

When ROB has no option other than gives me a system that works like Gacha or lottery that can only be used once in a month in a world where half of the universe can turn into dust with a snap. The first month, I got a Batarang, the second month I got a million-dollar, the third month I got a....... https://www.buymeacoffee.com/boboiboyfan

Boboiboyfan01 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs



"This better works," I muttered as now I am at the tallest building in New York City as I am ready to swing through the city before a certain spider-ling does.

"Hermit Purple!" I shouted with a purple gein sprouted from my right hand and bind a building rail.

I then jump from the tallest building and swing through the city and then the use the Stand: Hermit Purple to bind another rail from a crane to seeing through the city.

"Now I see why Spiderman like to swing through this city." Swinging through the city while some citizens take care pictures of him, he then realised something.

"They must be confused as to how I am doing this stunt as their picture will only contain me swinging without Hermit Purple can be seen in the picture."

That is until he landed on a building as he now is near the bakery where he sees Bella with her father is organising the bakery by arranging and cleaning the bakery.

Bella does as what he said making the other store owner be grateful to him.

Susan who hears this start to feel happy for her as well no longer be bothered by Cooper Lion and his gang again to pay the protection fees.

"But still, with my action from previous days, surely some crime family will take this chance to conquer the once Cooper Lion territory right?" He wondered in his head as he decides to pay a visit to Casino that belong to Cooper Lion.

As for Cooper Lion, he is now in jail lying on his bed for 70 years as many pieces of evidence which gathered by me by hacking his computers and give them to Bella for her to give these evidence to the police to arrest him with his gang.

Arriving at how casino, he sees a limousine with many black cars surrounding the limousine as a really big man come out from the limousine.

"That fatass. Isn't that Kingpin?" I thought in my head as I see many armed guys are guarding the area.

"So he tries to take over this Casino? Damn it. I should have blown up the casino completely." Lamenting on my regret, I decided to give him a warning until I sense someone is behind me.

"Bang!" A bullet is shot as the bullet almost pierce my head had I use my gauntlet to defeat that bullet.

"Who the heck is this guy?" I thought in my head as I eyed my attacker as he wears the same cloth as Deadshot from DC Universe except his attire is deep blue coloured one. And there is also zebra coloured swirl on his suit.

"Is he the rip off of Deadshot?" I now am trying to remember some of the rips offs from DC until this guy appeared in front of me and try to slash my throat but I use my gauntlet to parry it as I use my quirk: Power to deliver a harsh downward punch sending him to the ground.

And that made me get noticed by Kingpin with his gangs.

"It seems we have a certain hero that needed to be killed." That fatass said as he signalled all his henchmen released fire towards me.

I scoffed seeing this as I summon out Star Platinum beside me.

"Star Platinum: The World!" I shouted as time halt.

Smirking as I knew this is my victory since my opponents are all humans without special abilities. I leisurely walk through the bullets as now I am in front of Kingpin.

Besides no one here has time ability like ME

"Time now has resumed," I announce as all the bullets hit the wall as now I am delivering a right hook to Kingpin's face with adding Hamon on my punch.

"Ora!" I shout as my fist hit his cheek as his huge body crash to the door of the casino with the wall crumbles on him.

"Boss! Kill this guy!" All of them said to but I am a second faster than these henchmen as I blast of an explosion that hit them making them to be blast to the wall and even the trash bins.

"Bullseye huh? Guess I can knock him out. A hitman like him with Kingpin spells a big trouble .

Remembering who my last opponent is, I quickly blast a huge blue fireball towards Bullseye who then avoid it but I blast of myself towards him.

"Die!" An explosion hit his body that made him his body hit the wall very hard as he coughs out blood from his mouth.

Grabbing hold of his neck, I tighten my grip on his neck as now he is struggling to breathe with him keep hitting my body and arm with his legs and fists that did not flinch me at all since I can harden my body at all.

And thanks to my beloved system that seemed to overly pamper me I can use any quirks that Igot at the same time. Pretty sweet huh? I am becoming All For One though a bit weaker than him in this world.

"You tried to kill me so it is fair that I kill you right?" I ask him with a feral smile on my face.

His eyes go wide hearing this as now my other hand is now coated with blue fire.

