
Marvel: Saiyan Revenge

Warning: This is a translations of a Chinese Fanfic and may contain some Chinese elements(I try to remove/replace whatever I can, but forced to leave some in to maintain the chapter’s integrity). Vegetto ventured into the Marvel Universe. Over the past decade, he has evolved from a young boy struggling for survival among the universe's major forces to becoming the sole non-congenital god among the six universe deities, known as the God of Destruction. These six deities, including Eternity, Star-Swallowing, Death, Infinity, and Annihilation, are collectively hailed as the true gods of the universe, Now vegito got the title of "Destruction" lets see what's happen form now on. Now the universe reveals itself as even more intricate than initially imagined. Beyond Marvel's local gods, the Celestial Group, and the Eternal Titans, there exist angelic civilizations, demon civilizations, and even Karl, the god of death in the Styx galaxy, and the sun god of the Heaven Civilization. The demon Reaper commands the respect of his subordinate deities, Kaisha and Thanos, who demonstrate deference upon encountering him. and also this fanfiction is good just give it a try. plz support me if you can patreon.com/translator911 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/AZofficial This fanfiction is 30-chapter ahead in my Patreon

Ahmed_Riaz · Anime & Comics
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169 Chs

Chapter 60

Not only the Kree Empire, but also other gods in the universe have sensed Veget's appearance.

"Destroying God? Unexpectedly appeared in the Kree Empire, it seems that the Kree Empire is in trouble! In Asgard, the dying Odin looked into the Large Magellanic Galaxy deep in the universe.

This unparalleled strength, even in his heyday, could not resist ten moves.

If the God of Destruction had visited Asgard that day, Odin would probably have had no other way but to curry favor.

"Queen, a huge energy has been detected in the Kree Empire and is suspected to be the God of Destruction." 

In outer space, a huge sword sped forward. At the top of the hilt is a throne, on which Kesha is sitting.

"It's not suspicious, this force is the God of Destruction." Keisha closed her eyes and spoke to the angel beside her.

"So, do we need to go to the Kree Empire?"

On Kesha's right, Burning turned to Keisha and asked.

Burning Heart only has a lifespan of five hundred years, and in Burning Heart's opinion, the most powerful person in the world is Queen Kesha and her master Hexi. All the other gods have to go to the back.

Her faith in angels cannot be desecrated.

And the angels have been maintaining peace in the entire known universe.

Until now, the entire universe has never encountered a character who made Queen Kesha back down. Even if the opponent is a god.

Even if the opponent is also a god king, Queen Kesha is still strong!

"No, we can't manage the things that destroy God." Queen Kesha shook her head and said to Burning Heart.

"Continue to Earth, the priority is to find Morgana first!"

Keisha said to the surrounding Guardian-level Angels.

The battle between the God of Destruction and Eternity a year ago, Keisha had also seen.

The kind of power that can easily destroy the universe is definitely not something that angels can contend with.

Even now angels can roam the universe and uphold justice throughout the known universe.

But if that day the God of Destruction came to the Angel Nebula. Keisha didn't have anything to do about it either.

"Yes, Queen!" The surrounding angels followed the orders of Divine Kesha. Continue to move methodically towards the earth.

In the angel nebula, a silver-haired beautiful angel sat on the grass and slowly raised his head.

Picturesque faces are like treasures in the universe. Even the most discerning person could not find a single flaw in her face.

"Unexpectedly, that little guy has grown to such a point now."

She actually had some fate with the little guy, and she didn't tell anyone about it, including Kesha.

Who would have thought that the child who was just a little fond of her at the beginning could grow up to the point where she is now.

Gently stood up and stretched the thin waist of Qianqian, which was like a thin willow.

"After staying in the Angel Nebula for so long, it's time to go out and walk around, and by the way, go and see how that little guy is doing now!"

She is the other king of the Angel Nebula - Tianji King Hexi.

The entire universe knows that the Divine Kesha of the Angel Nebula is an absolute powerhouse even among the god kings, but few people know about Hexi's existence.

However, Keisha knew that Hexi was only stronger than her in some ways.

After making up his mind, Hexi left a doppelganger in the Angel Nebula and flew away from the Angel Nebula alone.

Although the doppelganger does not have all the strength of Hexi, it can also protect the Angel Nebula and face most emergencies. No matter how bad it is, it can hold out until she and Keisha rush back.

Celestial Dao Galaxy, Flaming Sun Star.

Tirena sat on the throne that belonged to the position of the Flame King without the image of a queen.

"Pan Zhen! Pan Zhen! "

"I'm going to hang out!"

"It's just, didn't you just sense the power of that million-star explosion? You have this little bit of Dao, you can't even protect yourself when you go out! "

"In the face of such a person, even if I fully grasp the power of the sun, I can win." It's not that you don't want me out..." muttered Rena.


The vast majority of the strong people in the universe sensed the breath exuded by Veget.

Even Yan on Earth sensed that huge and palpitating force.

"In front of this force, even Queen Kesha seems a little insignificant!" Hiko said with some uncertainty.

She once had a moment of feeling for Queen Kesha's power.

Vast, powerful, like the sun.

However, this force is far away, but it can still clearly perceive the dead silence that is enough to destroy everything.

"Sister Yan, has something happened?" The angel next to him chased after Angel Yan and asked.

"God of Destruction... Appeared! Hiko explained to the chase beside him.

(The author explains here that the protagonist turned Super Saiyan pupils described by the author are blue, but many readers say that the pupils should be green.)

Yes, Super Saiyan transformation pupils are green, as are the case for Son Goku and Vegeta. However, Veget's pupils turn blue when he transforms into a Super Saiyan. This Baidu can also be found.

At last!!!


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This fanfiction is 30-chapter ahead in my Patreon