
Marvel: Sex Stories

A compilation of my favorite sex stories set in the marvel universe.(all characters that appear in these stories are 18+) first five chapters mass release after that twice a week, Mabey more Please vote with Powerstones or leave a review. let me know if there are any specific smut stories you might want in the review. If you wish to find the original author go to hentai foundry and put in the chapter name in the search bar

Mad_Overlord · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

The Production: Chapter - 5 (Actual Plot)

Making it over to Greenwich Village with her police horse and Quintin racing along behind her with all of his drones is the work of maybe fifteen to thirty minutes. Truth be told, Mary Jane isn't sure what to expect when they arrive. She's actually a little surprised that she's not chafing from all of this horseback riding, given what she's currently wearing.

Ever since that weird vision she'd had, she's felt… good. Better than good, she feels powerful. Strong. Heroic, even.

Jaw clenched with resolve and eyes blazing with determination, the red head swings her horse around the corner, finally arriving on the proper street. What she and Quintin discover there, however, brings them both up short.

The doors of what must be the Sanctum Santorum have been blasted open, and there's battle being done out on the street. Dr. Stephen Strange, the Sorcerer Supreme, is fighting a veritable horde of devils and people who look just as possessed as the goth chick back in the Church did. Eyes glowing with purple malice, they're all trying to get to him, trying to take him down.

MJ only knows Dr. Strange in passing, of course. Actually, she's never met the man before tonight. But she knows enough to recognize him from Peter's description of the Sorcerer, and to realize that this is WAY above her paygrade. And yet… it's so obviously clear that something fucked up is happening. Not only that, but it's also clear, at least to Mary Jane, that Dr. Strange is losing.

Somehow he's been ambushed, and that's left him without back-up of any kind. Despite his impressive magical prowess, he's clearly being overwhelmed more and more by the moment. If no one steps in… then he might actually be defeated.

But then, what is someone like her supposed to do? Mary Jane clenches her hand around the hilt of her sword, only to startle as she realizes that she's holding it at her side. She doesn't remember drawing her sword, and yet there it is. The cheap, fake thing couldn't cut through a damn piece of paper, but it's not entirely useless. More metal than plastic, at least.

… She wants to help. She wants to go in there and fight. But surely not. Surely she should just stay back and let the professionals handle this, right?

"Alright. Shit. I don't suppose backing away slowly and pretending like we didn't see anything is a possibility at this point, is it?"

MJ blinks and glances at Quintin, surprised by the serious expression on the Producer's face. He's not looking at her though, he's looking at the battle… and when she follows his gaze, she realizes he's really looking at some of the chittering devils on the outskirts of the battle, who have turned and noticed their arrival and began slinking towards them.

In a split second, Quintin the Producer is gone and Mysterio has taken his place. More drones than MJ had even realized the Illusionist had come pouring out and he glances over at her, tilting his fishbowl helmet in her direction.

"Go. Start swinging and I'll have your back."

A sense of purpose fills Mary Jane. This is what she needed to do. This was where she belonged. Never in a million years would she have thought it possible for her to be about to go into battle with Mysterio of all people at her side… and yet, she gives Quintin a single solid nod and grits her teeth, gripping her steed's reins in one hand and holding her prop sword aloft in the other.

Letting out an incoherent yell, she has the police horse charge forward, taking even the devils that were beginning to make their way towards her by surprise. Obviously, they weren't expecting actual resistance… which is why it's so easy for MJ to swing her sword into the first devil she runs into, slamming the hellish creature into the ground.

As mentioned previously, her sword is not a real sword. It is a fake, but it's still made of metal, which is all that matters. Well, there's one other thing that matters as well. MJ's super strength from before is still in effect. She's much stronger than she should be, turning her fake sword into a metal bat of sorts that she has no issue swinging clear through the devils who try to impede her path.

Meanwhile, Mysterio does in fact have her back. Behind her, Quintin's drones dart forward, most of them invisible as they rush and catch the devils and the possessed humans Dr. Strange is fighting by surprise. The Sorcerer Supreme ALSO looks surprised, especially when he sees who's come to back him up, but if nothing else, Strange is adaptable and knows how to take advantage of a situation.

As Mary Jane starts to smash people into walls while Mysterio's invisible drone support keeps her from being swarmed, Dr. Strange finally has some breathing room, allowing him to begin preparing a spell. Obviously, MJ has no idea what said spell can do… but she's not about to question the sorcerer, not right now.

Instead, she does what she apparently does best now. She knocks people the fuck out and kills devils until finally, at long last, Dr. Strange lets out a loud shout in another language and the purple malevolent light in the possessed people's eyes fades away. They blink in confusion for a moment, before all collapsing to the ground, passing out from the exertion.

Meanwhile, the rest of the devils should be easy enough to clean up, Mary Jane figures. She just-

The red head has no warning. One moment she's on her borrowed police horse's back, the next she's in the air, dangling from a tentacle that has plucked her from her steed. In response to losing its rider, the horse promptly bolts, disappearing down the street. To her credit, MJ immediately starts swinging, but her sword has no effect on the tentacle monster that has her in its clutches.

Likewise, when she looks to her allies, Dr. Strange and Quintin are both frozen in place, a shimmer around them showing that some magical spell has caught them in a time stop. Finally… there's the clapping.

"Bravo. Bravo. Though I must ask Ms. Watson… what the FUCK are you doing here?!"

