
MARVEL: Scientific Path

Science and Technology in Marvel is very skewed with the heroes being able to time travel and warp reality but people still die of random diseases and poverty still exists. Our MC wants to find out, if Kang alone can conquer multiverses then can combined might of humanity punch through OAA's walls?

PyteWriter · Anime & Comics
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90 Chs

Chapter 51

While the world was focused on the upcoming debate between Doom and Reed, Savant was in a hidden laboratory looking at a milky blue liquid through a microscope. He continued to do more tests on it by hitting the liquid with different radioactive rays and subjecting the liquid to various conditions like high pressure, low temperature, and so on.

"This one doesn't look good either. It is close though, we might be able to complete this one in a day or two. Are the calculations done, Terra?" Savant asked out into the air while taking off his lab coat.

A slightly mechanized female voice sounded in the room, "The calculations are done and I have already analyzed them for you. Within the error range of 0.005%, the cure vaccine will work as intended without having to be personally customized for any single person's DNA. But the effect will be much less pronounced in the first generation."

Savant shook his head, "Project Cure is a project aimed at the future so we don't need to focus on immediate results. I am more concerned with making the error range as small as possible. I can remotely heal those who have an adverse side effect but I'd rather not add to the habit where someone has to step in to save humanity every other time."

Although it was named Cure, the project Savant was working on was a watered-down version of the Super Soldier Serum that Captain America had taken. Instead of creating super soldiers, this Cure vaccine would slowly fix the genetic defects existing in the human genome and eliminate all diseases known to man.

Still, during this process of gene repair, anyone who trained well could become half a super soldier and their brains would be faster too. If Savant were to customize the serum for a single person, they might be stronger than Captain America but he didn't feel the need to do that.

"According to the simulation based on the data, the next generation to be born will continue to inherit the healed genome structure and might even further improve with each coming generation after them." The AI Terra continued its report.

"And the best age to get the Cure vaccine is infancy, I know. I promised to do the experiments normally, but I can still simulate the numbers by myself. You continue trying to get the error range to 0.001%. I need to get to dinner with my girlfriend." Savant walked out of the room while talking to the AI.

Although he could have just simulated the whole process using his ability and increased the pace of creating the vaccine, Savant had promised himself that he would not skip steps when it came to scientific research he would hand over to humanity.

When he hands it over to human scientists later, they need to be able to check through all the processes Savant had gone through to create the Cure. It wasn't for proof as much as it was to have study materials for the scientists who came after him.

"By the way, did you get the gift that I asked you to order for me?" Savant asked while he nodded at the small staff that was still working within the laboratory.

"It is already waiting for you at the reception of the restaurant. What does food taste like anyway?" Terra asked a question suddenly.

"I can see that your curiosity for the world has been increasing. Do a self-diagnostic to see if there is any problematic code." Savant paused as he ordered the AI to run a check.

"There is no problem with the code but the curiosity module is going through a rapid evolution just like other emotional modules. I suppose this is what you call a part of a child growing up." Terra replied to Savant.

Savant nodded, "Indeed, children when young are very curious about the world they find themselves in, so it's natural for you to feel the same. Why don't you create a synthetic body for yourself and explore the world through the perspective of humans? Controlling a synthetic body shouldn't burden your processing of other tasks all that much anyway."

Just as Savant finished speaking, a large metallic box flew out from somewhere within the base and landed in front of him. "What is this?" Savant was going to ask a question to the AI when he was interrupted by the whooshing sound of a door opening.

"Hi, dad." From inside the box, a little girl who seemed to be about 8 or 9 years old came out. She was wearing a black and purple dress and her hair was done in two pigtails which looked very cute on her already cute face.

"You are also getting cheekier huh? When did you start creating this body?" Savant smiled as he examined the little girl in front of him. The girl was made with a mix of techno-organic compounds and biological material. Unless someone cut her open on used an X-ray on her no one would even notice that the little girl was just a robot piloted by an AI.