"P-please s-spare m-my l-life." He pleads me.

"From the look of your appearance, you are a hitman. A hired one. Tell me who hired you?" I ask him as I want to know if someone has put a bounty on my head.

"No. I-I am hired by Kingpin to snipe anyone who will try to assassinate him." He replied making me sigh in relief knowing I did not have some assassins are after my head. Backhanding him to throw him off the roof as I sees his face first land on the ground as I just scoff seeing this. That villain deserves that.

On second thought, it will be so much fun to massacre many assassins that are after my head.

Now off to that fatty, I then block pair of high arms that want to hug me to death as I see Wilson Fisk, Kingpin is up and he now has those bloody with mad eyes that want to kill me very badly.

Pffttt. What a joke, I have a bunch of powers while this fatty is just a smart guy with enchanted strength.

"Burn to death." Blasting off my blue fire, he did not even budge as I already knew that this fatty will not back down easily. So that is why I will use my other Stand, Emperor.

Blasting away myself from him using my explosion Quirk, a gun appeared on my right hand as I released a shot towards both of his knees. Of course, Kingpin did not see this as only a Stand user can see a Stand from another Stand user.

Both bullets pierced through his knees which made him wince in pain but this fatass still manage to dash to me making me impress with his tenacity to kill me but I had enough of a fat man to kill me.

"Bang!" "Bang!"

2 bullets headed to ears as he screamed in pain as now those bullets pierce his elbow making him stop his movement.

"Now. Star Platinum!" I shouted as Star Platinum fist now just overshadowed my right fist with me undercutting him with Hamon energy can be seen with my fist along with my Quirk: Power. And the result is satisfying as Kingpin big body fly to the air and crashes to the wall on the upper floor of the casino. And his body crashes toward many building making me wonder if he is still alive after the crash to 4 buildings.

I hope so since I did not want to accidentally kill him. Besides, I held back my punches since if I use all my strength, he will die the moment my fist hit him.

Sound of police enters my ears as I now know that I need to flee right now.

Changing back to my normal attire, I decided to spend a night in a hotel since I need to sleep right now since I am so sleepy right now.

The moment my head touches the pillow, I fell asleep insanely not knowing what commotion I just do in this city.

Police POV

"So anyone can explain to me about this?" George Stacy asks the policemen who are all looking at a certain big body that is planted in the wall of a building.

"W-we did not know sir." One policeman replied making George stare at him.

"Seriously? You did not know. You patrol in this area and you did not even damn know how the Wilson Fisk crash through a building?" George asked the policeman back as the policeman hung his head down.

"Do something to pull off Mr Wilson Fisk from the wall. Before he fell to the ground and suffered a heavy injury." George instructed his partner who nods his head.

"Sir, we encountered many of Wilson Fisk bodyguards lying near the casino of Cooper Lion." A policeman reported to George who raises his eyebrows.

"Huh? Guess he wants to open a casino in that Cooper Lion place." George muttered.

"How are they?" George asked him.

"They are all unconscious."

"All of them," George asks him.

"Yes. We also manage to arrest Bullseye."

"Bullseye? You mean that Bullseye, the most wanted hitman in this world?" George asked him.

"Yes, sir."

"Who would've done this towards them?" George thought in his head.

Unconscious Wilson Fisk with his bodyguards and Bullseye.

"I smelled something mysterious here. First, not even a squad of police can handle them since Bullseye is rumoured to be good at using firearms with him never missing to kill his targets.

Wilson Fisk meanwhile is strong based in his body long with is armed bodyguards. Could a mutant perhaps involve in this? Maybe so since no normal human ability to do these." George thought in his head as he knew the probability of a mutant doing these are high.

"But one question is why? Maybe this mutant jas grudges against Wilson Fisk. This can be a problem when I made a report about these incidents. The higher-ups will not like this." George releases a sigh on the upcoming headaches when he made a report about this incident.

Then many black SUV cars arrive with the door opened revealing a man that has that warm smile on his face as there are other men that follows behind him. He apprched the Police Captain with a friendly smile on his face

"Hello there. I am sorry but from now on this case will be handled by us." The man said to George who raises his eyebrows hearing this.

"I am sorry but who are you again?" George ask.

