
Marvel: Silver Superman of Asgard

Novel Summary Rhodes traveled to the Marvel universe and became the son of a duke in ancient Northern Europe on Earth. He thought he could be a dominator, but he was led to Asgard, the fairy palace, and became the servant of Hela, the goddess of death. It’s a miserable thing to be a slave for a lifetime, but fortunately, he got the genes of Superman Silver. As long as you bask in the sun, you can continue to grow stronger, and no matter what dangers you encounter, you can quickly evolve corresponding abilities. Silver Superman is so powerful, so unreasonable. He became the king of Asgard, the overlord of the universe. “Thanos? This little guy, I can kill him with one breath!” Note : I am not the author of this fanfiction.I am just posting it here because webnovel is more convenient to read and use when compared to remaining sites(just my personal opinion).

anandnainala · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 20

Even if his body can resist the lasers that destroy molecules, it is still impossible to be immune to direct destruction of molecules.

So Tian Qi condensed two flames in his palm, and then he closed his hands together, as if forming a flamethrower, and a curtain of fire spewed out towards Rhodes.

The original beam of destruction can destroy the composition of molecules, but the flame he uses now is the Extinction Fire that can directly convert molecules into energy at the material level.

Tian Qi couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth when he saw Rhodes was enveloped in flames.

"I hope it's not burned out, and I can reproduce your body with only one cell left." He said playfully.

But when the fire curtain gradually disappeared, Rhodes was still standing there, unscathed.

"What! Even the Extinguishing Fire is ineffective against you! What is your body made of! Could it be that it has surpassed the general matter of the universe!"

Tianqi looked at Rhodes in a panic, and once again condensed flames in his palms, thinking that he wanted to burn Rhodes until there was no dust left.

Just now he was afraid that he would not be able to leave his body after it was completely burned, so he reduced the power of the flames, but this time he didn't keep it at all.

The flames flew out again, and a red curtain ten meters high flew towards Rhodes' body, trying to cut him in half.

Rhodes stood where he was. He knew that his steel body had surpassed the strength of ordinary matter, and he would be safe even if he went to the center of the sun to bathe in a nuclear explosion.

The flames enveloped him again, and the scorching air wave blocked Rhode's sight, making him unhappy.

"Ding! The host [Rods] has evolved [Super Breathing]!"

After Rhodes heard the sound in his ears, he suddenly felt his chest full, and his breath became calm and powerful, as if he could blow up the dust on the ground with just a little breath, and this force had no upper limit in his mind.

"Wow~" Rhodes took a light breath, and then let it out in his mouth.


"Bang!" The air in front of him suddenly exploded, and a visible wave of air spread out, dispersing the fire curtain from Apocalypse.


The flame shot back and ignited Tian Qi's body.


"Ahhh!" Tianqi let out a scream, and was immediately enveloped by a light blue light, disappearing in place.


A few meters away, a light blue light spread out, Tian Qi's body reappeared, the dark blue skin on the surface was covered with blood, and there were burns everywhere.


However, Apocalypse used molecular reconstruction again, and soon the body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.


"I don't believe it! I used this flame to burn everything in the world! Could it be that your body really exceeds the structure of the general universe!" Tian Qi bit the bullet and joined hands again, creating a vertical curtain of fire in front of him.


Rhodes just stood there, and then exhaled a deep breath of cold air. In front of him, a heavy white mist fell to the ground like a waterfall, only like misty clouds above the clouds, slowly spreading on the ground .


The flames of the apocalypse were extinguished instantly when they touched the white mist. The white mist was like the dead fog from the Hades, freezing the ground and making all the flames it came into contact disappear instantly.


Suddenly, Tian Qi's eyes narrowed suddenly, and he felt a cold wind coming from in front of him, and then his body was completely frozen from the tip of his nose by light blue ice crystals.


He was like an ice sculpture standing in the snow, his whole body was imprisoned by ice.

"Damn it!" The ice sculpture vibrated, and there was a low, muffled sound coming through the ice.

A dozen or so light blue rays of light emitted from Tian Qi's body moved horizontally and vertically.

Then the ice suddenly exploded and fell to the ground. The shattered section was very smooth, apparently it was cracked after being cut, not because of melting.

