
Marvel : Nin

Unfortunately Danzo got his hands on my skills. but luckily for me he had no idea of the extent of it! Almost 18 years of servitude... And it ends now. what earned me my torment will be my release. From now on I will only fight for myself and my interests!

XAMISI · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 4

Pouncing on an enemy without knowing his abilities beforehand is stupid! And thoughtless!

But I understood what had given them such confidence...

power, whether political or not, perhaps?

after all, being the biggest intelligence agency in the world tends to make you confident, too confident!

And that was their greatest weakness, the confidence at the top of all things...

to believe they were untouchable!

However I too had total confidence in myself and my current abilities, but did I go for it head-on, well yes, but I had thought about it before...

not showing my identity, showing them a couple of magic tricks.

Just enough to make them show their faces!

But not enough to be a priority...

from the moment Rumlow walked in, his end was sealed.

The moment he met my eyes his fate was decided!

It would've taken anyone else, and I wouldn't have been there poking around inside the guy's head...

thanks to the Yamanaka for their technique.

Rumlow was currently hanging upside down, blood pouring out of his nose, yeah...

I wasn't really going easy on him, what can I say? HYDRA...

I had gathered all the information I found useful, then without hesitation I pulled out a Kunai and pierced his throat, leaving him bleeding out little by little...

I didn't like killing, but a man like him? Yes, I must admit that I don't dislike it!

If I had to make a list of all his crimes then several pages would be necessary...

and as I just made it up, don't put off your problems, or they'll come back to bite you twice as hard! Or did that quote already exist?

Not forgetting to store Rumlow's body in a scroll, I got out of there as fast as I could!

Shunshin no Jutsu is very useful when you're trying to go unnoticed while walking around, useful but also tiring...

So in case, I got into trouble, I didn't abuse it until I was tired...

But as I moved at a speed too fast to be perceived by anyone, the memories of my two clones came within five minutes of each other...

I started laughing like a madman as I remembered what had happened at the Triskelion, the SHIELD HQ!

I have to say that my clones had given them a hell of a cold sweat...


Earlier in a SHIELD facility.

Nick Fury and Phil Coulson had been watching the cell's surveillance screen for two hours.

''He's scared... but, one thing doesn't add up.'' Fury repeated another time, his mind telling him that he was looking at a captive, however, his instincts told him that he had someone here who wanted to...

''Director? I don't understand, Agent Rumlow himself said that the suspicions were unfounded...'' Coulson resumed, he wasn't sure what his superior meant.

''Rumlow? The agent in charge of him?" the S.H.I.E.L.D. director questioned. "Indeed, he subdued him quite easily apparently,'' Coulson replied at once.

''Well I think he's waited long enough, let's pay him a little visit.'' Nick Fury spoke decisively.

The two men left the surveillance room, heading straight for the cell.

They entered the white room, making eye contact by reflex...

the expression on the clone's face immediately lit up, "Finally, I thought you were going to leave me here all day!

''Stop the bullshit, who are you? Where are you from? And what do you want?!" it was Fury who spoke with authority, not suspecting that he was already in the palm of the clone's hands...

''Me?!" the clone said as he looked around uncertainly.

''Who else do you see locked in here besides you?'' Fury asked.

''You and him?'' the clone said referring to Phil and Nick, however, he immediately resumed. "Uh, who are you anyway? A pirate? No! You're... wait! Don't tell me, Nick! OH my goodness! I know your name...'' the clone's face went from scared to carefree to dangerous!

Nick Fury's eyes instantly became serious, as did Coulson's!

''Where did you get this information!'' Coulson almost shouted. ''ah! calm down Phil, you're scary!'' the clone screamed in fear, then returned to his carefree face in less than a second.

Fury raised an eyebrow and looked at Phil Coulson strangely...

''You know you could rot here all your life, don't you?'' Nick Fury lost his composure, though he didn't show it.

''uh...I'm not the one who's tied up, guys...'' Nick and Phil didn't really understand what he meant except that suddenly they found themselves sitting in the clone's seat with their hands tied!

Fury immediately lost his composure and tried to shout for help to his agents, but his mouth made no sound! And it was the same for Phil.

They tried to struggle but nothing helped!

The clone looked on and smiled madly, "Guys, calm down... we're between man! Let's have a party!" the clone shouted and suddenly Nick and Coulson were on a dance floor...

Nick and Phil Coulson began to dance together against their will...

this Genjutsu was powerful and unique, of course, it was the system that gave it to him!


With the second clone.

A Nick Fury was sitting behind his desk working at first sight...

however he downloaded and stored all the S.H.I.E.L.D. files on a special USB stick from his own stuff, no one was going to question him as he was the director.

Once the files he wanted were downloaded onto his drive he put them in a Fuinjutsu scroll sealing it!

The fake Nick Fury asked a secretary to send his letter, which he said was important!

The woman ran to the parking lot and went directly to deliver the letter to the person he asked!

Waiting a few more minutes...

''I am Nick Fury, aka the Evil Pirate! Mouahahahahah the king of the pirates it will be me!'' he recorded a message of the highest importance and sent it to all the agents of the base!

The message will be played in a loop until Nick himself decides to stop it!

And suddenly POOOF! He disappeared in a cloud of smoke...


with the first clone.

'' I am Nick Fury, aka the Evil Pirate! Mouahahahahah the king of the pirates IT will be me!'' the clone immediately laughed as he looked at the S.H.I.E.L.D. director who was already drooling, his mind trying to fight against the Genjutsu.

Strangely Phil Coulson seemed to be enjoying his time dancing with his boss...

Cutting off the Genjutsu the clone got up and broke his handcuffs, he went to stand in front of Nick and Phil who was motionless until then...

Thanks for reading, the Marvel: Superme Chapter will be updated tomorrow morning at London time.

Sorry to keep you waiting but I'm having trouble translating some passages, I keep losing my concentration...

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