
Marvel-ous Ninjutsu

I do not own anything from Marvel or Naruto. I just enjoy both universes. So content warning first, this is a fanfic of hot steaming garbage. I hope you enjoy it. I will most likely put in bad words, fights, gore and maybe some smut. Or maybe I won’t, we will see how this goes. This story is my attempt to write some fanfiction that I won’t hate, which is still up for debate. ------------------------------ Let us follow the MC as he is pushed into the world of Marvel with his own special super power made up from the world of Naruto. This will be close to the MCU, but let's call it Earth-199999-AU. AU is for the author's universe. MCU, check. X-Men, check. Doom and the fan-4? Double check. Other stuff from comics,  also check. From Naruto, eye powers? At some point, so check. Tailed beasts and summons? Nope. Chakra and ninja powers? Check and check. ------------------------------ At least one chapter will be posted weekly, possibly more if I write enough. This is posted on RoyalRoad, Scribble Hub, Fanfiction and now Webnovel. I also now have a p@treon set up under Pewpewcachoo go check it out if you want.

Pewpewcachoo · Anime & Comics
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152 Chs

00023. Two possible allies?

Peggy was the first to speak and asked, "Who are these two friends and why are they important?"

Ezekiel looked at Peggy and said, "Well one of them runs a private school for gifted children and the other is considered a terrorist. Charles Xavier and Max Eisenhardt, two of the most powerful mutants in the world."

Fury looked upset and said, "You want us to work with a terrorist?"

"He isn't that bad. It's part of the reason he hasn't been stopped or killed yet. All of his attacks have been against people or governments who were harming mutants."

Fury laughed for the first time before he said, "Have you heard anything that man has said about mutants being the superior race? The homo-superior that is the next stage in evolution and that normal humans won't have a place in the new world."

Ezekiel laughed hard for a few seconds, when he finished, he looked at Fury and said, "Yes he has some hard edges, but after doing research on him he isn't that bad. He isn't mutant Hitler in this timeline and I know in others he has done a lot of good for mutants and humans a like. He just needs to be approached properly, and shown a better way to move forward. Honestly him and Xavier working together tempering each other always leads to the best way forward for mutants. I think with my help, it can be even better."

"Can I have a run down on both of these people?"

Ezekiel looked towards Steve and said, "Professor Charles Xavier is currently confined to a wheelchair and runs a school for gifted children. Its actually a school run by and for mutants. He is an extremely powerful telepath, but is nice and very approachable if you don't mind him scanning your surface thoughts. I think talking to him over the internet like I do with you, might be best for now. While he wouldn't be able to scan my mind or The Ancient One's, all of you are like an open book to the man. Also, he does that passively, like you breath air. So don't think to badly about him for it."

Fury asked right after Ezekiel finished and said, "I have never heard anything about him having powers, how sure are you about this?"

"One hundred percent, if he was evil he could easily take control of most if not all world leaders and secretly run the world."

Fury stood up and started to pace as he said, "We need to come up with a way to counter his powers, we currently don't have the man power. But I could start a project in S.H.I.E.L.D. but then Hydra would also have the research."

Ezekiel spoke up and said, "Settle down Fury, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. Xavier's only real concern is to have mutants and humans coexist peacefully. He would never do something to jeopardize that, its why he and Max parted ways long ago. Besides, I will figure out a way to block his telepathy at some point for other people."

Fury didn't stop pacing as Ezekiel looked back at Steve and said, "Max Eisenhardt better known to the world as Magneto, he is a powerful mutant who controls magnetism. Honestly he doesn't understand how powerful he truly is. I have seen that man terraform Mars when he fully understands his true power. He also leads a team of decently powerful mutants, they call themselves The Brotherhood. If we can gain him as an ally, we will gain most if not all of his followers."

"I don't like this idea at all, it's going to add too many people. People who we can't really trust."

Ezekiel looked back at Fury and said, "You are correct, that is why I would contact them remotely and have them help out with missions that involve rescuing mutants. They might help us deal with Hydra when the time comes, but we can discuss that later. The other reason I want to contact Xavier is because Logan works at his school."

Steve leaned forward a bit and asked, "Are you sure it's him and not his son or a cousin?"

"I am absolutely positive it is James "Logan" Howlett. He was born around the 1880's in Canada. The only issue is he doesn't know who he is anymore. Someone thought a bullet to his brain would kill him, all it did was fuck up his memories and he now goes by Logan since he doesn't remember his real name. Xavier has been trying to help him regain his memories, but it's slow going since it was more of his brain being destroyed then actual damage."