"You bastard!" Tian Qi was so angry that the muscles all over his body burst into blue veins, and he clenched his fists tightly.

"I've changed my mind. I'm going to tear you into pieces, resurrect you, and tear you into pieces again! Let you go crazy in endless pain, and then control your mind, and make you my slave!"

Speaking of Tianqi, he actually gave up using the ability in the distance, but directly approached Rhodes to fight him physically.

With super strength and super physique, he is also very confident in his close combat. He knows that the ability can no longer help Rhodes, so he directly strangles him and tears his body into pieces.

Rhodes still stood where he was, this time he took a deep breath, and when the apocalypse came in front of him, he suddenly exhaled.

"Boom!" There was an explosion in front of him. Tianqi's body collided with the extremely fast airflow exhaled by Rhodes, causing the airflow to be disordered. When they collided with each other, a gas explosion was triggered.

This explosion directly sent Tianqi flying, his body flew high into the sky, and then disappeared into the sky with an arc, without a trace.

Rhodes still stood there, it seemed that the power of the explosion was not worth mentioning to him.

He looked at the sky with both eyes, and the scene in front of him continued to enlarge, and finally saw the posture of Tianqi hundreds of miles away.

The latter's chest had been shattered by the explosion, and the body on his chest was healing rapidly, while he himself was struggling to use a space teleportation.

The pale blue light engulfed him, and then he disappeared into the air.

Inside the palace, Apocalypse appeared in a ray of blue light, then fell to the ground and howled in pain.

"Ahh! Damn it!"

The people in the palace waiting for the good news turned pale with fright, and ran in panic, not knowing what to do.

Chapter 37: Laufey in the Dark

None of them had ever seen their Lord Apocalypse suffer such a serious injury, which obviously exceeded their expectations.

Tianqi, who has many superpowers, has never met an opponent, not even anyone who hurt him.

The scene in front of me... what kind of monster is the other party! ?

After Tian Qi's chest healed, he stood up and vented his anger: "What are you doing in a daze! Gather me an army! I'm going to kill that **** who made me so embarrassed!"

The people under him immediately went to gather the Egyptian soldiers, and they assembled the elite soldiers equipped with the Frost Giant Ax sent by the Frost Giant.

Then he went to His Highness and waited for God to give orders.

Tian Qi stood on the high main hall, looking into the distance, a little afraid.

It was the first time he encountered such a powerful opponent as Rhodes, and he was still growing in just one battle.

The strength of that body is absolutely impossible to exist before, and it is not at the same level as the body I felt before.

"Everyone! Search the whole city for me! If someone stops, no matter who is blocked, shoot and kill!"

The soldiers are all elites directly under Tianqi, and the spiritual world is all controlled by Tianqi, and they are his puppets.

Even if Tianqi asked them to kill their relatives, they would not hesitate.

The rest of the non-elite soldiers who stood far away were a little hesitant when they heard that they might attack the people of Egypt. After all, their relatives also lived here.

Tianqi saw through their thoughts, and then waved slightly at the elite troops, those puppet soldiers seemed to have received some orders.

Like a piece of iron riding smashing mountains and rivers, striding towards those ordinary soldiers, and then started to swing the frost giant ax in his hand, making a frosty impact, freezing those soldiers into ice sculptures.

Thousands of elites froze tens of thousands of ordinary soldiers in an instant, and then they walked straight forward, smashing the ice sculptures into pieces when they touched the hard armor of the ice sculptures.

Rhodes in the distance saw everything in his eyes.

"This guy doesn't even let his own people go."

While sighing, Rhodes also found that the giant axes held by those elite soldiers were clearly the only weapons that Frost Giants could have.

Could it be that some kind of deal was reached between Laufey and Tianqi?

Regardless, it looks like Laufey is here!

On his own arm, Rhodes gave instructions to the Pegasus Knight troops on the border of Egypt, letting them start to shrink the encirclement and finally gather in front of the palace.

Just after the order was issued, a mighty Egyptian elite army had already arrived in front of Rhodes.

They held the giant frost axes high, and there were actually a few frost giants under Lau Fei standing in front of the army.

