Harry had always been a puppet of the government, living a life that was not his own. He chose to end it all by taking on a mission that was doomed to fail. He told his friend, "I want to control my death." But fate had other plans for him. He woke up in a new body, with a new name: Shanks. He was a S.H.I.E.L.D agent in the Marvel world, but he also had the soul of Harry. He hated that he was robbed of his choice, even in death. As he was cursing his fate, he felt a sharp pain in his head and saw flashes of two different lives. One was the life of Shanks in the Marvel world, the body he was currently inhabiting, and the other was the life of Shanks in the One Piece world. He realized that he was not only the reincarnation of Harry, but also of Shanks from One Piece. His memories from One Piece were hidden when he was reborn in the Marvel world. He found himself in a familiar situation, with another government trying to manipulate him. But this time, he had the power of haki and a limitless body. He swore to himself that he would never let anyone control him again. Note: I don't read comics and all my knowledge on Marvel comes from movies. I want to read the comics, but there are too many.
Harry was one of the five elite agents who were summoned to a secret location by their director. The director was a middle-aged man who worked for the country's intelligence division. He had a serious expression on his face as he entered the room with a file in his hand.
The five agents stood up and saluted him as he walked in. He nodded back and gestured for them to sit down.
He opened the file and said "This is a critical mission from our president that will affect many lives."
He looked at the five agents who were the best in their unit. They paid attention to every word he said.
He went on "It pains me to say that we have a traitor in our department who stole a vital file and sold it to the enemy country.
The file contains classified information that we cannot let fall into their hands. Fortunately, the file has not reached their destination yet and is on its way to a military base near the border.
I need one of you to infiltrate the base, wait for the file and destroy it before it gets there."
He waited for someone to volunteer before he would assign the mission himself. He was surprised when Harry, one of the agents, stood up and said "I want to take this mission sir."
The director looked at Harry and said "You will depart tonight. When you get to the border, our undercover agent will help you get to the base."
The director then left the room and the agent next to Harry asked him "Harry, this is a death wish. As soon as you blow up those files, they will capture you and there is no way out but death. Why do you want to die?"
"I want to control my death." Harry answered and his answer puzzled his four friends. Seeing their puzzled faces, he explained "You chose to join this department, but I didn't. My parents were agents in this department. They married for a mission, I was born for a mission, they forced me into this department and I had no say in my life. So, I want to die on my own terms."
Another agent named Antony asked "You were born for a mission? Did they use you as a human shield when they were chased by the enemy?"
The other agent named Hank said "No, they obviously used his crying to annoy the enemy into confessing during the interrogation."
The last agent named Tim said "Nah, they clearly used his crying as a cover to talk about secret information in public. That way, no one could spy on them."
Harry looked at them and smiled. They were teasing him, but it was all to make their last moments together, a happy memory.
Seeing Harry smile, they stopped making fun of him and hugged him as a group. His four friends said together "We will miss you bro."
Harry then left the place and went home. He packed all the weapons he would need for the mission and headed towards the border where he would meet the undercover agent.
The mission was successful, he reached the border, a 30 year old man picked him up and smuggled him into the neighbouring country, he entered the military base as a new recruit, destroyed the files, got captured and finally ended his life before they could torture him for information.
He was free at last. He felt a smile on his lips as his awareness faded and he embraced death.
But death was not the end for him. He was jolted awake by a loud blast on his right. He realized he could still sense, smell and touch.
He opened his eyes and was blinded by the light. He quickly closed his eyes to avoid the light when he felt someone unlock the shackles around his left arm that restrained him.
He looked to his left and blinked in disbelief. He rubbed his eyes and muttered "I must be hallucinating from blood loss."
The woman who was freeing him said "There's no time to explain, just trust me. I'm like you and I'm here to rescue you."
Harry stared at the woman, who had blue skin and red hair. He was sure he was losing his mind, because she looked exactly like Mystique from the X-men movies played by Jennifer Lawrence.
Harry tried to make sense of what he was seeing while the woman unlocked the shackle around his left ankle.
Another blast shook the building and he saw an image of four men rushing towards their room in his head. He decided to ignore the impossible for now. With his left hand free, he turned to the woman and said "Armed men are coming this way. I hope you have a way out of here."
"I'm working on it. Here, free yourself while I handle them." the woman said, giving him the key while she morphed into one of the armed men in the facility.
She then walked out and saw four armed men running towards the room. She said in a male voice "She got the subject out and is heading for the exit. Seal all the exits. I need to get the backup data from his room."
They immediately turned around and ran towards the exit. The woman went back to the room and changed back to her original form. Harry had already freed himself and tried to stand up, but his legs gave way and he fell to the floor.
The woman ran to him and said "It's normal when you haven't walked for a while. Let me help you."
She then helped him get up and they left the room. Harry asked the woman "You made them seal all the exits. How are we going to get out of here?"
The woman looked at Harry and said "You're a telepath, right? You can just manipulate their minds to help us escape."
Harry looked at her with a puzzled face and asked "Who told you I was a telepath?"
