
Marvel: Silver Superman in Mutant Academy

On the eve of the third X-Men battle, Carl West, a new student at the Mutant Academy, found himself somewhat unsettled. He was keenly aware of the perilous nature of their world. With Magneto's perpetual mischief-making and the looming threats of alien invasions and malevolent Celestials, danger seemed to lurk around every corner. The sinister Sentinel program, devised to eradicate all mutants, had already been set into motion. Meanwhile, neighboring dimensions harbored beings like Dormammu, poised for invasion. And looming on the horizon was Thanos, with his ambitions to enact universal "family planning." Despite the presence of stalwart heroes such as the Hulk and Iron Man, poised to defend the world, the specter of global conflict still promised untold casualties. "So, I suppose I'll have a think about it once I'm transformed into a Silver Superman," Carl remarked casually, reclining on the academy grounds and soaking in the comforting warmth of the sun, having recently assimilated the template of a Superman. ******** *THIS IS A TRANSLATION* Marvel: Silver Superman, Starts with Mutant Academy 美漫:白银大超,变种人学院开始 This is a translation of Chinese Novel. *********** The cover photo is not mine. If you are the owner message me and I will remove it. **** Support me on my patreon and read upto 15 early chapters. https://www.patreon.com/AniScout

Ani_Scout · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 2 : The Chaotic World!

Due to years of exposure to special effects movies, Carl had gained some understanding of the DC and Marvel universes, including Superman.

In these universes, Superman's power levels and limits vary across different timelines, namely the Bronze Age, Silver Age, and Golden Age.

These distinctions of bronze, silver, and gold do not signify superiority or inferiority but rather denote different stages of Superman's abilities throughout comic book history.

For instance, in the original lore, the Silver Age Superman surpassed the Golden Age Superman in certain aspects.

The Golden Age Superman possessed immense power, capable of shattering the fabric of the multiverse with a single punch, creating beings of the fifth dimension at will, manipulating time and space, and even altering the fundamental laws of the universe.

Even the supposedly weakest version of Superman in the Bronze Age could lift millions of tons, move hundreds of times faster than the speed of sound, exhibit invulnerability, withstand nuclear weapons, emit heat rays stronger than Cyclops, possess X-ray vision, and possess superhuman hearing and breath capable of generating tornadoes, making him comparable to a God on Earth.

However, Superman also had notable weaknesses. In the Bronze Age, his defense against magic was notably weak, rendering him susceptible to powerful spells such as directional spells, locking spells, and even curses directly affecting his physical form. Kryptonite, though, was an exception, as it posed a significant threat to him.

As Carl pondered over these thoughts, the class came to an end.

"All right, that's all for today's discussion. You're all dismissed," announced Storm Orolo, concluding the interactive session.

"Goodbye, teacher."

"Hey, let's go play basketball, but no powers allowed."

"Lanster, I just learned how to make buttered bread yesterday. Would you like to try it?"


With Orolo's dismissal, the students dispersed, engaging in various activities. As Carl prepared to bask in the sun, he noticed Storm approaching him.

Seeing Carl's youthful demeanor, Storm smiled. "You're Carl, right? I heard about you from Coster."

Carl was taken aback but replied politely, "Yes, Teacher Orolo."

"Care to walk with me?" Orolo extended an invitation.

Carl nodded. "It would be an honor."

As they strolled through the campus, Orolo initiated conversation. "Carl, have you been adjusting well to life at the school?"

Appreciating Storm's concern, Carl replied, "Thank you, teacher. I've been enjoying my time here. Everyone has been very welcoming."

"That's good to hear."

Orolo nodded, adding with a smile, "This school is our mutants' sanctuary. Don't hesitate to make yourself at home. It's our duty as teachers to ensure you feel comfortable here."

"By the way, Carl, I've heard that you not only have the ability to create energy explosions but also possess enhanced physical strength, with your punches packing a ton of force?"

"Yes, teacher," Carl confirmed without hesitation.

However, he was mindful not to fully embrace the facade of being a powerhouse. While it was tempting to maintain a strong image, he understood the risks of becoming complacent and losing sight of personal growth amidst the charade.

Therefore, it's essential to demonstrate a certain value and ability to garner more attention and influence.

For instance, would Storm have returned to school and conversed with Carl if it weren't for his extraordinary ability displayed the day before yesterday? Ponder over it.

Thus, Carl's visage revealed a hint of concern: "Teacher, I've noticed my strength continuing to grow. Could there be any adverse mutations?"

Observing the concern etched on Carl's face, Storm offered gentle reassurance: "Carl, don't be apprehensive of your own strength. The growth of strength is, in fact, a positive development."

"The principal of our school is a globally renowned authority in the field of genetics and mutant alterations. Should you have any inquiries or experience any unknown changes in your body, you can consult him."

"During regular times, feel free to approach the teachers with any requirements. Don't hesitate."

"Thank you, teacher."

