
Marvel: Silver Superman in Mutant Academy

On the eve of the third X-Men battle, Carl West, a new student at the Mutant Academy, found himself somewhat unsettled. He was keenly aware of the perilous nature of their world. With Magneto's perpetual mischief-making and the looming threats of alien invasions and malevolent Celestials, danger seemed to lurk around every corner. The sinister Sentinel program, devised to eradicate all mutants, had already been set into motion. Meanwhile, neighboring dimensions harbored beings like Dormammu, poised for invasion. And looming on the horizon was Thanos, with his ambitions to enact universal "family planning." Despite the presence of stalwart heroes such as the Hulk and Iron Man, poised to defend the world, the specter of global conflict still promised untold casualties. "So, I suppose I'll have a think about it once I'm transformed into a Silver Superman," Carl remarked casually, reclining on the academy grounds and soaking in the comforting warmth of the sun, having recently assimilated the template of a Superman. ******** *THIS IS A TRANSLATION* Marvel: Silver Superman, Starts with Mutant Academy 美漫:白银大超,变种人学院开始 This is a translation of Chinese Novel. *********** The cover photo is not mine. If you are the owner message me and I will remove it. **** Support me on my patreon and read upto 15 early chapters. https://www.patreon.com/AniScout

Ani_Scout · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 28 : This devil is a bit fierce!!

As Carl narrowed his eyes, scanning the room's far end, a sickly boy he had rescued clutched his clothes in fear, pleading, "Big brother, don't go. There are demons."

"Demons?" Carl turned, his gaze probing.

The boy, trembling, continued, "I overheard some bad people saying there are demons locked in there, and they've killed many."

Carl smirked. "Interesting, demons?"

"However, in my estimation, there might be a powerful mutant inside."

Though unable to peer within, Carl's heightened senses caught a faint, ominous roar emanating from the room—a sign of life. Additionally, a pungent smell of blood wafted through the air, indicating numerous casualties within.

Furthermore, amidst the chaos, Carl sensed a turbulent, manic consciousness, brimming with thoughts of slaughter and domination.

All signs pointed to a dangerous mutant lurking within. But...

What of it? Wasn't Carl known for his benevolence?

With a curious expression, Carl gestured for the boy to step back, then unleashed a powerful punch, shattering the glass wall on one side with a resounding boom. The shards cascaded to the ground.

Another punch followed, demolishing the opposite glass barrier in a display of dominance.

The true peril lay beyond these glass barriers—red dots marking a laser blockade, ready to slice through any intruders.

For visual reference, think of the laser passages in "Resident Evil."

Yet, Carl suspected these lasers weren't primarily to deter outsiders but to contain the mutant within.

Nevertheless, such details were inconsequential.

Carl's eyes glowed crimson as fiery beams erupted forth, obliterating the laser emitters one by one in a series of thunderous explosions, each reaching temperatures exceeding 1,500 degrees Celsius.

In this scene, the three mutant children behind Carl stared wide-eyed, their faces filled with surprise and admiration.

Carl's heat ray swept through the laser spots on both sides like a plough, eliminating them effortlessly. As the lines behind were destroyed and sparked, Carl halted and turned his gaze towards the end of the corridor.

However, the mutant inside seemed reluctant to emerge.

Glancing back at Wolverine and the others, who were preparing to force open all the doors, Carl pondered for a moment before proceeding towards the room at the end, his steps resolute.

As he approached the door of the room, a blast of cold air greeted him from beneath it, reminiscent of a low-temperature freezer to the uninitiated.

Contemplating for a moment, Carl gripped the door's fracture in the middle with both hands.


With formidable force, the steel door, sliced in half, emitted a rattling sound as Carl bent it from bottom to top, emanating an overwhelming sense of power.

As the door was pulled open, Carl peered inside.

With his exceptional physique, Carl possessed keen eyesight. Though not capable of seeing in total darkness, he could discern details clearly under the faint light by the door.

The first sight that met his gaze was the mutilated corpses strewn around the entrance, their limbs severed and scattered about. The blood spilled painted the ground crimson, permeating the air with its metallic scent.

Yet, the blood and corpses were frozen, encased in a thin layer of ice, emanating from the ventilation openings on the wall.

At the far end of the room stood a figure shrouded in darkness.

Clutching a long sword, the figure exuded a palpable aura of menace, their blood-red eyes fixed upon Carl at the doorway.

Their gaze radiated unbridled aggression, bloodlust, and madness, presenting a visage of utter chaos.

However, the aura failed to intimidate Carl, who calmly waved his hand and said, "Hello, I'm here to save you. Can you put the sword down first?"

Hoo hoo hoo!

In response to Carl's words, a tyrannical roar echoed, followed by the figure vanishing in an instant.


A sharp whistle pierced the air as the figure burst into the room at incredible speed, appearing at the door like a ghost.


The figure paused two meters away from the door, a chain trailing straight behind it. One end of the chain was fastened to its neck, the other end to the wall, binding it within the room.

Under normal circumstances, the speed at which this Mutant had erupted would have snapped the necks of ordinary individuals. Yet, even in its restrained state, the Mutant exuded discomfort, its demeanor growing more violent and erratic as it emitted an inhuman roar.

The long sword in its hand gleamed with malevolence as it swung directly at Carl, in a frenzy.


The sharp blade sliced through the air with ferocity, reminiscent of lightning.

Although Carl knew he was out of reach at that moment, an inexplicable chill ran down his spine, causing him to instinctively dodge.

Indeed, as Carl dodged, an unseen force surged from the blade, slashing into the wall with a thunderous impact.


A half-meter-long, ten-centimeter-deep gash marred the once-solid cement wall.

Simultaneously, Carl reappeared to the Mutant's left side, his right hand clenched into a fist, launching a powerful punch.

The force behind the blow caused the air in front of his fist to compress, creating a transparent pressure wave and a gust of wind that sent the Mutant's hair billowing.

However, the mutant was swift to retaliate.

Noticing the elongated sword in its grasp being raised and aimed towards Carl's abdomen, disregarding the imminent punch, it sought to trade injury for injury.

Witnessing the sharpness of the blade, Carl naturally harbored no interest in engaging in such an exchange. With narrowed eyes, he swiftly pivoted on his heel to evade.


The ground trembled as Carl surged forward at a velocity of 200 meters per second, materializing on the mutant's right side amidst a flurry of afterimages, delivering another punch.

Before the forceful fist, a fierce gust billowed.


Confronted with Carl's strike, the mutant instinctively slashed downwards.

Yet, this time, Carl chose not to dodge. At the precise moment when his fist was set to intersect with the extended blade, it morphed into an open palm, lightning-fast, colliding with the sword.



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