
Marvel Meiman The Little Girl Next Door Is Gwen The Spider

Story of: American comics: From the arrival of Gotham, DC (Pure DC system harem text) Jiang Li found himself transported to the DC world. In this world full of dangers, Jiang Li had to try his best to survive, and the first place he crossed was the city of crime in the DC world - Gotham! Fortunately, he has a check-in and check-in system, which allows him to complete the check-in tasks to obtain various abilities, and also allows him to survive in this dangerous world. [Sign in to the Superman series, reward the blood of Doomsday] [Sign in the Flash series, reward the speed force] Everyone else called him Ace, or Friend of the Heroine. Unknowingly, there are many graceful figures in his arms, and he is also invincible in the thousands of universes. Batgirl, Wonder Woman, Catwoman, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Mera, Supergirl, Raven... [PS: Even if you haven't watched DC, you can try to see it as an original. 】 [PS: The protagonist is an anti-hero. 】 【approximately.. Feilu Novel.com's exclusive signed novel: "Beauty Man: From the Arrival of Gotham to Across DC"; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.

Zero_D_Darkness · Anime & Comics
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120 Chs

Chapter 92

"Why is this ball so powerful?"

Jessica poked the meow ball, "Is it really my brother who turned it out of an antique store?" ... I suspect that it was given by the black spider again, like the big guy (the destroyer) who walked around the manor all day. "

Matilda blinked, and the metal ball in her hand shot out small electric sparks, igniting the cigarette that had been in her mouth for a long time———I'm just a good kid who likes cigarettes, I don't understand anything…


There was a sudden slight tremor on the ground, which made the two sisters stunned…

Jessica: "What's going on, Matilda, did you blow something down?" "


Matilda exhaled a small breath of light mist, pinched her fingers on the cigarette and took it off, and said suspiciously, "I don't know…"

She wasn't sure if she was pushing too hard.

"That's not right….! It seems to be in….."

Jessica soared into the sky, "Go up and see!" "

Matilda tilted her head lightly, hugged the meow ball in her arms, and flew into the sky with its power.

The two flew higher and higher, and after pulling up to a certain distance, they knew what the situation was…

A huge subsidence collapsed rapidly, spreading outward at a rapid speed, which was a very far away area, but they were still a little shocked to see here…

Matilda: "Is this an earthquake?" "

"Nope…. Probably not….."

Jessica looked at it for a moment.

Found this huge deep pit, spread to a certain extent and stopped, "You see…. It stopped….."

She breathed a sigh of relief.

If she didn't stop, she would have to tell Ye Li and Gwen to flee New York quickly.

"Skye, it's time for dinner~"

Areas outside the washroom.

Ye Li leaned against the wall and waited, "Take you out to eat today, Gwen and they are waiting for you." "


Skye, who was gargling inside, spit out a little grumbling, "Dead away, always bullying me like this!" "

Ye Liguan smiled~ Who made you unwilling to give up home plate?


Someone was secretly getting cheap and selling well, and suddenly his heart moved, and he found that the powerful thunder spell left on the meow ball was triggered.

Matilda, what danger did they encounter?

Ye Li wondered.———.Didn't the second sister say that she took the little sister to be a detective assistant?

[You defeated Jessicaye's enemy of fate, Mrs. Gao, one of the five fingers of the hand union, as her relationship, you can choose one of the following rewards]

[1. Monetary reward: one million US dollars]

[2. Random Rewards: Yu-Gi-Oh Full Gift Package]

[3. Reward from servant: Transform Mrs. Gao and obtain an absolutely loyal subordinate]

430 What B moves?

Ye Li thought slightly…

It soon became clear why——— it should be Matilda who defeated Mrs. Gao with a thunder spell.

The thunder spell was laid by him.

It can also be considered that he snatched people's heads.

But what the hell is this [Yu-Gi-Oh Full Package]?

Ye Li felt that this thing should be an ordinary item like [Captain America's figure], [Tifa's photo photo], and [Refreshing soda].

But Mrs. Gao is even more useless…. Summon an old woman with little wisdom … Might as well play cards.

So he chose to say: [2]

[The full set of Yu-Gi-Oh gift packages has been distributed, whether to open them]


[Card Deck Issued]

[Duel Disc Distributed]

[Holographic simulator has been distributed]

[Please select the initial installation site of the holographic simulator]

What? And holographic simulators?

Ye Li also thought that the system would throw a few cards to himself, at most a few blue-eyed white dragons, but he didn't expect to be so generous, and even gave the holographic simulation device.

This device can not only play cards, but also play a good auxiliary role in combat training.

So he chose to install the holographic simulator directly into the club's large training ground.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the system was installed for him, and it was still a permanent warranty.

