
Marvel Mutant, I’m a Burning Martian!

There is winning at superpower lottery. Then there is REALLY winning the superpower lottery. That is my case, being isekai’d with powers of a being that once made all of Justice League into his bitches. Being a mutant may not be the so bad with that much power. Be ready Marvel, for I am a Burning Martian! Warnings: -Harem -Morally very flexible MC -DarkWolfShiro kind of MC -Ready to do some less than moral shit MC -Very OP MC -Pretty much a power fantasy with plot

EgyptianDio · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs


Sweet baby Jesus, I hope someone got the number of the truck that ran over me. Literally ran over me. Though it seems I have miraculously survived! Waking up in a white void…

Guess I did not survive then.

This sucks.

But it does not matter cause I am… I am…

Who was I again? And why the hell am I not panicking?

"Sir, please look over here." A voice came behind me and I turned as fast as I could, almost giving myself a whiplash.

The man(?) behind me was not exactly… human. He(?) was white silhouette with only teeth visible. Like Truth!

"Please come with me sir, your next great adventure is about to begin." The silhouette turned around and started to walk away. And as I discarded everything my mother taught me about strangers, I followed him.

"I know you have questions sir, and I will answer them. So please be patient." Silhouette said as we came to what looked like an office but everything was white. Chairs, walls, desk, and everything!

"Ok, who are you and where are we?" I knew he told me to be patient but seriously, there is a limit.

"We are right now in my office sir, and I am Reincarnator six delta eight. I am your personal assistant for the duration of the next few minutes in order to send you to your new world." Wait what?

"There are more of you? And why?"

"Of course there are more Reincarnators sir. You can even say we are a different species of humanoids. And about why… Unfortunately there isn't a clear answer sir. Why do YOU breathe? Why do humans reproduce? It is simply something you do. Reincarnating others is what we do." Delta eight explained. Which kinda made sense in a nonsensical way. These guys kinda sounded like ROBs to me so trying understand them in the same way one understands a human would be stupid.

"Now sir, unfortunately your, for a lack of better term, impact on your last world was not exactly worth much. Therefore you do not get higher privileges like choosing your destination or your gifts." Ok that sucked.

"So I am gonna be sent to another world at random?" I asked with a small amount of dread.

"Yeas but actually no. Doing such a thing would be considered a very bad service, you will simply have to make a spin." Delta eight waved my concerns away as he pulled out a spinning wheel from… somewhere.

"Please spin the wheel sir, and it shall decide your destination."

"There isn't anything on the wheel though?"

"Oh there is sir, they are simply too small for you to see since there are too many, look." Delta eight laughed as he pulled out a magnifying glass and showed that there indeed was many different names on the wheel.

Boku no Hero Academia


Fast and Furious




And many more. Seeing no other alternative, I simply spinned the wheel and waited until it stopped on…


Ok this wasn't exactly good but it definitely could have been worse.

"An excellent spin sir. Now please spin again so that your new gift can be decided." So I spinned the wheel again and waited until it stopped once more. But this time a disco ball descended from… somewhere and confetti started to rain down.

"Congratulations sir, you have won a very high grade gift!" Delta clapped his hands as music started, the kind that you would hear in a competition show when someone finally wins the stupid car.

"What did I win?"

"You have won Burning Martian Physiology, sir. One of our highest options. Congratulations!" Delta rise up from his chair and started shaking my hand, up and down.

I was happy too cause a Burning Martian, that was winning the superpower lottery. The only Burning Martian shown in DC was Fernus, a separate personality born from Martian Manhunter, and he had almost destroyed the Justice League, he was a being with almost no weaknesses. Though there was one issue…

"What about the rather… insane way a Burning Martian's mind works?" Cause the Burning as a species were only interested in trying to destroy each other and use energy from negative emotions of other sentient beings to create more Burning, their children.

"Do not worry sir, sending you off as a raging alien monster would be VERY bad service. The mental compulsion to multiply has been completely wiped off and replaced by your normal human libido. And his natural instinct to dominate has been lowered until it wouldn't affect your own instinct to dominate." Delta smiled. But my own instinct to dominate? Whut?

"I can see that you are confused sir. But do not worry, just try to remember your second year in college." I had no idea how that would help but Delta had yet to lead me astray so I went along with it. Second year in college:

Had a reunion party with the others.

Studied for the exams.

Got a rather nasty teacher, Miss Caren who seemed to hate every male in her classroom because of some asinine reason like her last boyfriend being a jerk.

Seducing twin cheerleaders and convincing them to make a sixty nine show for him in his room.

Blackmailing Miss Caren to practically becoming his slave after he caught her trying to change his answers on his exam sheet in order to fail him.



Training Caren and the cheerleaders.

And many more similar things.

Though still did not remember my name.

"It seems like you have your memories back." Yeah I did. Rather nice to have them back.

"Now it is time to choose your name and send you off sir." A name, yeah I did need one didn't I?

"Can't I just have my old name back?" That only seemed to amuse Delta, well as amused a silhouette could be.

"No, that would be just a waste. This is your NEW life after all." Ok, not gonna argue with the guy who was about give me superpowers.

"Please put your hand in here, sir." Delta pointed to a piece of tech that I had no chances of identifying, connected to his computer and I put my hand on it.

As many names started to appear on the screen in a speed that I could not track, Delta simply whistled. Funnily enough this took far longer than the spin for world and superpower combined.


"Your new name is Damian Owen. Have fun with your new life sir."

Ohh I plan to.

Then I opened my eyes in my new life.