
Marvel: Meditation System

Transmigrated as Grant Ward in prison. Follow as Grant Ward causes chaos in the MCU I own nothing except my OC. [dis cord.gg/6YYvm6tj6t] [pat reon.com/alcoholic_panda ]

Alcoholic_Panda · Anime & Comics
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137 Chs

A Wild Fitz Appears [Edited]

I was traumatized for a little, after I realized the true extent of Hulk's stats, I made sure to remember to run away when I see a giant green monster, I ain't going near him without learning magic first, at least then I can escape.

It's not all about stats anyway Hulk is one of the physically strongest in the Marvel universe but has no techniques, no skills, just smash. Which is better for the rest of us, can you imagine a Hulk who can do MMA and can actually think when he fights, it's game over for the rest of us.

I go to the gym, mentally up the resistance seals, and start pumping iron, and after 30 min, Sky and .. Fitz arrive. I admit I was surprised to see Fitz here, and man am I glad I'm not in that cell, dude looks conflicted probably something like 'I want to kill him in revenge but he has information that can save people's lives '.

"Sky" I nod to her, then look and raise an eyebrow "Fitz?"

"W-ward" he stutters out

"What's this about Sky?" I'm genuinely curious, what's their angle here

"First Coulson wanted Fitz to confront you in hopes that he will get better, second we want all the information you have on Carl Creel" Sky gives me his profile

"I know about him, looks like you do too"

"We know a lot but not everything, and we want to know how to find him" Sky glares at me. How cure she is trying to be intimidating, its as if a Chihuahua started acting like a guard dog. It's hilarious.

"Ohh that information is going to cost you, its mid-level one" i try my best not to laugh out loud

" Mid-level? for a guy like Creed? forget it" Sky scoffs

"No Creed is nowhere near mid-lvl he's barely low lvl, but the information on how to locate him is"

"What do you propose?"

" I want access to the gun range, I'm probably getting rusty. Do we have an accord?"

"Accord? what century do you l-live in" Fitz finally talks

(A/N I have been watching videos of Fitz talking in S2, it's hard to put it in words since he doesn't stutter all the time, I'm trying to make it natural)

"Come on, let a guy have some fun, it gets boring here" i smirk

"Y-you want to h-have fun, do you k-know what you did to me? You ruined me!!" Fitz yells out

"Fitz calm down"

"Sky he tried to kill us, he d-dumped me and Jemma in the ocean"

"Yes I did, your welcome about that by the way, I was ordered to kill you, instead I threw you off a plane at low altitude in a box with air, I honestly expected you to float. I gave you a fighting chance, guess what you survived, did I get a thank you, No. You didn't hear me complain, well until now that is." I shrug my shoulders

"Liar! you wanted to kill us!" Fitz yells

"Believe what you want, it makes no difference to me, now Sky do we have a deal" I ignore the whiny kid and turn to Sky

"Yes now start talking" she grumbles

Did I mention how useful the 'Shop' is? Information gathering has never been so easy

"Creel was a boxer nicknamed the 'Crusher', turns out any opponent has a glass jaw when you have steel fists under your gloves, Garet thought he'd be an asset. Now once Creel touches a substance he can absorb it, and somehow concisely transform the molecules of his body into that substance, he wouldn't tell us how but he enjoys how it feels, he also enjoys killing people, not that its surprising, its a common trait among Hydra operatives"

"Like you?" and here is another try from Sky to fish information, I think most of their questions lately are like personality tests,

"Nope~ Sorry to burst your bubble but I don't enjoy killing people, to me it's a job, a means to an end."

"Well, that's great but you still haven't told us how to find him" says Sky

"Patience Sky, when Hydra was still in Shield they used the white noise in the gaps between Shields quantum key distribution channels to hide messages, Shield might be gone, not those frequencies if Hydra is giving commands to him, that will be how"

"I expect to be able to go to the gun range from tomorrow, oh and Fitz the damage you suffered to your temporal lobe isn't permanent, start rehab, start working out and in time it will heal"

" "How do you know about that?" " it was a little funny seeing them in sync

"Oxygen deprivation is a common torture method, most people don't get the chance to recover because they are killed afterward, but those that live, they get better after rehab"

I turn my back and start working out, they look at me for a while, then leave.

They left with more questions than answers, this will mess with them for a while, and get them off my back, there was no way for me to know about his exact injury.

But staying here no longer has any benefits, in fact, it's slowing down my growth since I can't train properly, no conjuration, and I really want to find a mountain and use 'Ko' put all my aura into my fist and see what kind of damage I can do, I can't wait, I feel giddy just thinking about it.

And the time I waste here could be used in studying the Mystic arts, that's if they even allow me inside Kamar-Taj, The Ancient One is no joke, they nerfed her in the movie. Centuries of experience in magic/mystic arts and she just gets stabbed in the gut and dies? I call bullshit.

I hope I can, I'll even swear an oath to protect the earth for a couple of years, the magic I would learn would be worth it. Plus if a world-ending threat comes to your planet it doesn't matter who's the good or bad guy all that's important is survival.

It's still weird that only The Avengers and the so-called good guys went to fight Thanos, tell the gifted criminals that a psychopath is coming to end them all, and see if they won't fight, they won't sacrifice themselves or do it without benefits but I still think they would fight. Hell, just tell them they can have the tech they take from the soldiers they kill. Killing and profit they would jump right in if you dumb it down for them.

Word Count 1115

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