
Answering Questions

Li Yue's heart was filled with nothing but questions.

After all, the current situation had long deviated from Li Yue's knowledge. Ancient One's death had come much sooner than expected, and Li Yue had no idea how the plot would develop.

Li Yue had said that he didn't want to change the plot, but who knows that it would be this difficult? Now he had to face the consequences of the changed plot. Master Ancient One had died much too early, and he became the wielder of the Time Stone.

Would Thanos hear about Ancient One's death and come to invade Earth to steal the Infinity Stones? Then again, Li Yue believed that his current strength would be enough to stop or even defeat Thanos with ease.

But Thanos had many troops and subordinates in his disposal. On top of the famous Black Order, he also had a horde of horrible monsters, including the Chitauri. If they initiated a full-blown invasion of Earth, how were the people of Earth supposed to stop them?

Of course, these were just Li Yue's imagination, and it was not certain whether they could survive or not.


"Master Ancient One, why didn't you use the time loop to trap Dormammu and then provoke it to agree to leave Earth? I was curious, since that was the method used by Doctor Strange—that is, Stephen Strange, in the future that I know. He used the time loop to drive Dormammu away from Earth."

This was the biggest question in Li Yue's heart at this moment. In the original plot, Doctor Strange had studied magic for less than a year, yet he had been able to devise such a plan. There was no reason for Ancient One, who was substantially older and smarter, to be unable to think of this.

"In the future that you saw...did I die before Dormammu descended?" Ancient One was not surprised by this question. She slowly asked back to Li Yue.

"Eh... that was indeed the case!" Li Yue replied. Ancient One was indeed dead at that time—in an inexplicable circumstances, as well. She looked like she had both fell from high place and got hit by a car.

Countless viewers had criticized this scene, claiming that it was too hasty. Some of the more cynical netizens said that Ancient One was killed off due to the insufficient budget.

"That makes sense. Dormammu didn't have a special desire to devour Earth: it was just another planet full of dispensable nutrients. He only accumulated a grudge against me after I repulsed his invasion many times in the past.

"Moreover, to ensure that I could thwart his further efforts, I have no options but to tap into the dark energy of his dimension to sustain my body.

"Dormammu simply cannot tolerate my actions, especially after he sensed my aura when I entered his dimension, revealing to him the very person who had stolen his dark energy all this time. His hatred for me must have reached the limit.

"Thus, as long as I'm still alive on this Earth, Dormammu will never stop trying to devour this planet or kill me."

Ancient One's explanation finally revealed everything to Li Yue.

"So, in that other timeline, Dormammu agreed to bargain with Doctor Strange because he couldn't sense your aura on Earth anymore?"

No wonder Ancient One died inexplicably in the movie, and Dormammu so readily accepted the bargain to leave Earth alone.


"But, Master Ancient One, why did you give the Eye of Agamotto—that is, the Time Stone to me?"

The Time Stone had only given Li Yue headache when Ancient One handed it to him. The stone was precious, of course, but Li Yue had no idea how to use it!

It was akin to being handed a beautiful woman with sexy body that you can only see but not touch! Li Yue was on the verge of depression.

If it had been the Space Stone instead, Li Yue would've been excited, since he could absorb the immense amount of space energy within the stone and ignite the stars in the sky of his soul.

Of course, it was just a fantasy for now. Li Yue would like to get his hand on the Space Stone, but he had to do it in the right time. He couldn't really afford to think about it right now.

"There's no special reason; it was simply because you're currently the strongest human on Earth. After my death, I believe that you're the only one that could protect the Time Stone from unruly people."

The answer Ancient One gave made Li Yue speechless.

"Is it that simple?"

Li Yue was still doubtful.

"It's that simple!"

Yet Ancient One's answer was firm and certain.

"Aren't you afraid that I would keep the stone for myself and not give it to Doctor Strange?" Li Yue asked curiously.

Of course, it wasn't like he planned to do that even if the stone was useful to him.

"When I give it to you, I did say that it was up to your own decision. You can decide whether to keep it or give it to others. No one could force you to do anything," Ancient One casually replied, as if the Time Stone was just a normal gift.

Li Yue did not dwell too much on this issue, because there were still several years before Doctor Strange went to Kamar-Taj. He had plenty of time to consider.


"Master Ancient One, can you tell me about big events that will happens in the future? This universe had changed too quickly. The future that I know has changed beyond recognition.

"It would be very bad if something big happens outside my knowledge.

"Just like with this incident: I wasn't even in this world. What am I supposed to do? I don't want to return to this world one day and discover that half of the people in it had disappeared!"

This was Li Yue's true feelings. Of course, it was also an extreme example. After all, even with the unpredictable future, Li Yue's current strength had made him practically invincible.

Moreover, he had obtained the Time Stone, so he had nothing to fear from Thanos. The situation he talked about was nearly impossible to happen, since he could just bring the Time Stone with him to the other universe.

That way, Thanos couldn't obtain all six of the infinity stones to do the snap.

"The future is not a constant, especially after an existence like you appeared. It has always been in flux, now more than ever.

"Before your appearance, it would be trivial for me to peer decades into the future through the Time Stone. Yet, since your appearance, anything beyond a few months were too complex to properly see.

"In other words, the fluctuation of timelines within the last few months since your appearance was equivalent to decades prior to it. The current me could no longer be able to predict the future or warn you about it."

Li Yue felt a bit awkward when he heard Ancient One's explanations. It almost like everything was his fault.

Li Yue continued to ask other questions to Ancient One, and Ancient One answered every one of them without holding back!


"Master Ancient One, this is my last question. Back in the Dark Dimension, how were you so sure that I would agree to your request? What would you have done if I had disagreed? Would you still sacrifice yourself to repel the Dark Dimension?"

This question had always been lingering in Li Yue's mind. After all, Ancient One did not seem to be worried that Li Yue would not agree to her. Li Yue was doubtful to the source of this confidence!

"Because I have not seen a single future where you rejected me!"

Ancient One smiled to Li Yue, before once again looking at the blue earth. There was reluctance in her eyes, but also a sense of relief. Then, her astral figure suddenly disappeared.

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