
Marvel Mutant, I’m a Burning Martian!

There is winning at superpower lottery. Then there is REALLY winning the superpower lottery. That is my case, being isekai’d with powers of a being that once made all of Justice League into his bitches. Being a mutant may not be the so bad with that much power. Be ready Marvel, for I am a Burning Martian! Warnings: -Harem -Morally very flexible MC -DarkWolfShiro kind of MC -Ready to do some less than moral shit MC -Very OP MC -Pretty much a power fantasy with plot

EgyptianDio · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Chapter 28

"So... you are my daughter?" Susan asked as she tried to put on a smile in order to make things a bit less awkward, and failed. In her defense, she was the only one trying as Reed was just circling around the girl with some weird gadget in his hands scanning her.

"Yes... I'm Valeria." Which the now named Valeria did not seem to appreciate going by her glare by Reed had never been the best at picking up social cues. Not that he was any better with anything that was social.

"As far I can see, there are no radiation based damage on her. So I can conclude that her method did not involve nuclear or any similar principles in its execution." As shown by the fact that the man was more interested in Valeria's time travel methods rather than the fact that she was their daughter! "Do you know anything about the inner workings of the device that transported you to this time period?"

"None that I'm willing to tell you." Valeria said with a sniff and Susan could see the air leave Reed as the man suddenly became depressed by the rejection. It was a sight that would have made her pity the man if he wasn't showing more interest in time travel technology, rather than the fact that their daughter from future was in front of them!

"It's rather eerie to see her side by side to you." Susan's thoughts about how to strangle her team leader were interrupted by a voice from beside her that belonged to the weather controlling mutant. "She looks exactly like you, yet there is quite a bit of Reed in her personality." Ororo said with what Susan could only assume to be a reassuring smile, it wasn't exactly much reassuring though.

"I think I won't be able to appreciate those points till Reed actually starts to care about the fact that she's our daughter rather than treating her as a research subject." Susan admitted with a sigh while Ororo could only pat her shoulder reassuringly.

"I… honestly can't even begin to imagine how this must make you feel."

"No, you can't."

"But if it's any consolation, I think that we're lucky that the one who came was someone related to you." The weather manipulator said and, despite her best efforts not to, Susan felt a smile grow on her face.

"Isn't there supposed to be a 'friend' of her's that came with her."

"…yes, but I'm ignoring her at the moment so that my words will have bigger emotional impact." Ororo admitted with a smile and then they both laughed. Susan knew that she made the right choice when she told Charles to bring Ororo, weather controlling mutant was far better company than the bald telepath and knew how to make people feel better.

"Don't touch that!" Until she had to deal with Reed again that is. "Those are intricate calculations that haven't been solved yet!" The leader of the Fantastic Four cried out as he tried to stop Valeria from writing on his chalkboard, but as Susan took a moment to look at what she was writing on the board; she realized…

"Reed… doesn't that fix the problem you've been having?" She asked with wide eyes and her teammate gave her a quick glare before turning back to the chalkboard.

"Are you out of your mind? There is no way, oh hey look that fixes the problem I've been having." His angry tirade ended before it could even properly begin and Valeria walked away from the chalkboard as she threw the chalk over her shoulder.

"You're welcome." And then went towards Susan, uncaring of the perplexed state she left Reed in.

"I don't want to badmouth you mother, but I need to say this." The blond girl said seriously as she leaned towards Susan, who swallowed at her future daughter's serious face, and continued.

"You need to give up on that guy."

"Wouldn't that erase you from existence?" Ororo asked with a frown and gave Susan the time she needed to recover from the fact that her own daughter had just told her that her feelings towards Reed was wrong.

"That's not how time travel works. The future I came from is now my past, so nothing I do in this time period will actually affect me." Valeria said with a nod before turning back to Susan. "But that's not the topic now. You really need to give up on him, you won't be getting what you wish for from him."

"Isn't your existence the proof against that?!" Susan snapped, only mildly feeling bad about snapping a girl younger than her.

"No, I assure you that it's not." Valeria said with a sigh. "The only commitments Reed Richards has is to science and to his own sense of curiosity. My… conception was merely a moment of interest from him, nothing more." She claimed as she raised her hand, right before it started glowing and then the glow died down to reveal a metal gauntlet on her arm.

"Doom had been more of a father to me than Reed Richards." Susan could feel her brain shatter to pieces as the words reached her ears. Reed being a bad father and husband would have been a bitter pill to swallow anyway, but claiming that Victor von Doom of all people did a better job as a father to her daughter? That hurt, a lot, and made her feel like she really lost the argument.

But she had one final card in her sleeve.

"And I'm guessing your god would be a far better choice than Reed." She said sarcastically, still not happy with the knowledge that her daughter had been part of a cult that was dedicated to the young man that had been in the Baxter Building to test his powers less than a week ago.

"He definitely would!" But it seemed like her final attack backfired and there was a new light in Valeria's eyes, almost like she was happy that Susan finally started to see things her way. Something that seemed to make Ororo quite uncomfortable as well.

"Our lord is the one destined to lead this world to a brighter tomorrow after all, and I know for a fact that he does not have anything against polygamous relationships!" And the direction of Valeria's thoughts were going to even worse directions! "I can already see it, he must have wanted me to come here so that I could finally make you understand the truth of his ways! To accomplish the task that I failed in my own time period!"


"Damian, can you please take your nightmare fuel horse out of the building?!" Kitty snapped with a glare as the mentioned nightmare fuel horse was breathing down at her.

"Sorry Kitty, but Bob does what Bob wants.


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