
Refuse To Join

"A mountain in China? So he lived on the mountain before? Even though he doesn't look Chinese?"

For some reason, Tony was still skeptical!

"Although Kunlun is indeed the name of a mountain in China, the Kunlun he lives in is a secret organization and settlement just like the Kamar-Taj I live in! Moreover, Kunlun is located in a different dimension from Earth. Ordinary people can't find it!" Li Yue explained.

"Oh, I see! I knew it, Kamar-Taj wasn't the only secret organization on Earth! And now another one really appeared!"

Instead of focusing on Kunlun, for some reason Tony seemed very proud of himself!

Li Yue was speechless seeing Tony's narcissism.

"Mr. Li Yue, does that mean the people of Kunlun are also practitioner of magic like the people of Kamar-Taj?"

As expected from Banner, he focused on the right thing and asked an important question!

"Dr. Banner, you don't have to call me Mr. Li Yue. Just call me Li Yue!

"And no, while Kunlun is also an ancient and hidden society, they do not practice magic. Instead, they focused on practicing martial arts and combat skills! They also cultivated the mysterious power of Qi, which they used to strengthen their physical body!"

Like a clockwork, Li Yue once again reminded Banner not to be polite before explaining about Kunlun!

"Well, if you want me to call you Li Yue you would also have to stop calling me Doctor. It makes me feel like I'm wearing my PhD on my neck. I only have seven of them, there's no need to show them off!"

Banner replied to Li Yue with a "modest" rebuttal!

"I only have seven of them," he said...Li Yue felt like his heart was stabbed with a knife when he heard Banner's words! If seven of them wasn't worth showing off, then what worth does I, who had no PhD, have?!

"Cough, cough, alright then, let's get down to business. This is Danny Rand, who comes from the secret society of Kunlun, bearing the title of Iron Fist. His strength cannot be underestimated! So, I recommend him to join our alliance!

Li Yue coughed twice to conceal the awkward feeling in his heart before recommending Danny Rand to Tony and Banner!

"Is he qualified to join our alliance?"

Tony glanced at Danny with skeptical eyes!

"Tsk tsk! Li Yue, not that I doubt your eyes or anything, but I can't see how he could have a high enough combat power to join us! His muscles don't even look anywhere like that old man Steve; is he really from ancient Kunlun society?"

Tony walked to Danny Rand and circled around him a few times, as if he was looking at a rare animal! The tone of his voice was full with suspicion!

"Tony, you don't understand. Although Kunlun also focuses on physical fitness and combat skills, their primary focus is the cultivation of Qi. An expert in Qi manipulation would have greatly increased physical strength and reflexes!"

Li Yue explained a little about this!


"Hey, new guy, why don't you show me if Li Yue is saying the truth or not?"

Hearing Li Yue's explanation, Tony grew even bolder in his provocation to Danny Rand!

Tony had always been like this. Someone who didn't know about Tony's personality would think that he was really courting death with his smug expression!

Danny had trained in Kunlun for more than ten years, so he had been able to suppress himself and stay mostly silent!

However, silence does not imply powerless. Even someone like him would be angry after Tony provoked him!

When Tony asked him to show off his power, he immediately thought, "I will gladly show you!"

Danny clenched his fist, gathering the faint Qi in his body into his dantian and through the dragon-shaped tattoo on his chest, before flowing along his arm to his right fist.

It only took an instant.

Danny's fist began glowing with faint orange light as he gathered his Qi—it was similar to the light that emitted by the magic of Kamar-Taj mages!

Li Yue noticed Danny's subtle movement as the latter gathered his Qi. However, Li Yue didn't sense any murderous intent from Danny, so he didn't interfere!

"Hehe, Banner, look, this is going to be a good show!"

Instead, Li Yue walked over to Banner and whispered to the Doctor, staring at Tony and Danny and waiting for Tony to embarrass himself! This should be very interesting!


Truthfully, Danny was still not very good at controlling his Qi. Moreover, the enhancement of Shou-Lao's Dragon Mark had made his Qi extremely powerful. Therefore, he carefully controlled the Qi that gathered within his right fist. It took him several seconds!

"Since you want me to show it to you, then you should watch closely!"

Danny suddenly looked at Tony straight in the eyes. Then, he swung his fist in lightning speed right at Tony's handsome face!

Like a dazzling meteor streaking across the sky, Danny's right fist was glowing with brilliant yellow light from inside out. It was as if a chunk of burning steel! His blood vessel showed up as pattern of dark veins on his fist!

Moreover, the fist launched at extreme speed. Ordinary people would only see a streak of yellow light!

Danny's right fist struck Tony's face in an instant, giving Tony no time to react. Without his armor, Tony was just a normal human, so he couldn't dodge or retreat!

"It's over, I have to say goodbye to my handsome face!"

Tony could only look on helplessly as the yellow fist rushed at him!

However, Danny's fist stopped less than five centimeters away from Tony's face, dead in its track!

The leftover wind from the fist caused Tony's hair to flutter for a few seconds before stopping.

The tip of Tony's hair curled slightly from the heat of Danny's fist, as if it had been singed by a flame!

Tony gulped as he stared at the glowing fist in front of him. He hurriedly stepped back, but because he didn't pay attention, he fell on the sofa behind him!


Tony returned to his senses when he heard a burst of laughter.

"Li Yue, are you tricking me? You're going to just laugh at me from there?"

Tony stood up from the sofa and said angrily to Li Yue who was laughing.

"And you, coward that sneak-attacked me when I'm not wearing my armor. If you're so proud of your abilities, wait until I wear my armor, see if I don't beat you to the ground!"

He then pointed angrily at Danny, whose right hand had returned to a normal state!

Despite all his complaint, Tony acknowledged Danny's power in his heart. Sure enough, Li Yue's eyes for extraordinary people didn't make any mistake!


"All right, Tony, he was just joking with you. He meant no harm! How is it? His strength isn't bad, right? Can he join our alliance?" Li Yue asked Tony.

"His strength is not bad, but if he wants to join our alliance, he has to go through my test! If he can defeat me, I will agree for him to join us!"

Tony's arrogant and borderline suicidal tone returned! Of course, he basically agreed that Iron Fist would be a great asset for the Justice League already, He was just sulking that he lost some face just now, so he wanted to regain his dignity!

Tony was only slightly shocked just now. After all, he always let his guard down when Li Yue is around. He knew that Li Yue would definitely not let him be in danger!

"Wait, I think there's some misunderstanding here! I just want to go back to New York, not join your alliance!"

However, contrary to Tony's hard-to-get attitude, Danny immediately rejected to join the alliance!

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