
marvel:Self-Evolution Into superman

Transcending the Marvel world, becoming a HYDRA researcher, about to be silenced. Obtaining an incredible scientific research ability, capable of comprehending and understanding all knowledge and truth. At the beginning, developing a super soldier serum, turning the tables and breaking out of the research facility! But this is just the beginning. Wolverine's terrifying self-healing factor? Wolverine, hold on, I'm going to dissect you! Bitten by Gwen's spider? Bring it on! Power surging, strength of a hundred tons, they call me the little Hulk! These are all methods of self-preservation. Next, comes the main point. From different super-powered individuals, copying their abilities and organically integrating them into myself. Superman's bio-field? Invisible Woman's invisibility field, give it to me! Maxed out, and also Flight Ability! Super strength? Hulk, don't go! Steel body? Heat vision? Absorbing the sun to become stronger? I have those too! With the power of technological development, I will be the strongest person in the universe. There are now 80 advanced chapters on Patreon. Support me and go read them if you can. Link patreon: patreon.com/writer999 There are already 300,000 words on Patreon so read on and don't worry I will continue to update A chapter of at least 1,500 words every day or two. ______________________ This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, events, and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. _____________________ Cover not mine found it on google ____________________ Update every day or two. ____________________ The number of words ranges from 1200 to 2800. ____________________ Updated daily from ،1 to 3 chapters per day depending on the amount of support I will try to update as much as possible but I'm a college student and have work so please be patient. _____________________ Read ahead or support me on pàtreon ....... There are now 80 advanced chapters on Patreon. Support me and go read them if you can. ....... I hope you like the novel . ....... patreon.com/writer999 ....... Translation with extensive modifications and filtering of toxins.

write999 · Anime & Comics
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88 Chs

064 S.H.I.E.L.D shock

(2650 word)

Heavy rain pouring down!

Washing Adam's face, blurring his vision slightly.

The cold rain soaked his clothes.

But none of this affected Adam, his body still burning hot.

Looking at the crowd rushing towards him.

Adam's gaze remained unchanged, bursting out.

That seemingly slender hand erupted with terrifying power, infused into the blade!

The sharp blade in his hand turned into a deadly arc, tearing through the rain curtain, aiming at the three mechanical exoskeleton warriors in front!

The cold and sharp blade easily sliced through the tough alloy of the three mechanical exoskeletons!

Splitting the people inside in half!

Psst! Psst!

Blood gushed out like a fountain!

At the same time.

Spider Telepathy activated!

Danger emerged from more than a dozen places!

Coming from all directions!

Adam instantly used the dead three exoskeleton warriors as a breakthrough, charging out!

Grabbing a nearby living exoskeleton warrior as a shield!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Fists rained down on the person!

Instantly turning him into minced meat!

At the same time, some attacks landed on Adam.

Psst! Psst!

Two swords directly pierced his abdomen and arm muscles!

A group of exoskeleton warriors and winter warriors simultaneously exerted their strength, displaying astonishing combat power.

The pain made Adam's eye twitch, gritting his teeth.

But his gaze remained unchanged, ice-cold.

"Today, none of you will leave here alive!"

"Everyone must die!"

The words burst out from between Adam's teeth, filled with a sense of power.

He immediately took out a mechanical button.

These were all electromagnetic pulse mechanical buttons.

He didn't want to take out the neurotoxin button because it was difficult to hit the enemy accurately.

These guys had highly sensitive combat awareness and could easily dodge it.

He took out the electric shock button because it was raining and the enemies around him were close, making it easy to accidentally injure himself!

So, the electromagnetic pulse mechanical button was the most suitable for him now.

Adam waved!

Those mechanical buttons instantly turned into beams, rushing in all directions!

The enemies saw this scene and became alert.

Although they didn't know what these things were.

But they understood.

They knew that those things must be extremely dangerous!

They quickly dodged, trying not to be hit by those things!

In the end, they successfully avoided those mechanical buttons.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

But at this moment.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

Invisible shockwaves spread out!

Suddenly, a part of the affected mechanical exoskeletons instantly stopped moving, unable to budge.

At the same time, the people inside were also imprisoned and unable to move by this steel prison.

A wave of panic immediately swept through.

"Damn it! What's going on?!"

"Why can't I move! f**k!"

"Damn it, this guy's hidden weapon is actually an electromagnetic pulse weapon! It disrupted the operation of our exoskeletons!"

"It's over, the exoskeleton has locked me tightly! I can't escape from it at all!"

"Shit! If I can't get out, I'll be unemployed in front of Adam!"

"It's over, it's over! I can't move in front of this monster, I'm definitely going to die in his hands!"

At this moment.

These immobilized people were filled with fear of being controlled by Adam!

Especially when they thought of the terrifying scenes of him killing ruthlessly, their fear intensified!

And the reality was just as they wished.

After shooting out those mechanical buttons.

Adam erupted again, pouring out terrifying power, acting on the shield!


