
marvel:Self-Evolution Into superman

Transcending the Marvel world, becoming a HYDRA researcher, about to be silenced. Obtaining an incredible scientific research ability, capable of comprehending and understanding all knowledge and truth. At the beginning, developing a super soldier serum, turning the tables and breaking out of the research facility! But this is just the beginning. Wolverine's terrifying self-healing factor? Wolverine, hold on, I'm going to dissect you! Bitten by Gwen's spider? Bring it on! Power surging, strength of a hundred tons, they call me the little Hulk! These are all methods of self-preservation. Next, comes the main point. From different super-powered individuals, copying their abilities and organically integrating them into myself. Superman's bio-field? Invisible Woman's invisibility field, give it to me! Maxed out, and also Flight Ability! Super strength? Hulk, don't go! Steel body? Heat vision? Absorbing the sun to become stronger? I have those too! With the power of technological development, I will be the strongest person in the universe. There are now 80 advanced chapters on Patreon. Support me and go read them if you can. Link patreon: patreon.com/writer999 There are already 300,000 words on Patreon so read on and don't worry I will continue to update A chapter of at least 1,500 words every day or two. ______________________ This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, events, and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. _____________________ Cover not mine found it on google ____________________ Update every day or two. ____________________ The number of words ranges from 1200 to 2800. ____________________ Updated daily from ،1 to 3 chapters per day depending on the amount of support I will try to update as much as possible but I'm a college student and have work so please be patient. _____________________ Read ahead or support me on pàtreon ....... There are now 80 advanced chapters on Patreon. Support me and go read them if you can. ....... I hope you like the novel . ....... patreon.com/writer999 ....... Translation with extensive modifications and filtering of toxins.

write999 · Anime & Comics
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88 Chs

058 Different Types Of Meditation!

(2600 word)

Inside a HYDRA base.

Baron Strucker sat in his office.

With his hands crossed, he squinted slightly as he looked at the view outside the base, focusing on a tree.

Outside, a forest.

This HYDRA base was still located in a remote and rarely visited place.

On a large tree, a bug was crawling, completely unaware that danger was silently approaching.

In the sky, a bird flapped its wings.

It stared sharply at the bug.

At this moment.

A subordinate entered the office.

"Baron, we still haven't found any trace of Adam."

"Since the incident with Klaue, he seems to have vanished into thin air, and we haven't found any trace of him anywhere."

"We even suspect that Adam might be dead..."

Upon hearing this, the Baron snorted coldly, his expression icy.

"All of you useless fools are dead, but Adam cannot be dead!"

"He was the one who single-handedly developed the super soldier serum."

"And he even injected himself with the serum, completely becoming a non-human."

"A smart and powerful person like him, and you tell me he's dead?"

The Baron continued, "All of this is because he hid himself well."

"He must have changed his identity and is hiding in some corner of this vast land of America."

"He must still be continuing his research."

In his mind, the Baron recalled the data Adam took from the research institute.

"By the way, have you investigated the data he took on the super-ability individuals?"

"Has anything unusual come up?"

The subordinate quickly said, "There has been a bit of an anomaly in one place."

The Baron quickly turned his head and stared at the subordinate, asking, "Where?"

The subordinate said, "Wolverine."

"Not long ago, there seemed to be a problem with the Essex Group."

"It led to a conflict with Wolverine."

"After a conflict along the way, a man who appeared to be Captain America had a confrontation with the Essex people."

"That person possessed a physique like Superman and a Vibranium shield like Captain America."

The Baron squinted slightly, "Vibranium shield? Superman's physique... all of this does indeed look like Captain America."

"But it's also very possible that it's Adam!"

"After all, he had contact with Claw before he disappeared."

The Baron murmured, "What is this kid up to?"

He then asked, "Has anything similar happened?"

The subordinate shook his head.

The Baron's voice grew low, "Klaue was the last person to see Adam, he is our only lead."

"And for Adam to disappear so completely and smoothly, there must be someone familiar with the gray industry and with safe houses providing him assistance."

"Otherwise, he could have disappeared so completely, leaving no trace."

"And Klaue clearly fits this image of someone who helped Adam!"

"So, you must find him and pry Adam's location out of his mouth."

If Klaue has no connection to Adam.

HYDRA won't continue to spend a lot of time on him.

After all, although a Vibranium dealer is valuable, it is not enough to make HYDRA so concerned.

So many days have passed.

Investigating Klaue has been a huge drain on resources for the Baron, and even he feels the pain.

But the clues to Adam's whereabouts have vanished into thin air.

The only connection is Klaue.

So he can only hold onto the thread of Klaue.

The subordinate quickly nodded, "We understand, Baron!"

"We are relentlessly pursuing Klaue and his two children, but Claw is quite cunning, so it may take some effort."

Lord struker: "Send more people and make sure to catch Klaue."