The woman looked stunned and said "You had wires attached to your head and you just told me those men were coming for us. How did you know that without reading their minds?"
The woman thought Harry was a telepath because she had witnessed a person she knew locate the men around him without looking and using only his telepathic abilities.
Harry said "Honestly, I don't know how I sensed them coming, but I felt their presence. The only thing I'm sure of is that I'm not a telepath."
The woman sighed and said "Then, we have to use the emergency exit in the main lab."
She helped Harry walk for a while until he could walk by himself, but he still had a limp. She led him to a place with two guards at the door. She stopped at a corner where the guards couldn't see them.
She turned to Harry and asked "Ok, we're here and there might be more men inside. I need all the help I can get. What are your mutant powers?"
When he heard the word 'mutant', he was certain that he was in the Marvel universe. He wanted to confirm this, so he asked her "What's your name?"
She replied "Mystique"
Harry heard the name and knew he was in the Marvel universe. He looked at Mystique and said "I don't know what mutant powers I have."
Mystique said "Just try to remember any weird thing that happened around you in the past. It might be because of your mutant powers."
"I don't think that remembering my current memories would hel..." he suddenly stopped talking and clutched his head in pain.
He felt a surge of pain in his head followed by a whole new set of memories. He saw and lived the life of a pirate named Red-haired Shanks. He recognized that character from a show he watched in his spare time undercover, One Piece.
He thought things couldn't get any stranger, but then he got another set of memories. These were the memories of Jake, a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and the actual owner of the body he was in.
*Jake's memories*
Jake had no memories of his childhood, but he knew that he was taken to S.H.I.E.L.D as a baby and grew up with the agents there.
He was trained to be the best spy of S.H.I.E.L.D and by the time he was 15 years old, he was physically stronger than any adult in the agency. Shanks realized that his body had no physical limit and grew stronger as he pushed himself beyond his limits.
(A/N: I think this makes sense because many characters in One Piece achieve very high physical strength through rigorous training. So, I want to explore a concept where his body keeps improving through intense training and pushing himself beyond his limits. It is not as broken as the Saiyans, who grow stronger after they heal from a near-fatal injury.)
One day, he was practicing with real guns, learning how to survive when surrounded by shooters. During the practice, he was moving to another cover when he briefly saw an agent aiming at him in his mind and he closed his eyes, ready to die since he couldn't dodge a bullet.
He expected to hear the gunshot, but instead there was complete silence in the room. He opened his eyes and saw men unconscious in the practice room. He was both shocked and scared by what had happened.
This was the moment that changed his life forever. Jake was the reincarnation of Shanks and had his physique and talent for haki. He would unconsciously use his haki from time to time.
During practice, he was in danger and used his conqueror's haki. Peggy Carter, who was training him personally, saw everything on the camera. Since the existence of mutants was known to everyone, she thought that Jake was a mutant.
A few days later, he felt a sharp pain in his neck from a needle and that was the last thing he remembered before Mystique saved him.
*End of Jake's memories*
Harry had experienced two more lives in just a second. Seeing him in pain, Mystique asked, "What happened?"
Harry didn't reply and waited for the pain to subside before answering, "Nothing, I just figured out what my mutant powers are."
"Well, will they help us escape from this place?" Mystique asked.
Harry replied with a smile, "It would be like a walk in the park." He activated his conqueror's haki.
Although he had the talent for haki like Shanks and his memories, he was still not as strong as him. So, his haki didn't have much range and it only affected the weak-willed people.
Mystique was confused as he didn't seem to do anything. She then looked at the two guards at the entrance to the lab and they were unconscious on the floor.
She turned to Harry and asked, "Did you do that? Are you sure you are not a telepath?"
"My powers are different from a telepath. Don't get so excited over this. I can sense a woman inside the lab who is still conscious. I think you can handle a weakened woman yourself." Harry said.
Mystique then headed into the lab and Shanks followed her at his pace. When Mystique entered the lab, she saw a familiar face kneeling down.
Mystique ran to her and asked Harry, "Will she be okay?"
Harry replied, "She should be fine after a while. She is just mentally exhausted due to my powers. Do you know her?"
"Yes, she was the one who informed me about you. You can say that she is actually the one who saved you." Mystique replied.
Harry walked to her and said, "Thanks for helping me. Sorry about that, I thought you were also an enemy."
The woman looked at Harry and he was able to see her face properly. Until then, it was hidden by her hair.
Harry saw her face and felt like he had seen it somewhere. He asked, "It feels like I have seen you somewhere. Have we met before?"
"I didn't have any direct contact with you since I was on the observation team." the woman replied.
Mystique then helped her get up and said, "Kayla, we have to get out of here."
Harry felt that he had heard that name somewhere but couldn't quite remember which movie she appeared in.
Kayla slowly got up and asked Mystique, "Have you blown up all the computers in this base? We also have to blow up this lab. It has many papers with information about the thing in him."
Harry asked out of curiosity, "What are you talking about?"
Mystique turned to Harry and said, "I need you not to freak out. You have tiny bombs inside you."