The terrifying shield has turned into the most efficient killing tool!

It charges towards the motionless live targets in front!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The shield bounces around like a marble, colliding with the heads of the mechanical exoskeleton warriors!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Explosions sound one after another!

One head after another is directly blown up!

This scene is incredibly bloody and cruel!

Upon seeing this, Adam doesn't hesitate at all.

He bursts out as well!

Charging towards the enemy.

In an instant, a group of enemies engage in battle!

His body instantly gains deep wounds, blood flowing profusely, and pain assaulting him.

Adam's face contorts slightly, the long knife in his hand turning into a weapon of death, instantly reaping several lives.

Three exoskeleton warriors and a Winter Soldier!

Adam pierces the head of the Winter Soldier with his long knife!

Not allowing the opponent to die with their eyes closed!


He swiftly pulls out the long knife and continues fighting with the people in front!

Wounds constantly appear on his body, constantly healing.

Pain also constantly assaults his nerves.

In the midst of pain, Adam transforms into the cruelest executioner, greedily harvesting lives!


Adam grunts, cold sweat appearing on his forehead!

Under the fierce attack of the enemy, a Winter Soldier successfully ambushes him, successfully severing one of Adam's hands, and the shield falls to the ground as well.

Intense pain fills Adam's nerves.

His other hand angrily stabs downward!

Piercing through the opponent's eye, directly piercing through their head!

He swings!

Decapitating half of the opponent's head!

Seeing Adam's severed arm.

The remaining HYDRA members are all filled with excitement.

Finally, they have severed one of his arms!

With this one strike, the opponent will instantly lose a great deal of combat power!

This allows the people of HYDRA to finally see a glimmer of hope for success.

"Very good! Finally severed one of his hands!"

"With only one hand left, his combat power will be greatly reduced!"

"Not bad! Soon, we will be able to sever his other hand! Cut off his legs!"

"Very good! Keep it up! We will soon be able to completely conquer him!"

Everyone's eyes are shining.

And at this moment.

Adam steps on the shield on the ground, the shield leaps up, and the severed arm holding the shield falls into Adam's hand.

He reattaches the severed arm.

At the same time, he leaps up and instantly jumps out of the encirclement!

At the same time, he quickly dodges left and right, avoiding the enemy's attacks.

When the people of HYDRA see Adam reattaching the severed arm, they are all stunned.

Their gazes are somewhat astonished.

"What... What does this guy want to do? Does he want to reattach this severed arm? Is he going to weld it back on the spot?"

"What is he doing? Does he think his arm is a building block? It broke, so he can just put it back together?"

"What is this guy doing? Why do I have a bad feeling about this?"

At the moment of HYDRA's astonishment.

The self-healing factors in many of the severed arm areas begin to exert their power.

At the sites of the wounds, buds of flesh begin to grow, connecting and merging with each other.

The original injuries heal extremely rapidly.


The sites of the wounds are completely connected.

Under the powerful force of the self-healing factors, even the bones begin to heal, and in the end, there is not a single scar, fully restored.

The entire arm instantly returns to its original state.

If it weren't for the slow speed of his severed arm's regeneration, he might have already picked it up.

Instead, he directly lets it grow a new arm. If he had a brand new one-time lizard self-healing potion, he could do that, but unfortunately, he doesn't have one right now.

He waves his just-healed hand.

Everything is back to normal, as if there was never a break.

He pinches his fingers and still feels full of strength, as well as control.

As Adam read this, a hint of satisfaction flashed in his eyes.

The surrounding members of HYDRA watched as Adam waved his severed arm and clenched his fingers.

Each person widened their eyes, their pupils trembling, and their scalps tingling.

Everyone felt that something was very wrong.

"Damn it! What's going on with this guy?! Why did his hand grow back?"

"His arm healed?! f**k, is this guy even human?!"

"f**k! Is he a robot or a doll? Is this even possible? He lost his arm, but now it's back and he can use it freely?!"

"What is this really? Just a monster in human skin!"

"So we worked so hard and killed someone for nothing?!"

"How can a person be so terrifying?!"

At this moment.

The remaining members of HYDRA began to doubt their lives.

They looked at Adam in front of them and felt a strong sense of defeat.

And a hint of fear, the fear dominated by Adam!

Adam didn't give these people a chance to think.

There weren't many people left.

Adam shot out again and killed the remaining group of people.

At this moment.

Many of HYDRA's members had lost confidence and the will to fight, and they began to scatter and flee.

A Winter Soldier saw this and became furious: "Running away is a dead end! He won't spare anyone!"

"Only by burning the bridges can we fight for a chance to survive..."

The words abruptly stopped.

Because Adam pounced like a demon and cut off the opponent's head with a single slash!

"Too talkative!"


Seeing this scene, seeing the Winter Soldier who had just motivated everyone being beheaded, everyone's fighting spirit was instantly crushed.

"Damn it, he's just a monster! We can't defeat him at all!"