"If you let Klaue escape again this time..."

Lord's tone turned cold and sinister: "Then be prepared to die."

The subordinate trembled and quickly said, "We will definitely catch Klaue! He won't get away!"

Lord said, "Once we catch Klaue, we will have ten thousand ways to extract Adam's location from him."

The subordinate nodded, "This time, besides the Winter Soldier on the mission, the other four Winter Soldiers have been sent out."

"Along with a complete strategic special forces team, a special exoskeleton squad."

"They are a force capable of annihilating an army."

"Don't say Adam is just a super soldier, even if his strength doubles or triples, he won't be able to make a difference."

"Faced with this destructive power, he won't be able to escape."

"As long as we get Adam's location, we will definitely hand him over to you."

At this point, the subordinate showed a confident smile.

Lord nodded, "By the way, have we released the reason for the high-profile capture of Klaue?"

The subordinate nodded, "Yes, in order to prevent people from knowing about Adam's existence, we claimed that Klaue broke his promise when he made a deal with us before."

"And he stole some important things from you."

"Don't worry, Lord, no one will associate this matter with an insignificant soldier."

"Even the other high-ranking members of HYDRA won't know about it."

Upon hearing this, Lord nodded in satisfaction.

He turned his body and looked outside the base without speaking.

The subordinate also exited the office on his own.

Lord looked at the large tree outside the window.

A bird in mid-air swooped down, easily pecking the insect with its sharp beak and swallowing it in one gulp.

Seeing this, Lord's eyes narrowed slightly, his voice cold, "Adam, this time, you won't be able to escape disaster."

"You will be completely under my control, firmly in my grasp."

On the other side.

In a small town.

A tall figure and a small figure were walking quickly in the streets and alleys, wearing caps with the brims pulled low.

Their bodies were dirty, and even their faces had scratches.

The little girl's round face was extremely pale, making her look even more pitiful with the scratches.

The man had a sturdy build, with one hand wearing a black glove.

It was Klaue and his daughter.


Elizabeth suddenly felt short of breath, and her face became even paler.

Seeing this, Klaue quickly took out a bottle of asthma spray from his pocket and sprayed it for Elizabeth.

Only then did Elizabeth recover.

Klaue quickly touched his daughter's face, "Are you okay, little Liz?"

Elizabeth shook her head, her voice weak, "I'm fine, Dad."

Klaue patted her little head, "Let's go, we still need to keep moving. We can't let the bad guys catch up to us."

Elizabeth was puzzled, "Dad, why don't we go find big brother?"

"If big brother is here, he can definitely deal with these bad guys, and we won't have to run around."

Klaue shook his head, "We can't go to him."

"Because these people are looking for us to find him through us."

"They are targeting him, not us."

"Although big brother is very powerful, he is still no match for HYDRA."

"If we go to find him, the trouble won't be solved, it will just go from two people to three."

"It will only make one more person suffer."

Elizabeth nodded, obediently saying, "We can't make the situation worse, right?"

Klaue nodded.

He held his daughter's hand, looked up at the sky, and his eyes showed some worry.

"We can't stay here, let's go."

The two continued walking, quickly disappearing into the alleyways.

New York Safe House.

Adam carried the ninja back to his basement and removed the poison from the ninja's mouth.

He looked at the still unconscious ninja and said, "Soon, I will be able to extract some information about the Hand Clan from your mouth."

"For example, the abilities of the beasts, the secret techniques of the Hand Clan, including your mysterious hidden sound technique."

"But it's a pity that the enhancement state on your body has disappeared, otherwise, I could study it better."

After obtaining the enhancement state, the muscles and blood vessels throughout the ninja's body would slightly bulge.

During the journey back with Adam, this bulging effect disappeared, and the ninja lost a sense of coldness.

Adam glanced at the ninja.

Adam immediately placed the red wooden box in the biological laboratory.

He opened the red wooden box and looked at the mysterious dragon bones inside.

"This trip was indeed not in vain."

"The Hand Clan does have some good things. They actually transported dragon bones that can extend one's lifespan."

"In addition, I also obtained the meditation healing technique that I have always wanted."

"The effect of this meditation technique exceeds my imagination."

Adam recalled the scene where his Self-healing Factor increased by fifty percent.

Now, he felt excited and joyful.

He knew that the meditation healing technique could enhance his Self-healing Ability, but he didn't expect it to directly increase his Self-healing Factor, and by so much.

Combined with the meditation healing technique, his Self-healing Ability has far surpassed Wolverine's.

Now, he could almost be considered invincible.

His vitality became even more tenacious.

With the further improvement of his survival ability, he felt a sense of security in the midst of chaos.

A smile appeared on his face.

"When I have time, I will carefully study how this meditation technique works."

For Adam, science is the analysis of the essence of things, the search for the underlying logic of their operation, and its application.