Steve and Peggy both looked a little upset since they had both been friends with the man during the war. The rest of the room was quiet besides the sound of Fury pacing back and forth while he was thinking. Steve looked up at Ezekiel and said, "I know I am supposed to be hiding, but I would like to meet him if possible."

Fury stopped pacing, turned and looked at Steve as he said, "I don't think that would be a good idea. Only a handful of people currently know about you, I would like to keep it that way."

"Actually we need to let Xavier and Logan know about Steve. Think of it as an olive branch, we will be helping Logan learn about his past and at the same time building a bridge of trust with him and Xavier. We only need to bring Logan here with the help of The Ancient One, to make sure this place stays secret. Or we could send Steve and Logan to some place out of the way."

"I don't want anyone else on this base, unless I vet them myself. We will need to find another location with no people, where they can meet up."

The Ancient One spoke up next and said, "I know of a few places where I could send them, where no one else will be."

Steve nodded to The Ancient One and said, "You have my thanks in advance Ancient One."

The Ancient One nodded back, as Peggy spoke up and said, "I would also like to join you when you meet James. It would be good to see him again, I doubt he still smells like a wet dog wrapped in a cigar."

Ezekiel laughed and said, "You would lose that bet."

Peggy let out a sigh, as Ezekiel looked towards Fury and asked, "Anything else you wanna know about, that I might answer?"

Fury shook his head and said, "I have a lot more questions, but I know you won't answer them. So what's next, are you going to contact Xavier and Eisenhardt?"

"No, not yet. Since I am here, I wanna take a quick tour and look around. I also wanna plan out a work area and talk to Sam about ordering some things I will need. For myself and the others who will be coming to join me."

Fury turned around and stared at Ezekiel and asked, "What do you mean by others who will come join you?"

"More of myself of course. Tomorrow the boss wants to send over more clones. As long as The Ancient One will help me with transportation that is."

The Ancient One nodded her head and said, "I can do that, but if you and the others wish to use portals to travel around normally. I would either need to train a few of your people in the mystic arts, which could take anywhere from a few months to over a year, depending on the person. Or I could bring in a few of the Masters to help with portal transfers. They could also swear upon their magic to keep this place and the people who use it a secret."

Coulson spoke up and said, "I would like to learn if possible."

Fury glanced at Coulson for a few seconds before he looked at The Ancient One and asked, "You have one volunteer, but I still need him for his normal job."

"I understand, it will just take him longer to learn it, and even longer to master it."

Fury nodded his head before he asked, "What about a way to stop other people from portaling into the base? Is there some way to prevent that and only make a small secured area the only access point?"

The Ancient One nodded her head and said, "That is possible, but the resources it would take to secure this base and the area around it would take at least a month to set up and be very expensive to procure."

Ezekiel smiled and asked, "Do you happen to have a bank account? I could transfer whatever funds you will need."

The Ancient One shook her head as she said, "I was born long before identification for people became standard, I think you need that to set one up."

Ezekiel laughed as he said, "You are correct, but I could easily fix that in an hour. Or you could just give me a list of the items you will need and I can order them for you."

The Ancient One nodded her head and responded, "I will make you a list of everything that I will need. But I am afraid you might have a hard time finding a few of the items. They are rare and very expensive."

Ezekiel just nodded and asked, "Do you use a computer at all? If so you can email me the list if you like."

"I have used a computer many times since their invention, but I do not have an email address. I prefer to write letters, astral project or meet people in person."

Ezekiel nodded as he stood up and said, "That's fine, you can give me a list tomorrow. Right now, I think I wanna take a tour around the base. Anyone feel like taking a walk with me?"

Fury spoke up and said, "You sure you need a tour? You and The Ancient One made it to the mess hall without a guide."

Ezekiel looked at Fury and said, "You are right, I know the base layout already. But I wouldn't mind walking the base at least once. That and having some company is always nice."

Steve stood up while he picked up his tray and said, "I could go for a walk, let me just bus my tray."

Peggy looked up at Steve, who then reached down and grabbed her tray as she said, "Thank you, Steve."

Steve smiled at Peggy and said, "You are welcome." Before he turned around and walked to the kitchen area and deposited the trays and plates on the counter next to the sink.

Steve walked back over to Ezekiel and said, "I will take you to meet Sam first, after that I will show you around."

Ezekiel smiled and waved at everyone as he started to walk out of the room with Steve. After they had left the room, The Ancient One looked at Fury and said, "Let me know if anyone else wishes to learn the mystic arts. I need to talk to Mr. Foster and ask about Ava. But if I could start everyone at the same time, it would make it a little easier to teach them all."

Fury nodded his head as Hank stood up and said, "I can show you where Bill and Ava are staying, if you would like."