

"I know this may be very difficult, but I still hope you can find a way to provide me with as much sugar as possible, oh, and this chocolate too! Half of these gold coins are a thank-you gift from me to you, and the other half is a deposit. I don't care about the actual purchase price of the sugar, but I will buy it for 5 ounces per pound. How about it?" Daenerys said with a severe expression.

She was still a queen-like figure; although young, she had already experienced many hardships, not an ignorant little flower.

Daenerys was very aware of the importance of white sugar.

If powerful firearms could help her conquer enemies by force, then white sugar was the combat power guarantee of her army and important material to attract allies.

When she returned to Westeros, if she wanted to win over a lord or noble, sending an equal weight of white sugar would be worth a hundred times more than sending an equal weight of gold.

As for the price of 5 ounces per pound, it was a number that Daenerys calculated based on the crude sugar blocks in her own world.

Undoubtedly, the price of this quality of white sugar, calculated based on the price of inferior sugars in Westeros, was still too low.

But what Daenerys could guess was that the price of white sugar in Josh's world might not be low, but definitely not as high as it was in Westeros.

This was not baseless speculation but a conclusion drawn from the firearms Josh had sold her before.

Why? Because of the metal!

During World War II, the industrial level of Earth had reached a very advanced level. The steel and special steel produced at that time were naturally incomparable to those of later generations. Still, it was like night and day compared to the medieval period.

When Josh first recommended firearms to Daenerys, she was only interested in the power of the firearms.

But after receiving the actual gun, she became interested in the gun itself and the metal used to make the gun and bullets.

When she made the first deal with Josh and got the .38 revolver, Daenerys had already tested it. The best weapons used by her warriors could only barely leave a slight scratch on the gun body without causing any damage.

After careful observation, it was discovered that the so-called scratches were just scraping off an unknown coating on the surface of the gun body... This gun is nickel-plated.

Such strong steel could be no worse than the legendary Valyrian steel.

In Westeros, this level of steel is even more expensive than gold, several times over. Like the legendary swords from martial arts novels, The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber, they simply can't be bought with just money.

And how much does a .38 caliber weigh? Something over a kilogram.

Even if you exclude the non-metallic parts and convert them to ounces in the imperial system, it won't be less than 30 ounces.

The price that Josh sold it to her, along with a complimentary copy of The Prince, was only 10 ounces of gold.

And let's not even talk about the later M1917 rifles, which weigh a total of 8 kilograms, with the wooden handle removed still weighing no less than 2 kilograms, and also come with a hundred rounds of bullets.

And all of the bullets, both for the .38 and the M1917, are made of high-quality copper.

So even though the price has tripled, Daenerys is not at a loss, not even close.

And even if Josh stops selling her bullets, these guns won't become useless firewood, as just by recycling the steel and the shells left by the bullets, Daenerys can make up for all the losses and even make a big profit.

And there's no situation where recycled steel can't be used.

Steel production indeed requires high productivity, but if it's just for reforge, the difficulty is much lower.

Just like Valyrian steel, the people of Westeros cannot produce it. Still, it is not difficult to reforge weapons made of Valyrian steel.

So Josh had always thought he had taken a big advantage. But in reality, he was only on the third layer, while Daenerys had already reached the atmosphere.

This is one of the greatest advantages of dimensional trading.

And now, using this information asymmetry, Daenerys has given her estimate of the price of white sugar.

Faced with Daenerys's offer, Josh's heart was undoubtedly moved.

Is white sugar expensive? Of course, for $2 per pound.

And suppose you want to trade in large quantities. In that case, it is simply impossible at this price, because it is difficult to obtain ration coupons.

So you can only buy it on the black market.

And the price of sugar on the black market is at least $5 per pound.

However, this price is still incredibly low compared to Daenerys's offer of 5 ounces of gold (80% purity), which is $250 per pound.

A profit margin of 50 times, compared to his previous sales of the M1917 rifle, which was only a margin of barely 25 times.

This business is worth doing!

"I can try my best but can't guarantee the quantity." Josh thought for a moment and immediately agreed. Still, he didn't want to make any promises since it was the most strictly controlled commodity.

"It's okay. Just do your best." Daenerys also knew that this wasn't an easy task.

After discussing what they needed to do, the two said their goodbyes and ended the communication.

After ending the communication, Josh looked at the hundred gold bars in his system warehouse and felt excited again.

Although he had been seeing gold daily for the past few days, the wealth he gained from each transaction was more than the previous one.

The feeling was wonderful.

If everything was in gold, he could even take out a hundred-dollar bill and show off like Brother Mark smoking a cigarette.

Of course, this was just a thought. Firstly, Josh didn't smoke. Secondly, although it looked cool for Brother Mark to light his cigarette with money, he originally printed counterfeit money and used that to light his cigarette.

Soon, the night passed.

On the second day, Josh woke up very late and changed his plans once again.

Originally, he planned to go to gun stores in the morning to buy more guns. After all, if he paid off the rent, he wouldn't have much money left, so he had to stock up. He planned to buy some guns in the morning and then meet with Daenerys for a transaction at noon.

But because of the sugar situation, he had received a thousand ounces of gold out of nowhere, so he didn't need to be in such a rush.

What? Half of it is a deposit?

Don't be ridiculous. Once it's in Josh's pocket, he won't be returning it. It was just a hundred pounds of sugar, and even if he bought out the entire black market, he would still collect it all.

After nibbling on some bread and milk from his inventory to fill his stomach, he began to pack his things.

There wasn't much to pack since most of the important things had already been stored in his system warehouse, so he threw some clothes into his bag.

He also prepared a small wooden box and put fifty gold bars in it.

All that was left was to wait for Margaret's arrival.

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