It is a means of exploring the truth.

Whether it is material or spiritual, there are underlying laws and logic in their operation, and science is about finding these things.

Even mysterious powers, in Adam's view, can be summarized and classified, and their inner meanings can be sought.

Science and the mysterious side are never in opposition. If something objectively exists and can be captured and analyzed by human consciousness, and then applied, it is science.

Adam planned to study the operation of the meditation healing technique and see if he could find some patterns.

He then said, "According to the old man, there are many types of meditation techniques. Different meditation techniques have different breathing frequencies, which bring about completely different effects."

"For example, the old man's meditation technique is specifically for enhancing healing ability."

"There are also some meditation techniques that can strengthen the mind or physical strength, or even some special hidden powers."

"But most meditation techniques are quite secretive and only known by specific meditation sects or factions."

Adam was very curious about other meditation techniques.

If he could obtain more meditation techniques, he should be able to more easily identify the patterns of meditation techniques, and maybe even create new ones himself.

"So, I should pay attention to meditation techniques in my daily life."

"The next time the old man trains me,I can ask for more information about meditation techniques and see if there are any other places where I can find them."

In addition to meditation techniques, Adam also gained training from the old man. Once the training is complete, his martial arts combat ability will be completely different, and he will advance to become a martial arts master.

He will completely turn close combat into instinct, greatly improving his close combat ability.

This harvest was indeed quite significant for Adam.

But besides that, he also gained a trouble.

That is the attention of the beasts.

Adam murmured, "I wonder what they are paying attention to."

"I also don't know what tricks the beasts have up their sleeves."

"I will find out when I ask the ninja later."

"In any case, I need to be more vigilant against the Hand Clan."

After murmuring, he looked at the computer in the corner, which was flashing.

It seems that there is news.

The mouse moved to the flashing area, revealing an anonymous email.

Adam understood that it should be a greeting email from Klaue, sent through a secret channel.

It wouldn't be intercepted or traced by anyone.

As usual, he opened the greeting email.

The information inside made Adam's eyes widen.

[It's me, Klaue! We've been discovered by HYDRA, and el and I are on the run!]

Immediately, Adam's brows furrowed.

"How is this possible? How could Klaue be discovered by HYDRA?"

"After all this time, HYDRA shouldn't still be focused on Klaue."

"After all, it's not worth the effort to search for Klaue, a dealer in precious metals."

"It's like using a cannon to kill a mosquito, a waste of money."

In Adam's view, HYDRA wouldn't invest too much effort in Klaue.

That's why Klaue had been hiding for a while and decided to come out with Yelena secretly.

But unexpectedly, HYDRA had been searching for Klaue and keeping an eye on him.

However, Adam quickly understood the reason.

He instantly realized that Klaue was being targeted by HYDRA because of his connection to him.

HYDRA had been searching for him all along but couldn't find any trace of him.

They must have guessed that he was able to hide so well with the help of someone rich and influential.

And he didn't have many contacts, with Klaue being the last person.

Coincidentally, Klaue fit the image of someone who could provide him with help, someone wealthy and well-connected.

So HYDRA focused their attention on Klaue!

Adam murmured, "HYDRA, HYDRA, you've gone to great lengths to find me."

He looked at the email.

The fact that Klaue didn't seek his help indicated that he didn't intend to come to him and probably planned to escape and hide elsewhere.

He didn't want to bring trouble to him.

After all, in Klaue's view, HYDRA was a terrifying behemoth, and even if they found Adam, they wouldn't be able to solve the difficulties Klaue and Yelena were facing.

It had to be said that Klaue was indeed worth befriending.

He had provided him with so much help.

Even in times of danger, he still considered him.

Adam murmured, "Your situation arose because of me, so it's only right for me to solve it."

"Besides, I have received so many benefits from you."

"And I should settle the score with HYDRA, at least to understand a part of it."

In Adam's view, this was something he had to personally handle.

Moreover, he was no longer the Adam who had just left the HYDRA base.

He had undergone huge amounts of change.

He now had the ability to deal with things.

At the very least, Adam wouldn't let Klaue and his daughter be captured by HYDRA because of him.

He looked at the computer, where the composition of the Super Spider Sequence Genome was nearing completion.

His spider ability would soon be born.

Even if it was just the initial spider ability.

But his strength would still undergo earth-shaking changes, with his speed and strength increasing several times, even close to ten times.

Combined with Wolverine's powerful self-healing ability.

And some high-tech means.

His strength would undergo huge amounts of change compared to before.

A super soldier couldn't handle a group of Winter Soldiers and special forces from HYDRA.

But now, he was enough.

He understood that his grudge with HYDRA would soon be resolved.

He immediately sent a message to Klaue.

[Come to New York, I will help you deal with HYDRA chasing you.]


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