These frost giants were not in the palace at the beginning, and it seemed that they joined them halfway.

Now that Rhodes was certain, Lau Fei was waiting in the dark for the opportunity to use the ice treasure box.

But right now, he can only deal with this menacing army that is coming towards him first.

In front of him, a light blue light opened, and Apocalypse appeared in front of Rhodes again.

"You have exhausted your last chance. If you surrender obediently, I will only let you die in pain. If you are not willing to accept my last charity, you will sink in endless pain!"

The corner of Rhodes' mouth raised slightly, "You think too highly of yourself! I can do this kind of army alone!"

After finishing speaking, Rhodes ignored Tian Qi, and then flew towards the army, taking a deep breath and exhaling it suddenly.

"Buzz!" More than a dozen tornadoes were set off on the ground, sweeping towards the army.

Tianqi frowned, and immediately flew towards the tornadoes, and then a dozen beams of light shot into the center of the tornadoes, dispelling the vortex that the tornadoes depended on to resolve the crisis.

He could blow himself away with just one breath, and his army would naturally be unable to resist it. If this tornado encountered the army of reformed humans he had cultivated over the years, it would be a waste of so much effort.

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"Don't think it's over, it was just a moment of carelessness!" Tian Qi said firmly, and then he controlled the house around him with the power of mind, and threw it at Rhodes.

Those houses were like a hill, falling towards Rhodes, every house was smashed to pieces, and earth and rocks splashed everywhere.

And Rhodes just went head-on, and those houses hit him like hairs that were cut off, and were washed away by his hard body.

Rhodes has a body that surpasses the strength of ordinary cosmic matter. All the matter on the earth cannot be harder than his body, and the earth and rock are just a joke.

In the sky, groups of white Pegasus knights appeared densely from all around.

They raised their spears high in their hands, and a luminous cannon fell from the sky, like a punishment from an angel, blowing up the elite Egyptian troops and fleeing in all directions.

Tian Qi didn't dare to look elsewhere, Rhode's strength had already strangled him by the throat.

Seeing that the situation has been one-sided, and it is only a matter of time before he is defeated and wiped out, Tian Qi is very anxious.

At this moment, in the dark, Lau Fei observed everything secretly.

He saw that Odin's Pegasus elite troops were actually focusing all their attention on the Egyptian soldiers in front of him, and Rhodes was also dealing with Apocalypse, so he couldn't help but smile.

"The time has come, now is the best time for me, Lau Fei, to take over the middle court!".

Chapter 38: Opening the Ice Treasure Box

Lau Fei took out a treasure box shining with light blue light from his bosom, and then condensed a powerful frost magic power in front of him.

The magic power turned into an arc, flowing from the gap on the edge of the treasure box to the inside of the treasure box.

The body of the treasure box began to vibrate violently, as if the newly injected frost magic power had a violent magical reaction in it.

Suddenly, around Laufey, the frost exploded around him, and the ground and the walls around him were covered by a dark blue ice.

Bingjie is like a spreading vine, stretching out its tentacles and eroding in all directions.

No matter what is encountered in front of them, they cover it with themselves at a constant speed, swallow it into their bodies, and press it under their bodies.

In the space around Lau Fei, light blue Bingjie appeared out of thin air, condensed into ice cones the size of rice grains one by one, and fell on the ground, turning into bright ice crystal gems.

The ice treasure box in his hand opened slightly, and a blue phantom suddenly rushed out of it, and then flew towards the sky.

Under the continuous impact of this phantom, the gap at the edge was suddenly opened.

Then above the sky, a blue aurora covered the night sky, and everyone was attracted by this strange scene.

The aurora stretched out six sharp sharp angles, and then spread out, like a gradually forming snowflake pattern.

Rhodes' pupils shrank suddenly, and he knew that this was clearly caused by the magic power after the ice treasure box was opened.

He noticed the position where the blue phantom flew out just now, so he immediately stared away with his eyes.

The walls in front of him became transparent and thin, and the scene continued to magnify, and finally stopped in front of a figure with light blue skin.

Lau Fei was looking at the strangeness in the sky in surprise. This was the first time he used the ice treasure box. He had never seen such pure and powerful ice energy.