
Marvel: Mutant Paradise

Lynn found and became a student at Mutant College. Her ability is to create magic. Avada Kedavra... Glacier peaks, ember storms... Fire Magic, Dragon Slayer Thunder Magic... True mirror image, dimensional leap, elemental mysteries, time stillness... After ten years of accumulation, Lynn has mastered countless splendid and terrifying magics, but she knows very well that it makes no sense for Professor X to allow students to act as bullies to save the world and allow humans and mutants to coexist peacefully. The only way to change the living environment of Mutant is to increase the right to speak!

BlackGoku222 · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 015

Half an hour later.

Lynn appeared at the door of the academy.

Carrying a box in her hand, similar to the one Newt carries in Fantastic Beasts.

The space inside the box has been expanded countless times by the Stretching Curse, impossible to trace, but it is not used to house magical animals, but is filled with various experimental equipment from the first-generation "Oasis" machine.

"Speaking of which, has today's magic not arrived yet?"

As she grew bored, Lynn's thoughts shifted slightly.


[Obtain the magic of the five rings · True Mirror Image!]

[P.S.: It's just a login bonus]


Lynn smiled with satisfaction.

The stronger one's own strength, the stronger the magic created from memory.

According to the Mutant's strength, she divided her magic into different categories.

The power of the four-ring magic is roughly equivalent to the super-ability of a fourth-level mutant.

The magical law of the five rings is equivalent to a fifth-level Mutant.

This real mirror image magic may not seem very powerful, but it can duplicate a completely real mirror image duplication, the strength is exactly the same as that of a deity, and there are many competent spells in it.

This is not as simple as one plus one equals two!

Two Lynns can easily sweep Xavier's school!

Although this reflected image can only last half an hour, the level of magic can be improved!

Six Rings · True Mirror Image can duplicate two mirrored images.

Seven rings can copy three!

Eight rings...

"One person is an army..."

Lynn is in a very good mood to acquire a new and powerful spell.

She has officially entered the realm of the Great Magician of the Five Rings.

Although most of the spells she currently masters are four-ring magic, there is not much five-ring magic, only a few like Hydra and True Mirror Art.

But facing mutants of almost level five like Professor X and Magneto, she is completely worthy.

In particular, the two constant passive magics [Steel Body] and [Spiritual Immunity] in her body have reached the astonishing amount of seven rings.

After a while, Shadowcat and Jubilation Lee came hand in hand.

The two girls didn't even have suitcases, but each had a beautiful bead bag hanging from their waists.

No need to ask, Lynn has modified them all with the traceless stretching spell.

Then, when Iceman, Colossus, and 'Sun Sunspot' Roberto (the firefighter at the beginning of Reverse the Future) finally arrived with large bags on their backs.

The scene was inexplicably a bit awkward for them.

"Lynn, you mentioned earlier that we had to ask for permission in advance when we returned to the academy, I thought we were going to be out for a long time..."

As they looked at each other, it was Iceman who spoke with a sarcastic smile.

"You're right. We won't be back at the academy in a short time."

Colossus: "How are we going? Is there no car here? I thought I had a chance to take a Blackbird jet!"

The Blackbird jet is the vehicle used by the X-Men for missions.

Built at Professor X's expense.

"I also want to know the answer to this question!"

A pleasant voice suddenly sounded, and everyone unconsciously turned their heads, only to see Phoenix Jean Grey, dressed in black leather, walking slowly in high heels.

She looked at Lynn and said with a smile, "The professor asked me to be in charge of the connection with the X Fund and also asked me to protect you."

Lynn nodded.

After all, Professor X has invested 100 million dollars and it is definitely impossible for Lynn, some students who have not yet graduated, to operate at will.

So Lynn was not surprised at all by the presence of the school teacher.

She just didn't expect this person to be Jean Grey.

Shaking her head, Lynn didn't dwell on this and picked up the box at her feet with her left hand. "Time waits for no one, let's go."

She didn't see any other movement and suddenly there were ripples in the void in front of her.

A mage who can't open space doors is not an excellent mage.

Lynn clearly is not on that list.

In the next moment, under Jean Grey's astonished eyes and the almost dull eyes of the others, a radiant spatial portal slowly opened.

Looking through the door, there are many tall buildings on the other side, which seem to be...

"New York?!"




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