"Terra has always been smart. It's just Dad who never notices Terra's smartness. I already knew you would agree to my request so I made myself a week ago." The cute little girl puffed up her cheeks and put her hands on her hips to show a proud expression.

Savant chuckled and patted the girl's head before telekinetically pulling her into the air and carrying her in his arms. "I hope Sage doesn't dislike being a mother so soon. Or do you consider Cypher your mother? Doug might not like being the mother."

"Cypher said he is my brother. So mom is still mom." Terra answered in a childish tone.

The AI with consciousness had created a persona for its child self to better immerse itself in the human world. And being a part of Savant, it wasn't too farfetched to call Savant its father. Savant also understood this and went along with the AI and its antics. Besides, who wouldn't like a cute daughter?

So, with his new daughter held in his hands, Savant teleported outside the restaurant where he was supposed to have dinner with Sage. It was a fancy place in Egypt, so he used his powers to create a fancy grey three-piece suit for himself. He then picked up the gift that was prepared from the reception of the restaurant and followed a waiter to the table where Sage was at.

As soon as she spotted Sage, Terra jumped off Savant's hands and ran to Sage while shouting, "Mom!"

The people in the restaurant saw the cute little girl sunning with her supposed mother who was also a stunning beauty and everyone who saw them smiled. It was a picture of a perfectly happy family.

Savant sighed as he walked to the table while Sage who was being hugged by an unfamiliar little girl was now very confused. She had seen the girl being held by Savant a moment ago and now she was being called mom. This sudden attack stunned Sage for a moment.

By this time, Savant reached the table and flicked Terra's head with a finger, "Why do you have to create just a mischievous personality? Do you want to be a problematic child so much?" Then he turned to Sage and smiled wide, "Hello there gorgeous. Meet our new daughter Terra."

After hearing what Savant said, Sage instantly understood what had happened. She then looked at Terra who was pouting while rubbing her head and picked her up by the arms and poked around. Terra spoke at this moment, "Dad is a meanie but Mom doesn't love me either. Nobody loves Terra."

Sage laughed at the dramatic little AI daughter she just got before giving her a tight hug and a kiss on the cheeks. "I'm sorry. What does our little Terra want to eat for dinner? Mom will get you anything you want as an apology."

Savant looked at Sage getting into the role of a mother in no time and sighed. But the entire time, a wide smile never left his lips.


In the underworld, there was a rumor circulating that one of the richest men in the world, Savant Smith had recently adopted a daughter. But for some reason, there was barely any security placed around her. The girl was known to frequent the different African markets and villages without her parents.

"Are you sure this will work? Although he is a normal man Savant Smith has connections with many superheroes. If anything goes wrong, it might be disastrous for us." Ulysses Klaue asked the man next to him while adjusting the sonic blaster in his hands.

Erik Killmonger looked away from the binoculars and stared at Klaue. "It is a simple job. We just kidnap the girl, get a few tens of millions from Savant Smith, and disappear. Looking at how much he adores that kid and the rumors about him giving out money like it's nothing, this should be as easy as a job gets. And after I get my rightful place as the ruler of Wakanda, it doesn't matter what heroes come for us."

"I am just saying there is no need to mess with someone as connected as Savant Smith. We can fund the mercenary operations through some other means. Why take the risk?" Klaue continued to persuade Killmonger.

Killmonger shook his head, "We have got no time. The Earth Federation thing has created great changes in Wakanda. The discontent between the factions that want to show themselves to the world and those who want to continue hiding is at its highest. If we wait any longer, the Earth Federation incident might resolve those differences and I won't have any foothold to start my rule in Wakanda."

Klaue didn't speak anymore but Killmonger could tell just from the way he was looking around that he was planning an escape route should things go south. Klaue hadn't survived the pursuit of Wakandan elite guards for years for no reason. He was an expert at sensing danger and escaping.


Keep sending the stones guys. I'm lacking motivation coming off a forced break of writing.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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