Storm's comforting words appeared to have a calming effect as the worry dissipated from Carl's countenance.

At that moment, Carl's tone shifted: "Teacher, may I request to live alone?"

"Lately, I've been noticing my strength increasing. I'm concerned that if I don't control it one day, I might unintentionally harm my dorm mates." Carl elaborated.

Xavier School encompasses primary, junior high, and high school education, along with boarding facilities.

Apart from teachers and a select few students, most dormitories are shared by several peers.

For instance, Carl resides in a dormitory with three teenage junior high students, a situation that makes him somewhat uncomfortable due to his mature mindset and personal secrets.

Thus, he desires a single room.

Contemplating Carl's query, Orolo responded thoughtfully: "Your concern is valid. Uncontrolled power indeed poses a risk to others."

"I will consult the professor about this matter and provide you with an answer."

Without a definitive rejection, it implies a tentative agreement, prompting a grateful smile to grace Carl's face: "Thank you, teacher."

"No trouble at all. It's merely a minor issue."

"But Carl, the professor's intention in fostering communal living is to foster camaraderie and prevent feelings of loneliness."

"So even if you move to a solitary dormitory, remember to maintain communication with everyone."

"Very well, thank you for the reminder, teacher."

During their conversation, on the nearby grass, some students playing vanished in a blur only to reappear several meters away, while others sprinted across the water.

Moreover, some transformed into serpentine beings, sprouting tails and swiftly slithering past.

A few even emitted a crimson aura, startling their surrounding classmates.

To ordinary observers, this spectacle resembled a diabolical dance, explaining the fear, apprehension, and subsequent aversion from these individuals.

After the exchange with Carl, Storm was summoned by another teacher, who claimed to require her assistance.

Shortly thereafter, Carl received notification of his dormitory change. Two female attendants then arrived, aiding him in packing his belongings and escorting him to his new single room.

When the nurse exited the room, Carl surveyed the compact space before him with satisfaction. A bed, a desk, a bookshelf, and a wardrobe—this was the accommodation offered to him after displaying promise.

"This is the treatment one receives upon demonstrating potential," he mused contentedly.

Had he been an ordinary entrant to the school, registered merely as a Mutant with basic energy control, he wouldn't have warranted a single dormitory.

After tidying his belongings, Carl strolled over to the window. Observing the figures on the playground below, each displaying unique abilities ranging from magic to mutation, he contemplated his future.

While he might not possess all the information in Marvel, his knowledge of Mutants was substantial. Among the current Mutants, the foremost figures were the pacifist leader Professor X, the rebellious Magneto, followed by Cyclops, Storm, and others. The legendary Phoenix force wielded by Jean Grey had purportedly perished some years prior.

Based on Carl's recent observations, it was evident that the current time was 2006, nestled within the X-Men's old timeline. Several years had elapsed since the second X-Men battle, with the third looming on the horizon.

In this era, Mutants' existence had been unveiled to the world, met with widespread rejection by ordinary folk. Many nations and factions clandestinely probed into Mutant abilities, driven by both curiosity and apprehension. However, these studies remained covert, primarily due to the looming threat of Magneto's Mutant Brotherhood and other rebel factions.

Yet, Carl knew that the United States' clandestine research on Sentry was nearing its culmination. Barring unforeseen circumstances, the Mutant extermination initiative was slated for 2013, set to decimate a significant portion of the Mutant population worldwide.

A select few powerful Mutants would persist, skulking in the shadows until 2023, when Wolverine's consciousness would be retroactively dispatched to 1973, thereby altering the timeline and averting catastrophe.

Contemplating this, Carl mused, "So, I have seven years to chart my development course?"

Despite assimilating the Kryptonian Superman template, his possession of the X gene ensured his classification as a Mutant, at least in the eyes of others. Consequently, Carl found himself diametrically opposed to the authorities of various nations.

Fully cognizant of this fact, he harbored a deep-seated animosity toward Sentry, the robotic harbinger of Mutant demise. Within seven years, Carl harbored the confidence to ascend to the zenith of Superman's prowess during the Bronze Age. Sentry, let alone the Hulk, would be no match for his might.

Indeed, the Hulk.

In this narrative amalgamation of the X-Men and Marvel universes, formidable entities like Iron Man, Hulk, Captain America, Thor, and even Thanos lurked in the cosmic periphery, each with their own machinations.

This realization dispelled the fleeting optimism in Carl's heart, replaced by a gnawing headache as he pondered, "Why must this world be so chaotic, overrun by beings of immense power?"

In an ordinary world, his Superman-like abilities would reign supreme, unchallenged by mortal concerns. He could command the wind and the rain, reigning over millions without fear. Alas, this world was a melting pot of gods, demons, and extraterrestrial beings—a Marvel universe where Mutants, superheroes, and superpowers collided.

"Enough pondering for now. Strength must precede all else," he resolved, shaking his head to dispel the encroaching thoughts. With that, Carl turned on his heel and headed out for a meal.