Surtur is making frequent small moves again, which makes God King Odin a little uneasy. The strength of Surtur cannot be underestimated. of.

And now what Surtur wants most is the Eternal Flame. If Surtur really combines the Sword of Twilight and the Eternal Flame, even God King Odin is not sure that he can hold it steadily. Lower Surtur.

Rhodes knew that God King Odin had been shaken.

So add another fire path.

"Great God King, now that the heroic warriors have completed all kinds of training, if they cannot gain rich experience in actual combat, they will not be able to become real fighters just relying on training. How much combat effectiveness will they be able to display by then? But it's hard to say."

God King Odin naturally understands this.

The flame giant really wants to suppress it. The flame giant's actions are too frequent recently. With Rhodes' help, Surtur must be more at ease.

God King Odin nodded.

"Well, yes, the flame giant's recent actions are really abnormal, and these fleas can't be allowed to continue to be arrogant. Rhodes, I ordered no more than 2,000 heroic warriors at a time to cooperate with Hela to suppress the flame giant. "

"But you have to promise me that you won't let the heroic warriors suffer too much damage."

Rhodes was overjoyed, God King Odin really felt guilty, but even so, he still kept a hand, but Rhodes didn't care, even if he led less than 2,000 heroic warriors, Rhodes was confident, after all, he was a Would the biggest Renzhuli still be afraid of those flame giants?

"Yes, Rhodes took the order."

Rhodes received the order of God King Odin, and quickly came to the Temple of Valor to dispatch troops.

Rhodes asked Bell to select the 2,000 most powerful warriors to join the battle, leaving more than 1,000 warriors to stay in the Temple of Valor to continue training and lead new recruits.

Bell and the heroic warriors screamed excitedly when they learned that they would have a chance to go to the battlefield.

"Yes, Lord Rhodes, Bell is going to count the combatants now."