It has to be said.

Such a conscientious merchant is difficult to find…

Outside the collapsed Cosmic Cube research base.

"Ma Ja Fak!"

Nick Fury on the helicopter, looking at Loki, who was fleeing with the Cosmic Cube below, ordered the pilot, "Fire!" Fire me! "

"Sir…. This is an emergency escape helicopter …."

The pilot was embarrassed, "Not a gunship ….. There are no loaded weapons …"

"Eurichee! I'll do it myself! "


The egg was so angry that he pushed open the hatch and took his own small pistol and aimed it at Hawkeye, the "traitor" pilot carrying Loki, and Biubiubiu shot it——!

Ring the bell!

Director Fury's accuracy is still quite good, but the S.H.I.E.L.D. car stolen by Hawkeye is of excellent quality, and the bullets are blocked by the bulletproof glass in the window.

Loki, who was sitting in the back of the car, glanced at the funny brine, raised the Mind Gem Staff and gave him a ——— biu


The helicopter wing was hit and quickly dumped on one.

The black brine egg fell and rolled on the ground a few times, only to shoot a few shots ineptly and furiously at the distant Loki.


Coulson's voice came from the communication: [Chief Fury, do you hear that?] ]

Fury was angry in his heart, but did not show it, and ordered: [Coulson, you go back to the base and send out a level seven alarm! ] From now on, the war has begun…]


"Summon the guardian of the dragon demon guide in an attack state."

Central of the venue.


The virtual projection device projects a lifelike game monster, and even the roar is clearly audible.

Ye Li put the front of the card on the duel board and said, "Activate the effect, throw away a hand, add a miracle fusion from the deck to the hand card, and then launch…

After the round, opposite.

Tony also wore a duel board in his hand, hesitantly picking and choosing between his hands, "…. Forehead…. This…. I…."

He was about to pull out the ancient mechanical giant in his hand – [Sir, Coulson of S.H.I.E.L.D. CALL] (Jarvis)

Tony: [Hey, bother me at this time?] ]

Coulson: [Tony, I hope to see you soon]

Tony: [I'm busy right now, no matter how much you miss me, please wait a minute]

Coulson: [It's urgent…..]


This way.

Ye Li also received a call: [Hey, Natasha, I think you also want to say that the situation is urgent. ]

[Also?] ]

Natasha: [Yes, there is something urgent, I want to make an appointment with you once, are you free?] ]

Ye Li: [Oh no, I'm busy playing cards.] ]

Natasha: [Playing cards? ]

[That's right, playing cards]

Ye Li: [Tony is also opposite me, he has a lot of fun, do you want two?] ]

Natasha: [??? ]

Club Exterior.

"Hey, Ned, you can't do this."

Peter spat out, "This is not in line with the rules Li said, why can't my monster beat your monster?" "

"Because my monster can fly, but yours can't."

Ned learned the technique of mouthbeard without a teacher, "Do you say this is true? "


Peter retorted, "No! The green goblin can also fly, isn't it also dragged down by the ghost spider? "

Ned spread his hands, "Can your monster shoot spider silk?" "

Peter: "You're playing tricks!" "


The glass door was pushed open.

Striking burgundy hair greeted the club's members.


"Big beauty!"


The members of the Ghost Spider Club are still relatively qualified, and they just greet Black Widow warmly, cast appreciative eyes, and do not spit out any words.

"Raw face, are you here to register as a member?"

A man who considered himself a gentleman explained to Natasha, "Actually, the club has opened online registration, you don't have to go to it yourself. "

"Hey! Are you a fool!

If this beautiful young lady didn't come to register, how could we meet today? "

Another member of the flower shirt raised the deck in his hand, "Beautiful young lady, what's your name?" Do you want a thrilling duel? "


Without saying names, Natasha scanned the club environment and said, "It's much looser here than I thought." "

"Of course."

Mary Jane said, "Everyone is here for entertainment, not for military training. "

Natasha smiled slightly, "Then Barbara must have fun here~"

"You're here to find Barbara? She….."

"Jane, shh-" Barbara pushed open the inner hall door, pointed a finger at Mary Jane, signaled her to silence her, and beckoned to Natasha, "You, come here!" "


Natasha walked to the inner hall and asked Barbara as she approached, "….. Why don't you call me by name? "

Barbara: "I thought you wanted to keep it a secret. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"What about the others?"

"I'm still playing cards, and now it's the moment."

"Mr. Stark is still there?"

"Oh no, Mr. Stark is gone."


"His little girlfriends are here and are playing cards together in the president's lounge."