"Run! Run!"

"This guy is not human!"

In an instant.

The remaining people started to flee frantically.

Only a few people resisted stubbornly.

Among them was a Winter Soldier, who was blasted into a bloody mess by Adam with his shield.

The others were also killed with a single sword.

Seeing the fleeing people, Adam sneered.

"Can you escape?"

The entire canyon had long been blocked by Adam, with cliffs on both sides.

This place had long become a dead end by Adam!

He was here to leave no one behind from HYDRA who came.

He had said that not a single one would be spared.

He, Adam, promised to keep his word!


Adam shot out again!

His speed was too fast!

...power stone please...

To the point where, under the rain curtain, a temporary rain-free passage was torn open!

The cold light flew from his hand, the shield shot out, chasing after the last person.

After a moment.


He pulled out a long knife from the last person.

The rain washed away the blood on the knife.

In the vast canyon.

At this moment, only Adam stood alone, his face cold, wet hair flying in the strong wind, and his wet and heavy clothes billowing in the wind.

The ground was covered with bodies, densely packed, a battlefield of corpses and blood.

The blood stained the earth red, and the strong smell of blood permeated the air.

Clusters of oil fires were burning fiercely!

The smell of gunpowder had not yet dissipated, filling the air and the rain!

Adam's figure appeared small on the vast battlefield.

But that figure was destined to be full of infinite deterrence at this moment!

This deterrence enveloped the entire canyon!

And it was destined to radiate out, enveloping countless people!

Just because!

In the entire battlefield, he alone, single-handedly, cut through this sea of corpses and mountains of blood!

This terrifying battlefield!

It was created by this man!

At this moment.

He, with the body of a human, has achieved god-like feats.

Standing amidst a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood, he appears not as a person, but as a true god of slaughter.

The strong smell of blood in the air seems to be his essence of killing.

The storm rages on.

The wind blows Adam's black hair, and his clothes rustle.

The long knife in his hand is clean and bright, without a trace of blood.

He looks up, gazing at the battlefield, his eyes calm but still filled with a chilling feeling.

He swings his long knife, splashing countless raindrops, calmly saying, "Not a single one left, I've done it."

At this moment.

Above the sky.

A miniature flight device, just arrived not long ago.

Witnessed Adam's final slaughter of a group of HYDRA.

Finally, they saw Adam pulling out the long knife from the last person, standing alone amidst an infinite number of corpses, a spectacular and shocking scene.

The scene was filled with bodies! Countless bodies!

All were caused by blades and blunt force! It was intentional!

And they were all HYDRA's people!

Only one person survived.

That person is Adam!

The one who has always been shrouded in mystery, Adam!

They originally thought that Adam would definitely be taken down by HYDRA's people.

But unexpectedly, it turned out to be like this!

Completely subverting their expectations!

With just one person, one sword, and one shield, Adam slaughtered the entire army of HYDRA in this canyon.

With his own strength, he overturned HYDRA's elite forces.

What kind of power is this!

Black Widow and Hawkeye looked at the brutal scene in the canyon, looked at the man standing on the sea of corpses, and felt a huge impact.

They both took a deep breath.

Looking at the man on the mountain of corpses and sea of blood.

From above, the figure standing on the sea of blood seemed so frail and small!

But Black Widow and Hawkeye felt an infinite sense of oppression!

For the first time!

Just by looking at the screen, they could feel the terrifying intimidation carried by the person in the screen.

That intimidation seemed to seep out from the screen!

Pressing down on them!

Standing amidst the infinite mountain of corpses and sea of blood, he was not just a person, but a god of war descending upon the world.

An invincible god of slaughter!

The storm and rain seemed to be impacting not his body, but their souls!

Causing a raging storm in their hearts!

Not only Black Widow and Hawkeye, but also everyone in S.H.I.E.L.D.

Seeing this scene, their minds were greatly impacted!

Everyone was shocked into silence, forgetting how to speak!

A dead silence!

In everyone's eyes, there was only shock!

Because tonight, that person created a legend!

One person, leaving behind a super army of HYDRA!

Hawkeye swallowed his saliva, his voice trembling, "Is this... is this Adam?"

"He is actually so terrifying, possessing such unimaginable strength."

"Is he really a human? Such power, it's like a god descending upon the world!"

Black Widow's scalp tingled, her hair standing on end, "When I learned that he was going to face HYDRA's team alone."

"I was a bit dismissive, I thought he was crazy."

"I thought he was too arrogant, underestimating the power of HYDRA!"

"But I was wrong."

"He is not arrogant, he is just confident."

"He just knows very well that he can truly annihilate a super army of HYDRA!"

Black Widow's body trembled in the cold rain.

Her eyes fixed on the terrifying figure on the screen.

"Is this Adam's true strength?"

"The reason why HYDRA wanted to find Adam is because he possesses such terrifying power..."

Black Widow murmured, "So, Adam is actually a super weapon created by HYDRA..."


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