Out of the blown-open doors of the Sanctum Santorum steps the Devil himself. Or at least, that's Mary Jane's first impression. He's big and red and decidedly devil-ish, but she has no idea who he is or how he knows who SHE is. Still, a growl wells up in her throat and she glares daggers at him from her dangling position.

"I live here, asshole! New York is my home and I won't let you have it!"

The devil laughs, though there's an undercurrent of anger to his tone.

"My name, dear, is Mephisto. Do try and remember it for the little time you have left on this mortal plane, because once I drag your soul with me to hell, you're going to be screaming it as you beg me for mercy for the next several HUNDRED years. But yes, I'm well aware you live in New York, Ms. Watson. What I mean is how the fuck did you get HERE?! How in the hell did you somehow manage to stumble right into one of my schemes? Especially after everything I've done to ruin you!"

… Wait, what? Mary Jane blinks owlishly at that, staring at the now-named Mephisto in disbelief.

"What… what are you talking about?! Ruin me?! I don't even know who you are!"

That causes Mephisto to pause and he looks at her for a long moment before letting out another bark of laughter.

"No, you really don't. And that makes this all the more baffling. You don't know who I am. You don't know that the seemingly resurrected 'Gwen Stacey' was actually a succubus conjured up by yours truly in order to capture Peter's heart and facilitate yours and his little break-up. You don't know that I'm the one who's anonymously financed Quintin Beck's little movie through half a dozen different investment firms, solely to keep you tied up in dead-end get-famous schemes. And yet… here you are all the same. Ridiculous."

He… what? Gwen was a SUCCUBUS?! Mary Jane's mouth opens and closes wordlessly for a few moments as Mephisto just smiles and nods, soaking in her abject confusion and shock over what he's just told her. He's clearly taking great satisfaction in her heartbreak and bewilderment. Finally, she manages to ask the obvious.

"WHY?! Why would you do all of that to me?!"

Mephisto snorts and flicks a clawed red hand in the air almost dismissively.

"Simple, really. If I keep you and Peter apart, then you can never give birth to your daughter May Parker. Still, I never expected a ditzy model and failed theater actress to somehow stumble into this scheme of mine. Honestly, this whole thing with the Sorcerer Supreme is entirely unrelated to you. But… I suppose now is as good a time as any to drop the elaborate plots and just drag everyone down to hell. Starting with you, darling."

MJ's eyes widen as he snaps his fingers and the tentacle monster holding her up comes crawling out of the Sanctum Santorum. Moving under her, it opens its maw and dangles her over a thousand whirling teeth. Mary Jane is still trying to come to terms with the bit about her having a DAUGHTER, but this suddenly takes much greater priority. She's about to be fucking vored by a goddamn tentacle monster, and she has no desire for that to happen.

Yelling, shouting, growling, she fights with all her might. No… she fights with all of Red Sonja's might. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like it's going to be enough. It seems she's really going to end up swallowed by this thing and there's nothing she can-

"Coming through!"

At the last possible second, a webcrawler in a red and black costume comes swinging in and snatches MJ right from the Tentacle Monster's clutches, taking her to safety. Blinking, MJ looks up for a second, thinking that Peter has saved her at the last second. But no, it's not Peter… it's Miles, one of Peter's fellow spider-people and a protégé of sorts from time to time.

"Er, hello ma'am! Good to see you again! Sorry about the last minute rescue, but hey… better late than never, right?!"

Still reeling from everything she's been told, MJ can only nod… only to hear a howl from where Mephisto was. Looking over, her heart leaps in her throat as she sees the familiar red and blue of Spider-Man, alongside Silk. The two have ambushed Mephisto in the same moment that Miles saved her, tag-teaming the red-skinned devil and kicking him off his feet.

This has the additional effect of freeing Dr. Strange and Quintin from Mephisto's time stop, as his concentration has been thoroughly broken from the sneak attack. MJ bites her lower lip as she watches her Peter let out an incoherent shout of rage, all but wailing on Mephisto for what he's done.

It would seem that at the same time MJ was being told by the mastermind himself what was going on, Peter and his fellow spider-people had likely sussed out Gwen's true nature as a Succubus and put two and two together, leading to them showing up in the nick of time to save the day.

As Mephisto receives a decidedly one-sided beatdown… MJ can't help but feel a little choked up at seeing the raw emotion and fury in every fiber of her ex's body. Pulling free of Miles' grasp, she moves forward across the battlefield… and grabs Peter by the wrist as he does his best to pummel Mephisto's face in.

Looking back at her, the eyes of Spider-Man's mask widen. A moment later and he's pulled it off, looking at her with his true face. There's nothing but horrified apology in his gaze as he looks at her, clearly distraught.

"MJ, I…"

But Mary Jane just smiles and places a hand on Peter's chiseled jaw.

"I know, Peter."

Then, she pulls him away from Mephisto… and steps forward. The beaten devil just laughs at them both.

"Pathetic heroes. Always confined by your morality, always-!"


MJ doesn't hesitate to put her booted heel through the devil's face, very literally 'kicking his teeth in' as she removes his ability to speak. Smirking down at the now-gurgling devil who'd tried to ruin her life and steal her future from her, Mary Jane Watson chuckles darkly.

"Red Sonja is a very different kind of hero."

Then, she spins around and throws herself at Peter, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him soundly on the lips. As he takes hold of her right back, returning the kiss with just as must urgency and need to make up for lost time… MJ knows that everything is going to be alright.

Maybe they can't go back to normal. Maybe there's going to be an adjustment period. But in the end… things are going to work out. She can feel it in her bones.