Natasha hesitated, "Really…..?" "


Barbara was convinced, "I can still hear them smashing their cards on the table in anger, they should have lost badly!" "

Natasha: "…"

Are you serious about this card?

In the president's lounge, Gwen, Jessica, and Felicia all sat beside Ye Li.

Skye and Cindy sat on the opposite sofa, their eyes still pretending to look at the Yu-Gi-Oh cards on the table, a little unable to fit in…

What's the difference…..

It's hard to go into details…..


Ye Li put his arm around the beauty's soft shoulders and asked, "Why are you all wearing high school uniforms today?" "

"Because it's almost over my high school life~"

Gwen straightened her dress and smiled sweetly, "So we want to wear this school uniform that we haven't worn a few times." "

Ye Li was inexplicably a little excited, "Will you wear it like this in the next few days?" "


Gwen was putting JK black silk on her jade feet, and she was slightly stunned when she heard this, "yes? What's wrong? "

"If the owner likes it~"

Felicia gently shook the cat Eba, bent her knees in the posture of a cat, climbed over from the other end of the sofa gracefully, and put her bare hands on Ye Li's shoulders, "We can wear anything~"

"Ahem!" Jessica coughed lightly and reminded herself, firm in her principles, "It's not everything!" "

Listen to the different girly timbres.

Ye Li looked at the duel cards scattered on the table, smiled happily, and played cards with well-behaved beautiful girls, it was really beautiful~


Bad things came quickly———

Tuk tuk ~

There was a knock on the door.

Barbara's voice came from outside the door, "Leave, Natasha is here, here on behalf of S.H.I.E.L.D." "

Ye Li looked at Gwen and Felicia, "You guys hide first." "

Their superhero identities have not yet been revealed, but they can't let Black Widow know.

Swoosh——! (Gwen)

Phew——! (Jessica)

Click——! in Felicia

Huh——! (Cindy)

Skye didn't have superpowers for the time being, moved a beat slower, and sat in place a little at a loss, "Do I need to avoid it?" "

Ye Li: "Ah…. No need…."


"Hey!" in Skye

Before he could finish speaking, Gwen and Cindy shot out the spider silk in a volley, pulling Skye to the hiding place…

Ye Li: "…" What does this mean?

"Can I come in? Mr. Ye? "

Outside the door, Natasha knocked on the door herself.

"Come in."


Natasha twisted the lock and walked in, and before the door, Barbara gave her a "cheer" look.


She simply closed the door again.

Ye Li looked amused, and reached out to Natasha to signal where Cindy was sitting just now, "Sit." "

Natasha moved to sit down and looked around without a trace….. This situation seems familiar, and the last time we talked in Ye Li's room, it was the same…

Why is it like this every time I am alone with him ….

A seasoned agent kind of wants to wash his hands again…..


It's a chattering conversation.

Black Widow spoke for a while.

Ye Li was tired of hearing this, so he said directly, "Agent Natasha, so the brine egg wants our club to send a superhero to join his alliance of revenge, right?" "

"It's the Avengers….."

Natasha said earnestly, "… It would be better if you could contact the black spider, this is a global event, and please Mr. Ye must pay attention. "

Come on…..

Ye Li secretly slandered: Even the level of the nuclear bomb that the army of the Chitari people cannot resist is still related to the world…

"Black Spider is impossible, and I won't let the girls join Fury's Big Boys League."

"It's the Avengers…"

Natasha corrected again, she is still in the plan, how come the Big Boys League…

"Don't worry, Agent Romanov."

Ye Li leaned on the back of the sofa and said comfortably, "I can recommend someone for you, but whether he is willing to join or not depends on his own meaning." "

Natasha: "Who is it?" "

"Daredevil, Matt Murdoch."


Black Widow only had a slight impression of the name, and after taking out the query instrument to search, she cleared Daredevil's information, and hesitated, "But he is not on the original list, I have to negotiate with Nick…"

"People aren't necessarily willing to join you yet."

Ye Li knew that Murdoch would not join the Avengers, and moving him out was just to be perfunctory.

"Miss Natasha, after the matter is over, are you interested in enjoying the night sky with me for a while?"

After Ye Li finished speaking, he stretched out his hand to invite.

Natasha's eyes flashed slightly….. This may be an opportunity…

Ready to plan, she smiled and shook her hand generously…..

"Brother is going to take her to the rooftop?"

Jessica jumped out first, "It's definitely okay." "

Cindy was a little worried, "Nothing will happen to you, right?" "


Gwen picked up the game cards scattered on the table, "There must be his intentions, he is very smart ~ will not be used by S.H.I.E.L.D." "


The corners of Skye's mouth smiled, "The teacher's virtue is not necessarily…"

A few girls chattered and chatted again.