
Jaybo Hood Stark / Jayden Stark

Dieing for a second time hopefully I can be reborn with a new and better family then the last one.

Unfortunately I realized that I survived. how you ask do I know well I'm inside my inner world and I can see that it's in need of some repair I notice the pile of droids some in better condition then the others I also notice a droid transport that seems to be in good shape I head over to it open up the operating console and go through the code realizing that the droids were already programmed to follow my orders I decide to deploy them.

soon with the sound of mechanical doors opening my droids are orderly deposited into 5 rows of 10 on each side of the transport effectively giving me one hundred droids I command the droids to clean up the area and to deposit the body's in a freezer below ground and to set up the different kinds of buildings

such as the droids manufacturing plant and the clone development nexus which was a huge building that grows the clones then teaches them the art of war and combat.

After having everything built I ordered the droids to start the cloning process to clone 50 regular clones with a mix of the light side of the force and to clone 5 jedi and 5 sith and to clone 50 clones with a mix of dark force in them.

The jedi could only use the ability that the jedi used. The same with the sith.

After that I had the clones learn some of the jedi and sith arts such as sword arts and force arts they would carry with them blasters of all kinds such as snipers heavy machine guns and rocket launchers, along with a set of vibro swords on their hips.

After planning out the new project I decided to build a factory for medicine, weapons, gear and other equipment, vehicles, aircraft, spacecrafts, and spaceships.

I also see a huge structure in the sky but something is telling me that I'm not ready for it, not yet.( it's the star forge.)

deciding that for now this would be enough I go off to train on the dark side and light side combining them and forming a new force that I will call the emperors force. A combination of raw emotion and control.

The dark side and the light side of the force have abilities that are limited to one side only with this new emperor force the possibilites are endless not only can i use the dark force with out the repercussions I can combine both the benefits with out the

I would be to the clones a father, King and reason for living.

and to the droids their lord, emperor and creater.

as time passed my power grew along with my knowledge I would spend time with the clones teaching them and learning with them I encouraged friendship and brotherhood they grew to love each other and to grow stronger together.

They would move in groups to fight a stronger opponent in case if alone they weren't strong enough then they would band together to remove any obstacle that was in their way.

Seeing them grow would put a fatherly smile on my face seeing how happy I was made them happy, I would continue to be their as a father figure for them.

while meditating I felt a pull and before long I awoke in a hospital bed with a strange man next to me.

groaning in a tired and stiff attempt to raise myself from bed I felt my weak body protest against my sudden movements.

ignoring the pain as I knew my body was already rapidly healing.

I grunted loud enough to wake up the mysterious stranger beside me.

"hey woah kid dont get up Doc! I need a doc in here now!." said the man I could hear the worry and concern in his voice.

"Hey I'm not a porcelain vase man I can move just fine on my own you dont have to freak out I'm stronger then I look." I said to him with a bright smile that was supposed to look fatherly and wise but unfortunately as i was in a 3 year old body it just looked beautiful and cute.

Tony seeing the bright smile couldn't help but wonder how a child that went through so much could still smile despite it. he instead returned the smile and said. " sorry about that I just didnt expect a kid who got hit by a car would be able to get up the next day with only a few grunts and bot even so much as a complaint."

Well If you want a complaint then how about these shoddy things you people call clothes." I motioned to the hospital gown. unable to keep a straight face and instead chuckled

seeing my expression he started sighed with a chuckle at my attempts to humor.

well I'm glad to see you two getting along came a feminine voice. I tensed and turned with a look of confusion. realizing I didn't know anyone here I decided to ask.

"So what's the reason for the both of you to be here who are you really." pepper was a little bit surprised to hear the child speak with a wider vocabulary than most his age.

she looks at Tony and then back at jabo and announced " well were you new mom and dad." she said with a expectant look.

"umm hi mommy hi daddy" he said with a tilt of his head and puffy eyes

hearing his voice and the words he said Tony felt something a feeling deep inside and he immediately went in for a hug with tears in his eyes.

Pepper felt her heart move and joined Tony with the hug with teary eyes.

feeling their embrace of love he was momentarily overwhelmed emotionally and ended up crying while holding onto Tony and Pepper for dear life.

When the doctor finally arrived he had a smile on his face seeing the emotional scene in front of him, he decided to wait for them and soon the moment ended with Tony and Pepper letting go but staying close to the boy and holding his hand.

Soon the three were told that all injuries that the boy came in with have healed to say that they were surprised was an understatement they were all clear with how serious the injuries were.

The only one not surprised by the outcome was jaybo as he knew that with the new break through he had with the force it would not only heal his body but strengthen it beyond belief.

soon the doctor told them that he was fine and that they could just leave.(Tony owns the hospital so ya.)

leaving with young jaybo they decided to go and talk with the authorities that were in charge of the new youngster Stark so as to get the proper legal documents and to change his name.

getting in Tony's sports car jaybo had to sit on

"so what do we call you sport." asked Tony

"isn't it rude to ask for some one's name with out introducing yourself first" asked jabo with a smirk

"hmm well now that you mention it yes it is rude I'm sorry squirt my names Tony" he said with a smirk of his own. "and this here is ..." before Tony was able to finish Pepper interrupted him by cutting him off.

"I'm Pepper it's nice to meet you sweetie." she said while turning and smiling at jaybo from her seat in the car

pouting at Tony for calling me squirt I harumphed at him and turned to face Pepper "I am known as Thee Venerable Darth Drax well it's what I used to go by before dying and reincarnating here on your strange planet I was what you would call a Dark Jedi i would manipulate the force called Bogan in where I would harness my raw emotion and channel it to fuel my power."

Um turning to each other Tony looked at Pepper and then back to umm Drax then said

" So Drax... began Tony.

"Please if your going to be my parents you should give me a new name for a new life I would prefer something close to jaybo for making it easier to get accustomed too."

Tony " um how bout jack"

I stared at him trying to see if he was even trying.

"How about Jayden ." proposed Pepper.

putting a hand to my chin in a unconscious act to think about the new name I look up with a bright smile.

" ALRIGHT I like it thanks mom."

please comment it helps me pump out more chapters.

I had a terrible time with this one as I wanted to add more to the story so as to let people enjoy it a bit better.

Props to authors cause this isn't easy especially if you want to make it good.

I just hope that one day one of my stories can be turned into a comic.

Comment please it's literally what keeps me going I lose motivation when I see a lack of response.

Melanthiascreators' thoughts