
Becoming A God

As Fujin got back to earth he would boost the abilities of his suit Fujin would then began to go find the Phoenix Force to gain ultimate power finding echo the holder of the Phoenix force as he arrived he would send an energy beam towards her but it had no effect Fujin would say I,m impressed creating a giant ice fist but it would be melted by flames Fujin and echo battle would began Fujin would manage to win barely stabbing her with an ice sword as she would freeze but before that Fujin absorbed the power of the Phoenix force gaining the power of the phoenix [Powers] Cosmic flame manipulation ice manipulation flight time manipulation life force manipulation super strength speed endurance

enhanced senses telepathy telekinesis Cosmic awareness enhanced knowledge teleportation energy generation invisibility portal generation x-ray vision heat vision.

Fujin has gained god like powers and a goal become unbeatable learning of the infinity stones and there powers so he began to build a glove