"Phil Coulson from FBI." The man said and show his badge towards George who almost loses his beneath seeing the level of this FBI guy.

"That just confirms my suspicion of this incident caused by a mutant." George makes ways for these FBI agents as he ordered his men to assist them.

Phil Coulson eyes the surrounding as he had to admit that whoever cause this is really strong.

Punching a really big guy through many walls is not something a normal human can achieve.

Besides, there are cases of a vigilante called League beat a criminal gang lead by Cooper Lion, a mutant several days ago.

"Maria probably now is investigating the miracle recovery of the bakery owner at the hospital right now." Phil thought in his head as he is eyes now is focused on seeing an unconscious figure.

Approaching closer, he revealed a wry smile seeing the face of the figure.

"Well well, look who we got caught here. Bullseye, the top-ranking hitman, and here Hawkeye is about to capture him for a mission. Guess now he can finally have a vacation."

Grabbing hold of his phone, he dialled someone.

"Hello. Coulson, what's up man?" A voice can be heard on the phone.

"I am fine. Just handling a case regarding the flying Kingpin right now. So are you preparing yourself for your newest mission?" Coulson asks him.

"Yeah. I had to capture that Bullseye, many said that he is a top-ranking hitman. Maybe I can exchange some shots between him and me to know which one is better at marksmanship."

"Well Barton, it seems your mission now has been cleared by me," Coulson said to Barton.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Clint Barton AKA Hawkeye asks Phil Coulson?

"Well, in front of me right now is unconscious Bullseye," Coulson told him.


"You are joking with me right?"

"No. I am very serious." Phil Coulson then take pictures of the unconscious Bullseye and send it towards Hawkeye.

"Heh. Guess I now can have a vacation. Have you told Director Fury about this?" Hawkeye asks him.

"No, but I am about to," Coulson replied.

"So have you identified who knock Bullseye?" Hawkeye asks Coulson.

"We are working on the case. " Coulson told him.

"Just let me know who knocked that guy out." Hawkeye then ended the call as Phil Coulson just sigh.

He then called his big boss.

"Coulson. What about this rumour that I heard that Bullseye are in that place unconscious?" Director Nick Fury asked Coulson making him smiled wryly knowing the Director already knew it before he informs him.

"Well, Director, it seems the rumour you heard is true. " Coulson replied.

"Bring him in." Director Nick Fury told Coulson and hang up his phone.

"Men. Bring him in." Coulson ordered his men.

Meanwhile at the hospital, a woman now is currently chatting with a doctor.

"Are you saying that a man got healed magically when you checked on him again after a minute you checked him." Maria Hill, SHIELD agent asked the Doctor Stove, the same doctor who treated Bella's father who is named Pat.

"Can you give me the name of your patient and possibly his address?" Maria asked the doctor.

Getting hold of the information from the patient, she entered the bakery and is greeted by Bella who is sweeping the floor in the bakery.

"Welcome to the bakery." Bella greeted Maria with a smile.

"Hello. Is Mr Pat around?" Maria asks Bella who shakes his head.

"No. He is currently on his bed since he has a fever today. May I ask what do you want with my father?" Bella asks her.

"So that means you are his daughter. I am Maria Hill and an agent from the FBI." Maria Hill showed her badge towards Bella.

"I want to ask you a question? Can I ask you how your father magically healed from being losing so much blood and did not have a scar from being slash on his chest?" Maria asks Bella who bit her lip as she did not want to reveal what just happen truly since she promises to Daniel that she will not reveal of his doing ti heal his father magically.

"I am sorry but even I do not know how my father got healed instantly," Bella replied but for someone for Maria who has been an agent for a long time, she can sense through her lie but Maria just decide to let this pass through as now she can just ask her father his question tomorrow.

"Thank you for your answer. Please tell your father I will be coming tomorrow for more information." Maria tells her and excuse her leg from the bakery.

Calling a number, she immediately reported to her big boss who is Director Nick Fury.

"Sir. It seems that girl did not want to tell about me on how her father got healed from his horrible injury." Maria reported to him.

"Just continue with gathering about more information regarding this magical healing case. Someone with that calibre will be a great addition to our organisation." Then he ended the call.

All of this happens without Daniel knowing.


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